Obama Economic/Political Policies Drive DOW to Record High

4:15 pm : The S&P 500 settled with a gain of 0.5% after notching a fresh intraday record high of 1693.13. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq underperformed, ending unchanged.

Equities climbed at the open and received an additional boost after the July Philadelphia Fed Index, which is a survey of regional manufacturing conditions, spiked to 19.8 from 12.5. That was well ahead of the Briefing.com consensus estimate of 5.3 and marked the highest reading for the index since March 2011.

Market Overview - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.

Wrack 'em up Mr. President!



Are you high, or just stupid?
Thank God Chicago, Camden, Detroit, California and New York are experiencing the good news.

What to know how to measure the American economy?

Look out your fucking window.
It's the Obamadomino effect.

A house of cards.

A set of bowling pins.

Line 'em up... knock 'em down.

It is... the Chicago way.
Economy is limping along at less than 2%. The 8 million jobs recovered haven't been. Its a statistic, meaning that the numbers have been 'messaged' to bring you a bold face lie.

For the first time in history, more part-time jobs are being had than full-time jobs. More men are simply walking way from the job market as hopeless.

And the Fed pump money into the market like pillars of salt and pillars of sand, propping up a market that would be downward bound if not for QE.

Sooner, rather than later, the free money is going to run out. When that day comes, people are going to remember Dec 2008 - Jan 2009 with a fondness of what a good economy looked like.

Get the picture of just how bad this is going to be if it isn't handled right?

Obama's economic policies are going to kill us.. If you are good with that, well, go pick out your cemetery plot.
Econom The 8 million jobs recovered haven't been. Its a statistic, meaning that the numbers have been 'messaged' to bring you a bold face lie.
Well, the 8 million jobs (8.7 million actually) have not been recoverd.
In January 2008 there were 138,056,000 non-farm pay roll jobs. In January 2009 when Obama took office, there were 133,631,000...a loss of 4,425,000.
It reached bottom in February 2010 at 129,320,000..an additional loss of 4,311,000 under Obama, for a total loss of 8,736,000.

Currently there are 135,902,000...6,582,000 higher than the bottom, 2,271,000 higher than when Obama took office, but still 2,154,000 fewer than pre-recession.

Source: Series CES0000000001 at BLS Series Report : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

For the first time in history, more part-time jobs are being had than full-time jobs.
Ummm, check your math. Current number working full time is 115,998,000 and part time is 28,059,000
I think you're being mislead by the fact that full time workers went from 82.9% of total employment to the current 80.5% (Jan and Feb 2010, when the job market bottomed out, it was at 80%) and that this year, part time work went up a lot more than full time, mostly from a big hit in June.
how many time is this troll going to post the same crap and expect people to fall for it
Economy is limping along at less than 2%. The 8 million jobs recovered haven't been. Its a statistic, meaning that the numbers have been 'messaged' to bring you a bold face lie.

Obama's economic policies are going to kill us.. If you are good with that, well, go pick out your cemetery plot.

"Vee must have patience Vladimer, and continue to vait for GODOT - ven he comes, ze whole country will come crashing down like da Boosh guy - and vee vill dance!"

Econom The 8 million jobs recovered haven't been. Its a statistic, meaning that the numbers have been 'messaged' to bring you a bold face lie.
Well, the 8 million jobs (8.7 million actually) have not been recoverd.
In January 2008 there were 138,056,000 non-farm pay roll jobs. In January 2009 when Obama took office, there were 133,631,000...a loss of 4,425,000.
It reached bottom in February 2010 at 129,320,000..an additional loss of 4,311,000 under Obama, for a total loss of 8,736,000.

Currently there are 135,902,000...6,582,000 higher than the bottom, 2,271,000 higher than when Obama took office, but still 2,154,000 fewer than pre-recession.

Source: Series CES0000000001 at BLS Series Report : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

For the first time in history, more part-time jobs are being had than full-time jobs.
Ummm, check your math. Current number working full time is 115,998,000 and part time is 28,059,000
I think you're being mislead by the fact that full time workers went from 82.9% of total employment to the current 80.5% (Jan and Feb 2010, when the job market bottomed out, it was at 80%) and that this year, part time work went up a lot more than full time, mostly from a big hit in June.

Republicans would ban part time jobs as un American .... and replace the 8 million unskilled jobs Bush sent overseas with upper management jobs.


