Obama didn't know

How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada, who has done this countless times, who are experts at creating/running single payer systems (that barry, always thinking ahead eh?) ... and this is what they produce? And obama didn't know? They didn't think so many people would use the website to sign up? They blamed it on volume, something that more servers would easily fix?

I'm having a very hard time swallowing this. Something is just 'off' with all of it. These people who are too stupid to test a massive website for more than six days? And the company implementing the system didn't say 'hey, we need to test this for months to work out the kinks'? Come on. Something is up with all of this.

How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Michigan is not in Canada.

Teal Media

Nice try.

Teal Media had a rather small part in helping to develop healthcare dot gov. And until certain web sites reported that Teal had removed all references to their work on healthcare dot gov from their website, you'd have never known they had their fingers in it. You'd also be hard pressed to find that Teal was founded by a former member of Obama's 2008 campaign... Wonder how he got the contract...

No, CGI Federal, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Canadian firm CGI Group, did the lions share of the work, the mess...

But that was a very good effort at covering...
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Michigan is not in Canada.

Teal Media

CGI Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique

is a Canadian company

and it was a no bid contract[/QUOTE]

it was developed by Teal Media: HealthCare.gov
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Michigan is not in Canada.

Teal Media

CGI Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique

is a Canadian company

and it was a no bid contract

it was developed by Teal Media: HealthCare.gov[/QUOTE]

CGI Federal Inc., a Fairfax, Va.-based subsidiary of CGI Group Inc., was awarded a US$93.7-million contract over two years to help build the federal insurance exchange. The company was tasked with designing, developing and implementing the exchange, known as the Federally Facilitated Marketplace.

Linda Odorisio, CGI’s vice-president of U.S. communications, said Monday the company was also working to cure the website’s ailments.
“CGI teams, along with CMS and its other contractors, are working around the clock toward the improvement of healthcare.gov, a system that is complex, ambitious and unprecedented,” she said in an e-mailed statement. “We remain confident in our ability to deliver continuous improvement in system performance and a more positive user experience.”

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee said on Monday that the lead contractors will testify at a hearing on Thursday about their role in the rollout of Obamacare. CGI, Serco, and Equifax have confirmed that they will send representatives, the committee said.

Montreal-based CGI under fire for delays and glitches plaguing Obamacare website tech firm helped build | Financial Post
He's the most unimformed POTUS I've ever seen.

He knows nothing about everything and when he finds out its the fault of the GOP or Bush.

CGI Federal Inc., a Fairfax, Va.-based subsidiary of CGI Group Inc., was awarded a US$93.7-million contract over two years to help build the federal insurance exchange. The company was tasked with designing, developing and implementing the exchange, known as the Federally Facilitated Marketplace.

Linda Odorisio, CGI’s vice-president of U.S. communications, said Monday the company was also working to cure the website’s ailments.
“CGI teams, along with CMS and its other contractors, are working around the clock toward the improvement of healthcare.gov, a system that is complex, ambitious and unprecedented,” she said in an e-mailed statement. “We remain confident in our ability to deliver continuous improvement in system performance and a more positive user experience.”

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee said on Monday that the lead contractors will testify at a hearing on Thursday about their role in the rollout of Obamacare. CGI, Serco, and Equifax have confirmed that they will send representatives, the committee said.

Montreal-based CGI under fire for delays and glitches plaguing Obamacare website tech firm helped build | Financial Post
There were multiple companies working on it. That portion was developed by the American subsidiary, CGI Federal. But again, much of thesite was developed by tealmeadia.com, also based in the U.S.
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What I am sure he and many others consider to be his biggest accomplishment, positive accomplishment, to date and he didn't know...

I find that very hard, if not impossible, to believe...

If true, it speaks volumes...

If not true, it speaks volumes...




Why don't you address the OP? If obama didn't know ... you have nothing to say about that; if he did know it was not ready for prime time but he gave the go ahead anyway ... you have nothing to say about that.

^^ and that

Shouldn't be surprised to see so few liberals venturing into this thread. There's really no good answer for how Obama could have stood by and let this happen.
What I am sure he and many others consider to be his biggest accomplishment, positive accomplishment, to date and he didn't know...

I find that very hard, if not impossible, to believe...

If true, it speaks volumes...

If not true, it speaks volumes...




Why don't you address the OP? If obama didn't know ... you have nothing to say about that; if he did know it was not ready for prime time but he gave the go ahead anyway ... you have nothing to say about that.

