Obama Doubles-Down on Proven FALSE Global Warming Fear-Mongering Prediction

Obama can.
Again, what is your point? Do you think the public and government should not be concerned about the environment or prepared for potential natural disasters?
Per this OP, Obama didn't create a regulation about this hurricane situation... He issued a warning to help people be prepared after receiving a FEMA briefing... What are you all objecting to?

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season

The spirit of Saul Alynski is smiling up at you from hell right now.
Brilliant retort... Did you think of that all by yourself? If you got anything more than empty BarryBitchin to talk about then LMK and perhaps you can respond with something of substance.
"Like I said, it's a great 'tool', but, again, none prefer to use it more than Liberals."

That's what partisanshit is, the ability to see it on "one" side but not the "other".

No, that's an astute observation.

Look, I have no massive problem with a little 'fear mongering' as, like I said, politicians use it all the time. Liberals, however, have no self-control or ability to appropriately use it when they decide to engage in it:

Obama sails WAY over the top here, bordering 'desperation', by declaring Americans should be scared shit-less about 'Climate-Canes' when there hasn't been a major hurricane to hit the US in over a decade.
- There is not one Republican who would lie his ass off in such an obvious way to push an agenda.

Allan Grayson declared to the entire country that the entire GOP health care plan was 'Die Quickly', which was WAY over the top as well. I mean, come on!

Then there was D-Hank Johnson who actually declared if the United States put any more troops on the ISLAD of Guam it would literally TIP OVER. How even his fellow Democrats did not bust out laughing right to his face I will never know. The only thing I can think of is that they were so mortified that he said something SO stupid they just let it slip by and hoped no one noticed it.
What's your point? Do you think we should not be concerned about our environment?
I can't tell if you are feigning ignorance or if you really are that dumb.....

My point is Obama is a lying, deceitful, Fear-mongering agenda-pusher. He is desperate to frighten the hell out of people into believing his B$, even though the B$ he is pushing has already been debunked.

Go Barry, Go!

Do you see the same tactics being used in the Gun lobby? "They are gonna take all our guns away" or how about with immigration or ISIS or the National Debt??? All these things are important and in need of attention.. ALL are also grossly exaggerated and exploited to produce fear based support from the agenda pushers.

I'm not standing up for these tactics, but lets just be objective about the situation and not simply call it a "Barry" or crazy lefty thing...
NRA cannot create regulations.
Obama can.
Again, what is your point? Do you think the public and government should not be concerned about the environment or prepared for potential natural disasters?
Per this OP, Obama didn't create a regulation about this hurricane situation... He issued a warning to help people be prepared after receiving a FEMA briefing... What are you all objecting to?

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
"Like I said, it's a great 'tool', but, again, none prefer to use it more than Liberals."

That's what partisanshit is, the ability to see it on "one" side but not the "other".

No, that's an astute observation.

Look, I have no massive problem with a little 'fear mongering' as, like I said, politicians use it all the time. Liberals, however, have no self-control or ability to appropriately use it when they decide to engage in it:

Obama sails WAY over the top here, bordering 'desperation', by declaring Americans should be scared shit-less about 'Climate-Canes' when there hasn't been a major hurricane to hit the US in over a decade.
- There is not one Republican who would lie his ass off in such an obvious way to push an agenda.

Allan Grayson declared to the entire country that the entire GOP health care plan was 'Die Quickly', which was WAY over the top as well. I mean, come on!

Then there was D-Hank Johnson who actually declared if the United States put any more troops on the ISLAD of Guam it would literally TIP OVER. How even his fellow Democrats did not bust out laughing right to his face I will never know. The only thing I can think of is that they were so mortified that he said something SO stupid they just let it slip by and hoped no one noticed it.

Liberals, blah blah blah, partisanshit.
"Like I said, it's a great 'tool', but, again, none prefer to use it more than Liberals."

That's what partisanshit is, the ability to see it on "one" side but not the "other".

No, that's an astute observation.

Look, I have no massive problem with a little 'fear mongering' as, like I said, politicians use it all the time. Liberals, however, have no self-control or ability to appropriately use it when they decide to engage in it:

Obama sails WAY over the top here, bordering 'desperation', by declaring Americans should be scared shit-less about 'Climate-Canes' when there hasn't been a major hurricane to hit the US in over a decade.
- There is not one Republican who would lie his ass off in such an obvious way to push an agenda.

Allan Grayson declared to the entire country that the entire GOP health care plan was 'Die Quickly', which was WAY over the top as well. I mean, come on!

Then there was D-Hank Johnson who actually declared if the United States put any more troops on the ISLAD of Guam it would literally TIP OVER. How even his fellow Democrats did not bust out laughing right to his face I will never know. The only thing I can think of is that they were so mortified that he said something SO stupid they just let it slip by and hoped no one noticed it.
He got a report from FEMA and made an announcement to the public to be prepared now that hurricane season is beginning, what's the BFD? Have you seen the news lately? Half of Texas is under water... Don't you think a little evacuation planning is a smart idea? Where is this out of line Obama quote telling people to shit themselves and run for the hills?

