Obama Doubles-Down on Proven FALSE Global Warming Fear-Mongering Prediction

It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.

Perhaps the fact that it 'only' impacted Houston / Texas is why they (these sources) did not consider it a 'Major hurricane'. Speculation - I can not read their minds and decipher why they did not include it. Fact remains the dire Global Warming predictions of increased hurricanes fell flat as the number of hurricanes FELL rather than increase.

Claiming now that Global Warming is going to create large numbers of 'Climate-Canes' is irresponsible. Want to advocate preparedness? Go for it, but leave the agenda-driven Fear-Mongering outside the door.

It's remnants caused destruction all the way into Canada.

"as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating."

So when does he predict an increase in the number of hurricanes?

The most powerful tropical storms in recorded history have happened in the last few years.
What is this hoax prediction? Post a link, show a quote, refer to ANYTHING specific or stop your pointless partisan bitching.
If you need google links to tell you how smart you need to be then you're already fucked, that's the tin foil hat problem now.
I need google links for you to back up your pointless claims. You present no facts or evidence to back any of your bluster and bitch about things that you completely make up or grossly distort.
Do you see the same tactics being used in the Gun lobby? "They are gonna take all our guns away" or how about with immigration or ISIS or the National Debt??? All these things are important and in need of attention.. ALL are also grossly exaggerated and exploited to produce fear based support from the agenda pushers.

I'm not standing up for these tactics, but lets just be objective about the situation and not simply call it a "Barry" or crazy lefty thing...
NRA cannot create regulations.
Obama can.
Again, what is your point? Do you think the public and government should not be concerned about the environment or prepared for potential natural disasters?
Per this OP, Obama didn't create a regulation about this hurricane situation... He issued a warning to help people be prepared after receiving a FEMA briefing... What are you all objecting to?

Obama Urges Public to Get Ready for Hurricane Season
I live in Calif. not a peep about quake prep. Because he can't blame global warming. Yet.
So what?? Stick to the point... What about his statement is out of line? Nobody has made a valid case. You think it is out of line to warn about hurricanes at the start of hurricane season with high coast water levels and the warmest surface temps in history, because he didn't also warn about earthquakes in California?? What kind of logic is that?

It's not even accurate either as I've been hearing a lot about a potential record breaking earthquake and possible Tsunami in CA... and the president has been actively promoting funding for earthquake support

You can accuse the president of a lot of things but not caring about the environment is not one of them.

Obama proposes $5 million for earthquake early warning system

FACT SHEET: Obama Administration Announces Steps to Increase Nation’s Resilience to Earthquakes
Like I said, not a peep about Americans taking earthquake prepardness steps. He ignores it because he can't blame the spagetti gorebal warmng monster for earthquakes. Yet.
Damn man, you are starting to worry me, are you really that far in denial that you can see what is right in from of your face? Let me help, take that little arrow pointy thing on your computer and click on the red text below, then have somebody who knows how to read tell you what the article says... then come back here, click on reply and say, sorry Slade you were right, I was wrong.

White House rallies public, private efforts to prepare for devastating earthquakes
Wrong again.
Not actually...the several sources I quoted did not consider Galveston a 'Major hurricane' strike / disaster. Nice try, though.

Ike was the size of and re
Wrong again.
Not actually...the several sources I quoted did not consider Galveston a 'Major hurricane' strike / disaster. Nice try, though.

Houston sits on top of Galveston Bay. Ike was the third costliest storm in the US so far.

It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.
Ike was a puny Cat 2.

"Due to its immense size, Ike caused devastation from the Louisiana coastline all the way to the Kenedy County region nearCorpus Christi, Texas.[4] In addition, Ike caused flooding and significant damage along the Mississippi coastline and the Florida Panhandle[5] Damages from Ike in U.S. coastal and inland areas are estimated at $29.5 billion (2008 USD),"

Hurricane Ike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can't help it if people can't build properly. Cat 2 is a large hurricane, but not major.

That Cat 2 refers only to wind speed. Not the size of the storm. Nor does it determine the storm surge.
It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.

Perhaps the fact that it 'only' impacted Houston / Texas is why they (these sources) did not consider it a 'Major hurricane'. Speculation - I can not read their minds and decipher why they did not include it. Fact remains the dire Global Warming predictions of increased hurricanes fell flat as the number of hurricanes FELL rather than increase.

Claiming now that Global Warming is going to create large numbers of 'Climate-Canes' is irresponsible. Want to advocate preparedness? Go for it, but leave the agenda-driven Fear-Mongering outside the door.
Suddenly the left's NASA saying no major hurricane has hit the US is not quotable.