4:15 pm : The S&P 500 settled with a gain of 0.5% after notching a fresh intraday record high of 1693.13. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq underperformed, ending unchanged.

Equities climbed at the open and received an additional boost after the July Philadelphia Fed Index, which is a survey of regional manufacturing conditions, spiked to 19.8 from 12.5. That was well ahead of the Briefing.com consensus estimate of 5.3 and marked the highest reading for the index since March 2011.

Market Overview - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.

Wrack 'em up Mr. President!



They hate anything that can be construed as positive news coming from this administration. Notice that the best response they can come up with is there usual....."wait until it gets bad, you'll see!".
4:15 pm : The S&P 500 settled with a gain of 0.5% after notching a fresh intraday record high of 1693.13. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq underperformed, ending unchanged.

Equities climbed at the open and received an additional boost after the July Philadelphia Fed Index, which is a survey of regional manufacturing conditions, spiked to 19.8 from 12.5. That was well ahead of the Briefing.com consensus estimate of 5.3 and marked the highest reading for the index since March 2011.

Market Overview - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.

Wrack 'em up Mr. President!



They hate anything that can be construed as positive news coming from this administration. Notice that the best response they can come up with is there usual....."wait until it gets bad, you'll see!".

.... while they watch their 401k's and IRA's DOUBLE in value under President Obama ...

They hate anything that can be construed as positive news coming from this administration. Notice that the best response they can come up with is there usual....."wait until it gets bad, you'll see!".

What we hate is sleight-of-hand. The DOW is all about the 1%, which you ostensibly hate. Why trumpet what you despise? You're an intellectual fraud the moment you go there.

Show us solid progress for my family and friends who are clearly not 1%ers. Show me a decline in SNAP or SSDI or an increase in labor force participation. Show us a major movement in U6.

You cannot. Obama is EPIC FAIL on all the metrics that count.

Your turn. Blame Bush.
They hate anything that can be construed as positive news coming from this administration. Notice that the best response they can come up with is there usual....."wait until it gets bad, you'll see!".

What we hate is sleight-of-hand. The DOW is all about the 1%, which you ostensibly hate. Why trumpet what you despise? You're an intellectual fraud the moment you go there.

Show us solid progress for my family and friends who are clearly not 1%ers. Show me a decline in SNAP or SSDI or an increase in labor force participation. Show us a major movement in U6.

You cannot. Obama is EPIC FAIL on all the metrics that count.

Your turn. Blame Bush.

And there it is. Something positive about Obama is mentioned and they move the conversation to something else.

Listen, if your life sucks as it seems is the case, I've been told by your fellow conservatives that you're the only one to blame. The reason you're poor or struggling is because you lack drive and ambition. So what's your excuse?
They hate anything that can be construed as positive news coming from this administration. Notice that the best response they can come up with is there usual....."wait until it gets bad, you'll see!".

The DOW is all about the 1%, which you ostensibly hate. Why trumpet what you despise? You're an intellectual fraud the moment you go there

Considering the millions of individuals, and thousands of pension funds who have seen their investments in the DOW DOUBLE under Obama

.... your's is likely the most stupid statement every to come from a mentally disabled tea bagger.

IMHO: POTUS always gets too much credit when the economy is rolling well and too much blame when it is going poorly.

There are actually far bigger forces (yes, even much bigger than POTUS) that are at play.
4:15 pm : The S&P 500 settled with a gain of 0.5% after notching a fresh intraday record high of 1693.13. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq underperformed, ending unchanged.

Equities climbed at the open and received an additional boost after the July Philadelphia Fed Index, which is a survey of regional manufacturing conditions, spiked to 19.8 from 12.5. That was well ahead of the Briefing.com consensus estimate of 5.3 and marked the highest reading for the index since March 2011.

Market Overview - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.

Wrack 'em up Mr. President!



How do you know it was Obama's policies that caused that?
4:15 pm : The S&P 500 settled with a gain of 0.5% after notching a fresh intraday record high of 1693.13. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq underperformed, ending unchanged.

Equities climbed at the open and received an additional boost after the July Philadelphia Fed Index, which is a survey of regional manufacturing conditions, spiked to 19.8 from 12.5. That was well ahead of the Briefing.com consensus estimate of 5.3 and marked the highest reading for the index since March 2011.

Market Overview - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.

Wrack 'em up Mr. President!



Are you high, or just stupid?

Don't bother to answer this question. After reading some of your other posts I see that you are high, drunk, and stupid.

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