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
[He got a report from FEMA and made an announcement to the public to be prepared now that hurricane season is beginning, what's the BFD?

Oh STOP kissing / shielding his ass already. He's a big boy - he can take it.

This wasn't a Public Service Announcement where he reminded people that it is hurricane season and that 'EVEN THOUGH THERE HASN'T BEEN A MAJOR HURRICANE TO HIT THE US IN OVER A DECADE' every American who could be effected by one should be prepared.


Just...STOP! :p
Forget SHARK-NADO - Run for your lives - It's 'CLIMATE-CANES'!

Obama: Prepare to Flee Climate-Caused Hurricane Devastation
[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.perezhilton.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F10%2Fmoviekidstheatre__oPt.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fperezhilton.com%2Fperezitos%2F2012-10-23-horrified-young-moviegoers-subjected-to-paranormal-activity-four-instead-of-madagascar-3&docid=0jctQt8OLuwPlM&tbnid=9ViX8qEQpapnEM%3A&w=450&h=560&hl=en&bih=607&biw=1180&ved=0ahUKEwiI3tKnoYfNAhWkz4MKHSieALsQMwgzKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fslayingevil.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F07%2Friot2.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgamingballistic.blogspot.com%2F2015%2F06%2Fviolent-resolution-as-three-is-to-one.html&docid=_eHnJeeeEmjuMM&tbnid=jCXT8Q76fdQt-M%3A&w=590&h=392&hl=en&bih=607&biw=1180&ved=0ahUKEwjpxtTNoYfNAhUL6oMKHfOIAroQMwiUAShbMFs&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL]
[URL='http://www.mrctv.org/blog/obama-prepare-flee-climate-caused-hurricane-devastation']Obama: Prepare to Flee Climate-Caused Hurricane Devastation

Ummm, not so fast Barry:

Hurricane Activity Down — Climate Alarmists Wrong Again

No Major Hurricanes In 9 Years.

Media Fail: No Major Hurricanes In 9 Years. - Breitbart

On the bright side for Libs, Obama will now claim there hasn't been a major hurricane BECAUSE he has been President. :p[/URL][/URL][/URL]

Looks to me like perhaps Barry is paying attention more to scientists and the science instead of his tv and/or radio.


[He got a report from FEMA and made an announcement to the public to be prepared now that hurricane season is beginning, what's the BFD?

Oh STOP kissing / shielding his ass already. He's a big boy - he can take it.

This wasn't a Public Service Announcement where he reminded people that it is hurricane season and that 'EVEN THOUGH THERE HASN'T BEEN A MAJOR HURRICANE TO HIT THE US IN OVER A DECADE' every American who could be effected by one should be prepared.


Just...STOP! :p
Post the quote you're talking about. I posted a link to a report that shows nothing was overblown at all. They even stated they expect a normal year after 3 relatively slow years of hurricane activity.

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
Last edited:
What are you talking about? Promoting clean energy, conservation, recycling, anti-pollution so we don't live in smog ridden wastelands etc etc etc... Why in the world would anybody be against these efforts?
They are relevant, but when it becomes obsessed as law and slavery to carry out these extreme measures, then it's worshiping the planet as being food for the gods, just as when the Aztecs sacrificed humans so the earth could be pleased and take care of them. Tree huggers follow this same pattern as tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, believing that the earth will be destroyed, preaching like a doomsayer false prophet. This has become religious fanaticism for the environ-mental cases. Your hoax predictions have been debunked. You guys are equivalent to Jehovah Witnesses.

Before the people of the world begin recycling, they were doing well when they used up the earth resources over the centuries, I believe we will just be fine since they survived.
What did he say again? Prep for disaster.

“All of us have seen the heartbreak, the damage and, in some case, the loss of life that hurricanes can cause. And as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating.

“One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it.Don't wait.”


Record-setting storm kills 1 in Pacific - CNN.com

I hope he is dead wrong. I hope we never get hit with a hurricane ever again.
What are you talking about? Promoting clean energy, conservation, recycling, anti-pollution so we don't live in smog ridden wastelands etc etc etc... Why in the world would anybody be against these efforts?
They are relevant, but when it becomes obsessed as law and slavery to carry out these extreme measures, then it's worshiping the planet as being food for the gods, just as when the Aztecs sacrificed humans so the earth could be pleased and take care of them. Tree huggers follow this same pattern as tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, believing that the earth will be destroyed, preaching like a doomsayer false prophet. This has become religious fanaticism for the environ-mental cases. Your hoax predictions have been debunked. You guys are equivalent to Jehovah Witnesses.

