Obama faces most vile insults ever- has nothing to do with race?

LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
They were nowhere near as omnipresent, were based on facts that were reaction to his incredible incompetence and catastrophe in all respects- you believe cherry picked examples were typical, misinformed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. Obama has been successful despite never ending, mindless Pub obstruction and bs fear mongering, after they wrecked the country and the world. A disgrace. You too, hater dupes- a world laughingstock and horror..

Oh bullshit. They even made a movie about assassinating him you jackass.
Libya was no war, we helped a worthy revolt against a terrorist dictator. We're barely involved in Syria and Iraq Good. Rand Paul's position I thought. The ME is growing up and helping, hopefully. Bush's idiot Maliki caused Iraq's problems as much as anyone. Another RW moron.

Sooooo Obama war good, Bush War bad, is that it?

If you put Obama's face on the same exact poster, they would call you a racist.
But when Assclap calls whites "cave monkeys", he gets a pass.
Franco is an idiot. He gets his ass handed to him every time he posts a thread. Being an idiot, it never stops him from doing it over and over.
Only in bizarro Pubworld lol...

No, pretty much everywhere franco.

Now,Tell me franco, do think the 2012 election results were good ?
Dems and indies didn't turn out, disgusted with politics. 2016 will be different- and 22 Pub senators up...
24, actually. 23 are safe seats with 3 or 4 of 10 Democrat seats that could swing. We could have a 60 or 61 seat GOP Senate.
When Kobe scores I say "fucking ******".... When Tim scores I say thank you my son....does that make me racist?
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
So disrespect for Bush makes it OK to disrespect Obama?

There was a time not to long ago when Americans, regardless of their politics, rallied ’round their president. Once elected, the man who won the White House was no longer viewed as a Republican or Democrat, but the president of the United States. The president speaks for the nation and represents America throughout the world. In reality, you can't disrespect the person without disrespecting the office.

When Bush was declared a liar, a fool, and a murderer by the opposition, do we really believe that didn't bolster the hatred toward America in Middle East. Food stamps, welfare, medicare, jobs, and open boarders that conservative website declare that Obama will provide is certainly encouragement for a million would be illegal immigrants.

There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with the president and debating the issues but we need to draw the line at naming calling, lies, and vicious personal attacks on the president and his family. It really doesn't hurt the president but it certainly hurts the nation.

I have long argued that anyone in his right mind would not run for office given the kind of crap they have to go through.

We scare a lot of people off (at many levels) because of this nastiness.

I wonder what kind of greatness won't even bother to engage because they are not interested in being drug through the mud.

You don't need to attack Obama.....

His pathetic performance is enough.
The new bs GOP scares everybody lol.

Obama a failure? only in Bizarroworld...50 months of growth, now a full recovery since the phony crisis/shutdown TP has finally been kicked to the curb, ended the stupidest wars EVER, the greatest social reform ever, all despite 5 years of mindless Pub obstruction and fear mongering- after THEY WRECKED THE WORLD. a DISGRACE.
You sir, are the only one living in Bizzaro world. I'm betting that your employer (when you have one) never lets you deal with the public
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

This reminds me, I need to go drop off the Obama's at the Oval Office.

LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
So disrespect for Bush makes it OK to disrespect Obama?

Short answer: yes.

There was a time not to long ago when Americans, regardless of their politics, rallied ’round their president. Once elected, the man who won the White House was no longer viewed as a Republican or Democrat, but the president of the United States. The president speaks for the nation and represents America throughout the world. In reality, you can't disrespect the person without disrespecting the office.

Democrats put an end to that. The current president is a partisan to his last breath.

When Bush was declared a liar, a fool, and a murderer by the opposition, do we really believe that didn't bolster the hatred toward America in the Middle East? Conservative websites claim Obama will provide food stamps, welfare, medical care, jobs, and open boarders to would be illegal immigrants. Do we think they aren't listening?

Would be illegal immigrants don't have to go to conservative websites to learn the truth. Obama spends government money to inform them.

There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with the president and debating the issues but we need to draw the line at naming calling, lies, and vicious personal attacks on the president and his family. It really doesn't hurt the president but it certainly hurts the nation.

Dims crossed that line a long time ago.
The lies about him, though, are endless and come from the top (Pubs, pundits) down to brainwashed ignoramuses....because they have to be distracted from Pub stands on the issues which just pander to the rich and giant corporations. see sig.

But no president in our nation's history has ever been castigated, condemned, mocked, insulted, derided and degraded on a scale even close to the constantly ugly attacks on Obama. From the day he assumed office — indeed, even before he assumed office — he was subjected to unprecedented insults in often the most hateful terms.

