Obama Economy


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
11 presidents and only 39 months of 8 percent .. Obama one term president 43 consecutive months


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How long before we hear that Unemployment is only 7.8%? As if that 7.8 figure doesn't include area's well over 9% Unemployment... Which it does of course. :lol:
How long before we hear that Unemployment is only 7.8%? As if that 7.8 figure doesn't include area's well over 9% Unemployment... Which it does of course. :lol:

Sometime within the early months of the Romney administration when 7.8% unemployment gets spun into a robust 92.2% full employment.
Actually Romney's lying AGAIN- experts say more like 9%- since so many are retiring etc.

Since we have seen total mindless Pub obstruction since 2/4/2010, it's a Pub economy.
Agreed November 6th is a Tuesday. When Romney wins the hiring will start with in weeks. Company's are working on it now
Agreed November 6th is a Tuesday. When Romney wins the hiring will start with in weeks. Company's are working on it now

I'm just hoping my doctor comes back. He's been on leave for two months and will let us know after the election if he ever intends to come back.
Great points people. It is funny how defended Obama is. I'm no Psychiatrist but I would love to get in peoples head to see what the anointed one President Obama does for people to like him so much
How long before we hear that Unemployment is only 7.8%? As if that 7.8 figure doesn't include area's well over 9% Unemployment... Which it does of course. :lol:

Sometime within the early months of the Romney administration when 7.8% unemployment gets spun into a robust 92.2% full employment.

Did Romney make the promise that he would cut the debt in half by the end of his first term or was that Obama..

The title of this thread is so correct. This is Obama's economy. Are you happy with it? How's your job? How's your income? How's the value of your house doing? No more blaming Bush.

How is your budget? Are you cutting out those nonessential things you once enjoyed? Are you payiong more at the pump than you did four years ago? That's the Obama Economy. What happened to all of those promises he gave us?
Great points people. It is funny how defended Obama is. I'm no Psychiatrist but I would love to get in peoples head to see what the anointed one President Obama does for people to like him so much

December 14, 2012

Consumer Prices Drop!!!

"Consumer prices fell in November for the first time in six months, pointing to muted inflation pressures that should allow the Federal Reserve to stay on its ultra-easy monetary policy path as it nurses the economy back to health.

The Labor Department said on Friday its Consumer Price Index dropped 0.3 percent last month as a sharp decline in gasoline prices offset increases in other areas. It was also the largest drop since May and followed a 0.1 percent gain in October.

Economists polled by Reuters had expected consumer prices to fall 0.2 percent."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
A typical idiot black Obamabot called Rush earlier this week to talk about Obamination's economy.

He claimed Obamination was only 50% responsible for the bad economy 6 months after the Porkulus was wasted. So I guess Bush is responsible for 50% of Obamination's fuck ups even today.

The idiot had no clue the banking and housing messes weren't Bush's fault, they just blew up when he was sitting in the White House....then again these are the same idiots that claim 9-11 was Bush's fault despite 95% of the planning and funding took place under Bill Clinton.
living in fantasy is why you cant win national elections.

keep it up.

You only help the Democractic party

"Industrial output rose more than expected in November, posting its sharpest increase in nearly two years, as production bounced back from the disruptions of superstorm Sandy.

Industrial production expanded 1.1 percent last month after a revised 0.7 percent fall in October, the Federal Reserve said on Friday.

That was the steepest increase since December 2010. Analysts polled by Reuters had expected output to gain by 0.3 percent last month, after October's previously reported 0.4 percent drop.

The Fed said production was driven by recovery in industries hurt by the storm, which tore through the East Coast at the end of October, as well as a rise in vehicle output."


:party: . :party: . :party: . :party:

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
living in fantasy is why you cant win national elections.

keep it up.

You only help the Democractic party

Republicans may never again win a national election. Not unless they intend to legalize home invasion and street robbery as a valid method of redistributing wealth.

The nation has tipped into a majority of leeches. Leeches don't stop leeching until the host dies.
December 13, 2012

The OBAMA Years

"The Obama administration has long heralded the potential of American factories to offer good, stable middle-class jobs in an economy that desperately needs them. But experts say there might be another advantage to expanding manufacturing in the United States: a more innovative economy.

A growing chorus of economists, engineers and business leaders are warning that the evisceration of the manufacturing work force over the last 30 years might not have scarred just Detroit and the Rust Belt. It might have dimmed the country’s capacity to innovate and stunted the prospects for long-term growth.

“In sector after sector, we’ve lost our innovation edge because we don’t produce goods here anymore,” said Mitzi Montoya, dean of the college of technology and innovation at Arizona State University.

These experts say that in industries that produce complex, high-technology products — things like bioengineered tissues, not light bulbs — companies that keep their research and manufacturing employees close together might be more innovative than businesses that develop a schematic and send it overseas for low-wage workers to make. Moreover, clusters of manufacturers, where workers and ideas can naturally flow between companies, might prove more productive and innovative than the same businesses if they were spread across the country."


December 21, 2012

FAUX Noise; Business-Challenged

"In its recent economic coverage, Fox News consistently downplayed positive developments, while amplifying negative stories as part of an effort to discredit the Obama administration.

Faced with positive economic developments, such as falling jobless claims figures and encouraging unemployment reports, Fox News has consistently dismissed them as either unworthy of highlighting or downright illegitimate. Signs that show the economy is improving were either buried in teasers or used simply as a foil to bring up unrelated metrics, such as rising gas prices and the "real" unemployment rate.

Perhaps the greatest takeaway from Fox News' handling of positive economic news, however, is the now commonplace use of conspiracy theories to deny any signs of an improving economy."


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