^^ and that

Shouldn't be surprised to see so few liberals venturing into this thread. There's really no good answer for how Obama could have stood by and let this happen.
What do you think he should have done?
What I am sure he and many others consider to be his biggest accomplishment, positive accomplishment, to date and he didn't know...

I find that very hard, if not impossible, to believe...

If true, it speaks volumes...

If not true, it speaks volumes...




Why don't you address the OP? If obama didn't know ... you have nothing to say about that; if he did know it was not ready for prime time but he gave the go ahead anyway ... you have nothing to say about that.

^^ and that

Shouldn't be surprised to see so few liberals venturing into this thread. There's really no good answer for how Obama could have stood by and let this happen.
What do you think he should have done?

Is that a serious question?

A. First he should have set benchmarks and made sure they were being met. If they were not, he should have found out in time to have something done about it.

B. If he still failed to take timely action in the past year, then having been suitably apprised about how woefully unready the site was, he shouldn't have rolled it out. He should have called that A-team in to fix things first.

Having a site which only the most determined people will sign up on could be worse for the future of the ACA than no one being able to sign up. The success of the ACA depends on a substantial volume of healthy people signing up. Among the people dedicated enough to hang on and try as many times as it finally takes, the percentage of unhealthy people could be catastrophically high.

He has been fighting against public perception since 2009. After the passage of the ACA he mounted a campaign to convince people they would like it once they saw what it could do for them. Public approval of the ACA has been under 50% for a long time (forever?). A good public reception of this rollout was vital. And he whiffed.
Obamacare is just the defining symbol of his presidency and Obama didn't bother to call anyone to ask them if the system was working properly before they unleashed it on us.
Thanks Amelia

Yes, if he doesn't know the ACA is unconstitutional on many grounds, what can you expect. Denial is denial. The same brain that suppresses dissenting information to bypass "cognitive dissonance" is going to skew anything else that comes in or goes out.

both parties see that the other dismisses their points as invalid or lying.
they can't see they are doing the same from the other side's viewpoint.

If psychologists and political scientists aren't studying this dual phenomena, they should.

It is like living proof that our perceptions are indirectly influenced and co-determined by external perceptions of others or by the collective conscience, and we are limited in our ability to exercise free choice and free thought if we are "stuck" in this dual denial and projection going on. If we can forgive and get past it, it doesn't restrict our perception and decision making abilities. This really should be determined and addressed at the start.

It should be screened and resolved BEFORE making public policy, like other syndromes
similar: the bystander syndrome, the Stockholm syndrome, Munchausen syndrome.

It is some form of projection, where the person is unwilling to change it if (a) they would have to change other things related to it that are not convenient either (b) the other side is not changing their perception so they stay mutually stuck in the same trap

^^ and that

Shouldn't be surprised to see so few liberals venturing into this thread. There's really no good answer for how Obama could have stood by and let this happen.
What do you think he should have done?

Is that a serious question?

A. First he should have set benchmarks and made sure they were being met. If they were not, he should have found out in time to have something done about it.

B. If he still failed to take timely action in the past year, then having been suitably apprised about how woefully unready the site was, he shouldn't have rolled it out. He should have called that A-team in to fix things first.

Having a site which only the most determined people will sign up on could be worse for the future of the ACA than no one being able to sign up. The success of the ACA depends on a substantial volume of healthy people signing up. Among the people dedicated enough to hang on and try as many times as it finally takes, the percentage of unhealthy people could be catastrophically high.

He has been fighting against public perception since 2009. After the passage of the ACA he mounted a campaign to convince people they would like it once they saw what it could do for them. Public approval of the ACA has been under 50% for a long time (forever?). A good public reception of this rollout was vital. And he whiffed.

I'll add from the very beginning he should have organized all supporters to be in charge of setting up their own systems if they were going to make it mandatory, for them. Then those people would have every incentive to make it work since it's their system, their business or govt program or whatever, that they invest in themselves.

Why the Greens didn't support the leaders pushing to set up their own sustainable coops, and why they went with Dems doing this thing, I don't know. I have the handbook on heatlh care coops by Paul Glover and it can be done. But people wanted to take a short cut and abuse govt to impose something to force change, but it divided the nation and created more mess to push it that way.

Obama should never have pushed this idea of making it mandatory for anyone who clearly opposed it. That just goes against human nature, thinking you can make things happen like God, and everyone will follow you? Since when? That wasted all this time energy money and other resources fighting legally over it instead of investing those resources directly into solutions of choice.

With the nation divided over this, how can anyone focus on the solutions they prefer. All the people I talk with taking sides on this can't even agree what to do. They should have been rewarded for creating their own programs and making them work, not fighting over this hybrid mix that no one really accepts responsibility for, that's why it isn't working.

