Obama endorses Hillary

eww But of course. From one criminal to another.

what is criminal about his president, nutter?

do tell.... other than your own uninformed opinion, of course.

His president? Didn't know he had one. And gee Jillian, thought we were past those name calling days. Not that I ever called you a name. ;)
BREAKING NEWS. A great day for democracy.

'I'm With Her': Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton
oh shit!....ok thats it....im voting hillary....

Me too!!!!!
you would back her even if you overheard her and a few other people talking about subverting the govt.....

You mean like NaziCons do on a daily basis...?
so i am right about you?..........you would still vote for her?....would you at least say something?....
oh shit!....ok thats it....im voting hillary....

Me too!!!!!
you would back her even if you overheard her and a few other people talking about subverting the govt.....

You mean like NaziCons do on a daily basis...?

Hillary is a nazicon you moron.

wishful thinking. now go vote for the fascist bigot drumpf

I'll paypal you $1000 right now if you can post one single post from me endorsing Trump.

You dumb fuck.
eww But of course. From one criminal to another.

what is criminal about his president, nutter?

do tell.... other than your own uninformed opinion, of course.

His president? Didn't know he had one. And gee Jillian, thought we were past those name calling days. Not that I ever called you a name. ;)

why WOULDN'T you call Jillian names?

She's obviously stupid, and dishonest, not to mention a political hack.

And a lawyer? LOL yeah okay, the dumb fuck doesn't even know the law well enough to know that intent is nor required when it comes to mishandling classified material.
Jillian is desperately trying to find a post from me endorsing Trump, That $1000 I'd have to paypal her would allow her to stay off the streets for like a month.
Yo, the Immoral Party, the Socialist Democrat Party! Will you ever understand how these people can support a Crooked Woman, just like her husband Bill? I can! These people have the Devil in their souls, they have no religion! If they do go to a Church? It`s just for the Media, that way they can say they go to Church to impress a small % of their Voters! And I do mean small!!!

This should tell you all you need to know! From Michelle Obama: The Obama`s try to go to church every Easter, the first lady said, but the family has other things to do most Sundays. “We really try to use Sunday as a family downtime where we can kind of breathe and catch up, and maybe take a little "nap" every now and then, if we're not "working,” she said. She is Full-Of-Shit like the rest of the Immoral Socialist Democrat Party!!!

"Power is their main Agenda, besides destroying America!"

Now you also know why the "Socialist Democrats" hate the Jewish State, Israel, tooooooo religious!

Israel is the birthplace of Judaism, the most ancient of the world’s three predominant monotheistic faiths. Israel is the place of all of Judaism’s myriad holy and historic sites, including Jerusalem, the Temple Mount (the site of Judaism’s First and Second Temples as documented in the Bible), and Hebron. In particular, Jerusalem is historically the heart of Jewish life, having been the religious center and capitol city of the Jewish people singularly, extending from the present all the way back to the times of King David. As such, Israel and Judaism are eternally and inexorably bound and inseparable.

Today, Jewish society in Israel is made up of observant and non-observant Jews, ranging from the ultra-Orthodox to those who regard themselves as secular. However, the differences between them are not necessarily clear-cut. If Orthodoxy is determined by the degree of adherence to Jewish religious laws and practices, then 20% of Israeli Jews fulfill all religious principles, while 60% follow some combination of the laws according to personal choices and ethnic traditions, and 20% are essentially non-observant. Israel was conceived as a Jewish state, and therefore the Sabbath (Saturday) and all Jewish festivals and holy days have been instituted as national holidays and are adhered to by all. For example, the Sabbath (the weekly day of rest) on Saturday is marked in Israel with most people spending the day with family and friends. Public transport is suspended, businesses are closed, essential services are at skeleton-staff strength, and leave is granted to as many soldiers as possible.

You see the 20% Non-Observant? Those are the ones who support the Socialist Democrat Party here in the States, with Political Money, another words, Traitors to their Religion!!!

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All this time I was expecting him to endorse Trump. Guess I really fubared that one.
oh shit!....ok thats it....im voting hillary....

Me too!!!!!
you would back her even if you overheard her and a few other people talking about subverting the govt.....

You mean like NaziCons do on a daily basis...?

Hillary is a nazicon you moron.

wishful thinking. now go vote for the fascist bigot drumpf

So, let's discuss this Jillian.

You don't suppose that at some point the POTUS emailed his SoS and that maybe a few of those emails contained classified material?
Is it racist that Barry "The Birth Certificate" Obama and his film crew lightened up the shadows and increased brightness in Adobe Premiere to make the Kenyan/Somalian look Italian?

The Judge points out some conflicts of interest in regards to Crooked Hillary and her criminal investigations.

eww But of course. From one criminal to another.

what is criminal about his president, nutter?

do tell.... other than your own uninformed opinion, of course.

His president? Didn't know he had one. And gee Jillian, thought we were past those name calling days. Not that I ever called you a name. ;)

when you say stupid things like calling the president criminal, it makes you a nutter. sorry. *shrug*

don't say absurd things and try to say you DISAGREE with him without calling him criminal. that would be the rational response to this president.
Now we can call it what it has always been: "A criminal investigation".
That's taking it to a whole new level.
The IG report and now Obama calling it what it is in fact getting the country ready for a lot of really pissed off Hillary ass lickers being exceedingly piss off with the DNC. And paving the way for the Biden/Pocahontas cavalry to come riding to save the day.
Some of you LIBs really need to look further than the end of your noses.
Obama was waiting until he found out the FBI are going to drop a MOAB on Hillary.
If he hadn't immediately endorsed Hillary it would appear he was holding back because he knew the FBI was going to MOAB Hillary.
Now he can say: "See I must not have been secretly briefed by the FBI otherwise why would I have endorsed someone I secretly knew was going to be MOADED right? Believe me I'm just as surprised as anyone".
Suuuuure you're surprised.
Obama is nothing if he's not a slippery little rat and an expert in playing political three dimensional chess.
eww But of course. From one criminal to another.

what is criminal about his president, nutter?

do tell.... other than your own uninformed opinion, of course.

His president? Didn't know he had one. And gee Jillian, thought we were past those name calling days. Not that I ever called you a name. ;)

when you say stupid things like calling the president criminal, it makes you a nutter. sorry. *shrug*

don't say absurd things and try to say you DISAGREE with him without calling him criminal. that would be the rational response to this president.

Okay jillian. I will do it exactly as you tell me to. :rolleyes:

(yanno....it's not like it was personal to YOU....but you sure were to me)
eww But of course. From one criminal to another.

what is criminal about his president, nutter?

do tell.... other than your own uninformed opinion, of course.

His president? Didn't know he had one. And gee Jillian, thought we were past those name calling days. Not that I ever called you a name. ;)

when you say stupid things like calling the president criminal, it makes you a nutter. sorry. *shrug*

don't say absurd things and try to say you DISAGREE with him without calling him criminal. that would be the rational response to this president.

Okay jillian. I will do it exactly as you tell me to. :rolleyes:

(yanno....it's not like it was personal to YOU....but you sure were to me)

If Hillary were a Republican with the same scandals and baggage, Jillian would be the first person in line screaming for jail time.

Fact, not fiction.

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