Obama and respect for America

He has been accused of being a "secret Muslim" and born in Kenya, of being complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood, of wearing a ring bearing a secret verse from the Quran, of having once been a Black Panther, of refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, of seeking to confiscate all guns, of lying about just about everything he has ever said, ranging from Benghazi to the Affordable Care Act to immigration, of faking Osama bin Laden's death and of funding his campaigns with drug money.

It goes on and on and on. Even the president's family is treated by his political enemies with disrespect and disdain.

  • Doc McGee The author has to look no further than these comments to prove his premise. It is not possible to have discussions on race with white Americans when so few of you know just how racist you really are.
    AT 10:07 AM DECEMBER 12, 2014


If one browses even respectable websites, one can readily find bumper stickers, coffee cups and T-shirts for sale with such messages as: "Dump This Turd" (with an image of Obama); "Coward! You Left Them To Die in Benghazi" (with an image of Obama); "Somewhere in Kenya A Village Is Missing Its Idiot" (with an image of Obama); "Islam's Trojan Horse" (with an image of Obama); "Pure Evil" (with an image of Obama); "I'm Not A Racist: I Hate His White Half Too" (with an image of Obama); "He Lies!" (with an image of Obama); and on and on and on.

Now don't get me wrong. Every one of these messages is protected by the First Amendment, and people have a right to express their views, even in harsh, offensive, cruel and moronic ways. We the People do not need to trust or admire our leaders, and we should not treat them with respect if we don't feel they deserve our respect. But the sheer vituperation directed at this president goes beyond any rational opposition and is, quite frankly, mind-boggling.

In part, of course, this might just be a product of our times. Perhaps the quality of our public discourse has sunk so low that any public official must now expect such treatment. Perhaps any president elected in 2008 would have been greeted with similar scorn and disdain. But, to be honest, that seems unlikely.

Of course, there are those who say that this phenomenon is due in part, perhaps in large part, to the fact that Obama is African-American. But surely racism is dead in America today, right?

One fact that might lend some credence to the theory that racism has something to do with the tenor of the attacks on Obama is that only one other president in our history has been the target of similar (though more subdued) personal attacks.

In his day, this president was castigated by the press and his political opponents as a "liar," a "despot," a "usurper," a "thief," a "monster," a "perjurer," an "ignoramus," a "swindler," a "tyrant," a "fiend," a "coward," a "buffoon," a "butcher," a "pirate," a "devil" and a "king." He was charged with being "cunning," "thickheaded," "heartless," "filthy" and "fanatical." He was accused of behaving "like a thief in the night," of being "the miserable tool of traitors and rebels," and of being "adrift on a current of racial fanaticism."

He was labeled by his enemies "Abraham Africanus the First."

But, of course, race had nothing to do with it then either.

Tribune Content Agency

Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Copyright © 2014, Chicago Tribune

The lies are one thing, the truths about Obama are far worse.
Libya was no war, we helped a worthy revolt against a terrorist dictator. We're barely involved in Syria and Iraq Good. Rand Paul's position I thought. The ME is growing up and helping, hopefully. Bush's idiot Maliki caused Iraq's problems as much as anyone. Another RW moron.

Partisan blather on your part.

It only works in your favor.

You can suck on Obama all you want....
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
They were nowhere near as omnipresent, were based on facts that were reaction to his incredible incompetence and catastrophe in all respects- you believe cherry picked examples were typical, misinformed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. Obama has been successful despite never ending, mindless Pub obstruction and bs fear mongering, after they wrecked the country and the world. A disgrace. You too, hater dupes- a world laughingstock and horror..

Oh bullshit. They even made a movie about assassinating him you jackass.
It's still a British movie, brainwashed jackass. lol
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
They were nowhere near as omnipresent, were based on facts that were reaction to his incredible incompetence and catastrophe in all respects- you believe cherry picked examples were typical, misinformed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. Obama has been successful despite never ending, mindless Pub obstruction and bs fear mongering, after they wrecked the country and the world. A disgrace. You too, hater dupes- a world laughingstock and horror..

Oh bullshit. They even made a movie about assassinating him you jackass.
It's still a British movie, brainwashed jackass. lol

Funded by American interests silly boy. Truly, you are one of the most ignorant, arrogant, pricks on the planet.
LOL, libtards forget how Bush was treated. obama gets softballs compared to that.
They were nowhere near as omnipresent, were based on facts that were reaction to his incredible incompetence and catastrophe in all respects- you believe cherry picked examples were typical, misinformed chumps of the greedy idiot rich. Obama has been successful despite never ending, mindless Pub obstruction and bs fear mongering, after they wrecked the country and the world. A disgrace. You too, hater dupes- a world laughingstock and horror..

Oh bullshit. They even made a movie about assassinating him you jackass.
It's still a British movie, brainwashed jackass. lol

Funded by American interests silly boy. Truly, you are one of the most ignorant, arrogant, pricks on the planet.

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