The people with vested interest in making it work would have to work full time on it. What is off is the ratio of people served without doing any work to support or develop it,
vs. the people having to work at it full time, not to mention the even higher numbers of people who DON'T agree to participate or make it work who are assumed will pay for it, that is completely off track.
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wasn't there a Beavis and Butthead episode when Butthead didn't know the total for a Burger/Fries at his job?

I saw a question on a multiple choice test for high school that asked a question about students ordering fast food. The testmakers were trying to make the material relevant. Instead they made this one parent horrified, who showed me the questions. The real kicker was that I don't think it was for a math test. I think it was for English comprehension. Scary!

As for Obama and ACA, the fact that people aren't literate enough to know the difference between the commerce clause and private business and imposing a tax for govt services; the difference between federal duties under the Constitution and states rights and local govt where people can vote directly on policy changes; and the Constitutional process for either amending the Constitution in order to change it to this degree and/or for introducing a revenue bill for income tax through the Senate, not the House, is beyond disturbing.

I guess it is the equivalent of people screaming out that Congress decided to go to war in Iraq over a UN policy violation and not a direct declaration or attack of war by Iraq on US (just an indirect insinuation that leaders in Iraq were involved in funding Al Qaeda blamed for 9/11 which was an attack on American soil but not technically by a sovereign nation).

Many couldn't deal with that stretch of Constitutional duties, while others could by the Emergency War Powers of the President where it is understood that can be applied broadly

Since exceptions are generally tolerated when there is threat of war and expedient need for response as deterrence, that was used to justify any Constitutional issues with Bush.

With Obama this dire need to save lives and insure more people is used as the argument, but then it completely contradicts everything the prolife movement has argued with democrats and prochoice advocates regarding saving babies' lives as well as saving women from trauma and other dangers associated with abortion. what a mess.

just separate and let everyone register with their own programs of their choice. they can either work with their insurance provider, local medical school, church, party, charities or business or go independent, but at the very least make ACA mandatory only for people who signed and passed it and support it, and make it optional for anyone else who didnt.
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada, who has done this countless times, who are experts at creating/running single payer systems (that barry, always thinking ahead eh?) ... and this is what they produce? And obama didn't know? They didn't think so many people would use the website to sign up? They blamed it on volume, something that more servers would easily fix?

I'm having a very hard time swallowing this. Something is just 'off' with all of it. These people who are too stupid to test a massive website for more than six days? And the company implementing the system didn't say 'hey, we need to test this for months to work out the kinks'? Come on. Something is up with all of this.

How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Michigan is not in Canada.

Teal Media

Teal Media: HealthCare.gov
Teal Media was selected as the lead visual design team on the redesign of HealthCare.gov. Check out The Atlantic article about the redesign.

As the lead visual design team, we created the “look and feel” only, for the “Learn” side, along with certain individual screens of the marketplace application.​
Teal didn't work on the database.
Yea, he didn't know his signature legislation was doomed, but he knew who Trayvon Martin was didn't he

Hell, if Joe Blow can't sign up, how do they expect all the illegals to get through it? LMAO


^^ and that

Shouldn't be surprised to see so few liberals venturing into this thread. There's really no good answer for how Obama could have stood by and let this happen.
What do you think he should have done?

Is that a serious question?

A. First he should have set benchmarks and made sure they were being met. If they were not, he should have found out in time to have something done about it.

B. If he still failed to take timely action in the past year, then having been suitably apprised about how woefully unready the site was, he shouldn't have rolled it out. He should have called that A-team in to fix things first.

Having a site which only the most determined people will sign up on could be worse for the future of the ACA than no one being able to sign up. The success of the ACA depends on a substantial volume of healthy people signing up. Among the people dedicated enough to hang on and try as many times as it finally takes, the percentage of unhealthy people could be catastrophically high.

He has been fighting against public perception since 2009. After the passage of the ACA he mounted a campaign to convince people they would like it once they saw what it could do for them. Public approval of the ACA has been under 50% for a long time (forever?). A good public reception of this rollout was vital. And he whiffed.

You clearly know very little, if anything, about software development. Delays, glitches, going live with known problems, encountering unexpected issues; is commonplace. But what is truly absurd is asserting the President of the United States should have been the one "setting benchmarks" and monitoring them. He can take responsibility for it not starting up fully functional and on time since it's a product of his healthcare plan, but he should not have had anything to do with that site other than to delegate others to manage the development of it.

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