NASA GISS: NASA GISS: No Major U.S. Hurricane Landfalls in Nine Years: Luck?

"The last nine hurricane seasons were not weak — storms just didn't hit the U.S.," Hall said. "It seems to be an accident of geography, random good luck."

Your link.
It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.

Perhaps the fact that it 'only' impacted Houston / Texas is why they (these sources) did not consider it a 'Major hurricane'. Speculation - I can not read their minds and decipher why they did not include it. Fact remains the dire Global Warming predictions of increased hurricanes fell flat as the number of hurricanes FELL rather than increase.

Claiming now that Global Warming is going to create large numbers of 'Climate-Canes' is irresponsible. Want to advocate preparedness? Go for it, but leave the agenda-driven Fear-Mongering outside the door.
Again, where is the quote of him saying that??? Are you just making things up?

Also you mentioned in an earlier post that you understand and accept fear mongering to a degree... Well for what? To try and sell more guns? Even if they did use fear mongering to get people to properly prepare of potential natural disasters, which your OP shows NO evidence of, isn't that a pretty worthy cause? Like it could actually save lives??
It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.

Perhaps the fact that it 'only' impacted Houston / Texas is why they (these sources) did not consider it a 'Major hurricane'. Speculation - I can not read their minds and decipher why they did not include it. Fact remains the dire Global Warming predictions of increased hurricanes fell flat as the number of hurricanes FELL rather than increase.

Claiming now that Global Warming is going to create large numbers of 'Climate-Canes' is irresponsible. Want to advocate preparedness? Go for it, but leave the agenda-driven Fear-Mongering outside the door.

It's remnants caused destruction all the way into Canada.

"as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating."

So when does he predict an increase in the number of hurricanes?

The most powerful tropical storms in recorded history have happened in the last few years.
No belief in science is required to be a Gorebal Warmer.

Al even says they are creating a Cat 6 label now.
Which is a lie.
It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.

Perhaps the fact that it 'only' impacted Houston / Texas is why they (these sources) did not consider it a 'Major hurricane'. Speculation - I can not read their minds and decipher why they did not include it. Fact remains the dire Global Warming predictions of increased hurricanes fell flat as the number of hurricanes FELL rather than increase.

Claiming now that Global Warming is going to create large numbers of 'Climate-Canes' is irresponsible. Want to advocate preparedness? Go for it, but leave the agenda-driven Fear-Mongering outside the door.
Suddenly the left's NASA saying no major hurricane has hit the US is not quotable.

NASA GISS: NASA GISS: No Major U.S. Hurricane Landfalls in Nine Years: Luck?

"The last nine hurricane seasons were not weak — storms just didn't hit the U.S.," Hall said. "It seems to be an accident of geography, random good luck."

Your link.
Science loves luck.
It was a huge storm the size of Texas. There was a huge path of destruction through the Greater Houston Area.

Perhaps the fact that it 'only' impacted Houston / Texas is why they (these sources) did not consider it a 'Major hurricane'. Speculation - I can not read their minds and decipher why they did not include it. Fact remains the dire Global Warming predictions of increased hurricanes fell flat as the number of hurricanes FELL rather than increase.

Claiming now that Global Warming is going to create large numbers of 'Climate-Canes' is irresponsible. Want to advocate preparedness? Go for it, but leave the agenda-driven Fear-Mongering outside the door.

It's remnants caused destruction all the way into Canada.

"as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating."

So when does he predict an increase in the number of hurricanes?

The most powerful tropical storms in recorded history have happened in the last few years.
No belief in science is required to be a Gorebal Warmer.

Al even says they are creating a Cat 6 label now.
Which is a lie.

Belief will not be a determining factor in reality.

Ezra Klein, who interviewed Gore, wrote in the follow-up post Friday that he might have messed up the quote. He wrote that Gore's staff's version “doesn’t offend my memory of the discussion and it’s entirely possible I missed Gore’s qualifying sentence while trying to keep up.”

“If so, that’s my fault, and I apologize,” writes Klein (who notes he’s out-of-town and away from his tape recorder so he couldn’t check himself).

Al Gore claims reporter botched his quote about ‘category 6’ hurricanes
Climate change provides me with endless opportunities to mock the left. I love it when their lies backfire in their faces. :eusa_clap:
Still haven't seen the lie in the OP... can you point it out with a quote and facts? I believe i've proven it's validity and all you haters are just ignoring the facts...

Things that make you go hmmm :eusa_think: that lying lowlife scum liberals solution to climate change is tax increases.

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