Obama directs new gun background check measures


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Sure, these are good intentions with likely bad unintended consequences.

So you get put on a list by whom? Once you're on a government list regardless of reason, it's very hard to get off it. What threshold will be used when determining the 'trip' wire if you will... meaning, what level/type of illness precludes one from firearm ownership?

Obama will no doubt use EO's to the extent possible to prevent law abiding citizens from obtaining firearms. To think any other goal is in play here is simply being in denial


Obama directs new gun background check measures | Reuters

(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday proposed two new gun control regulations aimed at clarifying restrictions on gun ownership for the mentally ill and strengthening a database used for background checks before firearm purchases.

The measures are the latest step in a year-long push by President Barack Obama to tighten U.S. gun laws in the wake of a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children were killed.

Obama tried last year to bring in sweeping new gun control measures in the aftermath of that shooting, but most of his proposals were defeated in Congress. He has pledged to continue working on the issue despite that setback.

Obama had directed his officials to take steps that do not require approval from Congress, such as Friday's two proposals.

The first action, proposed by the Department of Justice, would clarify who is prohibited from possessing firearms because of mental illness and would outline for states what information can be shared with the federal database.

The department will seek public comment over the next 90 days about whether the ban should encompass people under the age of 18 who were either adjudicated by a court to be suffering from a serious mental illness, or who were involuntarily treated for a mental illness.
It's 6:20 in the morning. Do you know where your fear mongering nutter is?

Actually, 0325 here on the Left Coast

You are close to being spot on. Do I believe in my lifetime that an overall ban on guns is iminent? (Y)

Am I afraid as you point out? (N)

Am I prepared instead of living in fear? (Y)

Small, incremental infringements are just a slow march to confiscation

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Sure, these are good intentions with likely bad unintended consequences.

So you get put on a list by whom? Once you're on a government list regardless of reason, it's very hard to get off it. What threshold will be used when determining the 'trip' wire if you will... meaning, what level/type of illness precludes one from firearm ownership?

Obama will no doubt use EO's to the extent possible to prevent law abiding citizens from obtaining firearms. To think any other goal is in play here is simply being in denial


Obama directs new gun background check measures | Reuters

(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday proposed two new gun control regulations aimed at clarifying restrictions on gun ownership for the mentally ill and strengthening a database used for background checks before firearm purchases.

The measures are the latest step in a year-long push by President Barack Obama to tighten U.S. gun laws in the wake of a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children were killed.

Obama tried last year to bring in sweeping new gun control measures in the aftermath of that shooting, but most of his proposals were defeated in Congress. He has pledged to continue working on the issue despite that setback.

Obama had directed his officials to take steps that do not require approval from Congress, such as Friday's two proposals.

The first action, proposed by the Department of Justice, would clarify who is prohibited from possessing firearms because of mental illness and would outline for states what information can be shared with the federal database.

The department will seek public comment over the next 90 days about whether the ban should encompass people under the age of 18 who were either adjudicated by a court to be suffering from a serious mental illness, or who were involuntarily treated for a mental illness.

The measures are the latest step in a year-long push by President Barack Obama to tighten U.S. gun laws in the wake of a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

How can you strengthen gun laws in a state that already had some of the toughest gun laws?
Sure, these are good intentions with likely bad unintended consequences.

So you get put on a list by whom? Once you're on a government list regardless of reason, it's very hard to get off it. What threshold will be used when determining the 'trip' wire if you will... meaning, what level/type of illness precludes one from firearm ownership?

Obama will no doubt use EO's to the extent possible to prevent law abiding citizens from obtaining firearms. To think any other goal is in play here is simply being in denial


Obama directs new gun background check measures | Reuters

(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday proposed two new gun control regulations aimed at clarifying restrictions on gun ownership for the mentally ill and strengthening a database used for background checks before firearm purchases.

The measures are the latest step in a year-long push by President Barack Obama to tighten U.S. gun laws in the wake of a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children were killed.

Obama tried last year to bring in sweeping new gun control measures in the aftermath of that shooting, but most of his proposals were defeated in Congress. He has pledged to continue working on the issue despite that setback.

Obama had directed his officials to take steps that do not require approval from Congress, such as Friday's two proposals.

The first action, proposed by the Department of Justice, would clarify who is prohibited from possessing firearms because of mental illness and would outline for states what information can be shared with the federal database.

The department will seek public comment over the next 90 days about whether the ban should encompass people under the age of 18 who were either adjudicated by a court to be suffering from a serious mental illness, or who were involuntarily treated for a mental illness.

The measures are the latest step in a year-long push by President Barack Obama to tighten U.S. gun laws in the wake of a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

How can you strengthen gun laws in a state that already had some of the toughest gun laws?

indeed- Obama should quit screwing around here or this will end like his other cluster stumps.

It's like a poll tax on gun ownership and unConstitutional.

There are no background checks for exercising your First Amendment rights, there shouldn't be any for the Second
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how lovely, why have a frikken Congress...fire them all and let the Dear Leader Presidents just dictate new rules

What we want from a Representative means nothing if Obama can just dictate his own rules

I've never seen anything like this, every week he's dictating changes to laws, dictating new rules, etc
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more fraudulent BS, and yes, this meathead flips the bird at the Constitution almost daily.

It's like a poll tax on gun ownership and unConstitutional.

There are no background checks for exercising your First Amendment rights, there shouldn't be any for the Second
1: People are not required to justify the exercising of a Constitutional right as prerequisite to indeed exercise that right.
2: Even if it is true that a gun in the home is more likely to kill a family member than an intruder, that doesn’t mitigate the right of the homeowner to nonetheless own a firearm, nor does it justify more restrictive gun control laws
3: A civil liberty cannot be restricted predicated on something that ‘might’ happen.

Pretty much covers everything.
Last I heard there were States considering legislation making it illegal for any federal authority to enforce any new federal gun laws. This could-and should-get interesting.

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