Before the people of the world begin recycling, they were doing well when they used up the earth resources over the centuries, I believe we will just be fine since they survived.
Again, what are you talking about?? You use all these generalized insults with no substance or specifics being pointed out. There are plenty of overboard environmentalists that I think cause more problems then they should... However, I haven not seen this from a government, law level... at least no where close to your claims of obsessed slavery. What is this hoax prediction? Post a link, show a quote, refer to ANYTHING specific or stop your pointless partisan bitching.
What's your point? Do you think we should not be concerned about our environment?
I can't tell if you are feigning ignorance or if you really are that dumb.....

My point is Obama is a lying, deceitful, Fear-mongering agenda-pusher. He is desperate to frighten the hell out of people into believing his B$, even though the B$ he is pushing has already been debunked.

Go Barry, Go!

Do you see the same tactics being used in the Gun lobby? "They are gonna take all our guns away" or how about with immigration or ISIS or the National Debt??? All these things are important and in need of attention.. ALL are also grossly exaggerated and exploited to produce fear based support from the agenda pushers.

I'm not standing up for these tactics, but lets just be objective about the situation and not simply call it a "Barry" or crazy lefty thing...
NRA cannot create regulations.
Obama can.
Again, what is your point? Do you think the public and government should not be concerned about the environment or prepared for potential natural disasters?
Per this OP, Obama didn't create a regulation about this hurricane situation... He issued a warning to help people be prepared after receiving a FEMA briefing... What are you all objecting to?

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
I live in Calif. not a peep about quake prep. Because he can't blame global warming. Yet.
What did he say again? Prep for disaster.

“All of us have seen the heartbreak, the damage and, in some case, the loss of life that hurricanes can cause. And as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating.

“One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it.Don't wait.”


Record-setting storm kills 1 in Pacific - CNN.com

I hope he is dead wrong. I hope we never get hit with a hurricane ever again.
Lets just look at facts:
1. Hurricane season is starting... Do you think it irresponsible to encourage citizens to be prepared?
2. Climate change = Ocean surface temperatures are warmer than ever and coastal water levels are higher than ever... Is this not a fact? This may or may not result in more hurricanes but there is strong evidence that this will increase the impact of hurricanes... Coastal flooding being the main culprit. Do you disagree?
3. In the statement the governemnt predicted normal hurricane predictions and acknowledge the 3 year lull of low hurricane activity.

Where are the dishonest fear mongering lies?
Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
I live in Calif. not a peep about quake prep. Because he can't blame global warming. Yet.


W2020, dude, you HAVE to start planning, packing, and panicking RIGHT NOW! Global Warming is going to head the surface of the earth, dry up all sources of water, causing creek / river-bed to crack, splitting the surface, penetrating down to your famous fault. It will cause the tectonic plates to shift, and Global Warming will cause the earth to open up its maw and devour everything from the ocean to Arizona!

And we will call it the 'Great Clima-Quake'!

God Bless and good luck!

What did he say again? Prep for disaster.

“All of us have seen the heartbreak, the damage and, in some case, the loss of life that hurricanes can cause. And as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating.

“One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it.Don't wait.”


Record-setting storm kills 1 in Pacific - CNN.com

I hope he is dead wrong. I hope we never get hit with a hurricane ever again.
Lets just look at facts:
1. Hurricane season is starting... Do you think it irresponsible to encourage citizens to be prepared?
2. Climate change = Ocean surface temperatures are warmer than ever and coastal water levels are higher than ever... Is this not a fact? This may or may not result in more hurricanes but there is strong evidence that this will increase the impact of hurricanes... Coastal flooding being the main culprit. Do you disagree?
3. In the statement the governemnt predicted normal hurricane predictions and acknowledge the 3 year lull of low hurricane activity.

Where are the dishonest fear mongering lies?

From the OP of course.
What's your point? Do you think we should not be concerned about our environment?
I can't tell if you are feigning ignorance or if you really are that dumb.....

My point is Obama is a lying, deceitful, Fear-mongering agenda-pusher. He is desperate to frighten the hell out of people into believing his B$, even though the B$ he is pushing has already been debunked.

Go Barry, Go!

Do you see the same tactics being used in the Gun lobby? "They are gonna take all our guns away" or how about with immigration or ISIS or the National Debt??? All these things are important and in need of attention.. ALL are also grossly exaggerated and exploited to produce fear based support from the agenda pushers.

I'm not standing up for these tactics, but lets just be objective about the situation and not simply call it a "Barry" or crazy lefty thing...
NRA cannot create regulations.
Obama can.
Again, what is your point? Do you think the public and government should not be concerned about the environment or prepared for potential natural disasters?
Per this OP, Obama didn't create a regulation about this hurricane situation... He issued a warning to help people be prepared after receiving a FEMA briefing... What are you all objecting to?

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
I live in Calif. not a peep about quake prep. Because he can't blame global warming. Yet.

Do earthquakes have a season?

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