Obama FBI Vs Trump FBI - Double Standard On Display; Obama/Comey Protected Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It was reported that the FBI RAIDED ('pre-dawn raid') the home of Paul Manafort, former Trump Campaign Manager, SEIZING files, documents, and COMPUTERS.

Let's compare that, shall we, to Obama's FBI - led by Comey, politely ASKING Hillary to turn over ALL of her documents, files, server, and devices...in her own sweet time, allowing her to delete files, Bleech-Bit the sh!t out of her computer, destroy devices with hammers, and remove the chips out of other devices before turning them in. No raid, certainly no Pre-Dawn raid...

If you don't see a difference between the treatment of one of Trump's ex-team members and the protected 2016 criminal DNC Presidential candidate you're either a LIAR or DEAD....because even a blind man / Stevie Wonder can see that shit! :p

FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics
For the FBI to have gotten a warrant from a magistrate to raid someone's home (Manafort's) they HAD to show that there was "probable cause" that a crime had been committed and that Mnafort's "cooperation" did not produce all background documentation, warranting the raid and seizure of [especially] electronic evidence which cannot be shredded or burned.

Manafort is in DEEP trouble, and you morons better hope that he is willing to go to the gallows for Trump.
For the FBI to have gotten a warrant from a magistrate to raid someone's home (Manafort's) they HAD to show that there was "probable cause" that a crime had been committed and that Mnafort's "cooperation" did not produce all background documentation, warranting the raid and seizure of [especially] electronic evidence which cannot be shredded or burned.

Manafort is in DEEP trouble, and you morons better hope that he is willing to go to the gallows for Trump.

The reason Obama / Comey refused to raid Hillary's place, seize documents / files and her server was to give her more time to Bleach-Bit the $hit out of everything....

Thank goodness there was just too much stuff to get rid of in time...and that she was so incompetent. :p
If attacking Clinton makes you feel better about the downfall of Manafort, go for it.....LOL
For the FBI to have gotten a warrant from a magistrate to raid someone's home (Manafort's) they HAD to show that there was "probable cause" that a crime had been committed and that Mnafort's "cooperation" did not produce all background documentation, warranting the raid and seizure of [especially] electronic evidence which cannot be shredded or burned.

Manafort is in DEEP trouble, and you morons better hope that he is willing to go to the gallows for Trump.

Hillary improperly handle classified information, meaning she gave them to Huma and Carlos Danger
For the FBI to have gotten a warrant from a magistrate to raid someone's home (Manafort's) they HAD to show that there was "probable cause" that a crime had been committed and that Mnafort's "cooperation" did not produce all background documentation, warranting the raid and seizure of [especially] electronic evidence which cannot be shredded or burned.

Manafort is in DEEP trouble, and you morons better hope that he is willing to go to the gallows for Trump.

Jake is itching to get political leaders on the gallows for "Sedition". Careful what you wish for there
"The people in question would be Lynch’s staff and they were having a flurry of discussions with none other than the folks at James Comey’s office."

"You’ll recall that all of this was taking place only days before Comey would hold his bizarre press conference where essentially cleared Hillary Clinton of any criminal wrongdoing in the private email server scandal. (Only to famously reopen the investigation later.)"

"It turns out that one of Lynch’s own attorneys was editing talking points for the White House in terms of how to address questions from the press and another of her people was sending talking points to the FBI. The Washington Free Beacon once again has the details."

"One of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s top lawyers at the Justice Department helped edit Obama administration press statements about the infamous meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton on a tarmac last summer.

"The same attorney, Paige Herwig, is now the deputy general counsel for Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. That panel is now investigating whether Lynch played any role in trying to influence the scope or intensity of the FBI’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal…"

"Lynch had, by that point, already essentially recused herself from the question of possible prosecution of Hillary Clinton, saying she would leave the decision entirely up to the FBI, so why was her staff sending a blizzard of information and press talking points to the FBI after the secret meeting was revealed?"

"The more we learn about this the worse the general odor coming from the story becomes. And as the old saying goes, the fish rots from the head down. "

The real story of that Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting gets even stranger - Hot Air
Loretta Lynch's Lawyers Edited Talking Points About Her Tarmac Meeting with Clinton
If attacking Clinton makes you feel better about the downfall of Manafort, go for it.....LOL
Concentrate, numbnuts. This thread is not about 'Guilt' or 'Innocence'. It's about the FBI's double-standard during different administrations.

The FBI did it's job against Manafort. They RAIDED the residence and took evidence. Under Obama, Obama / Lynch / the FBI protected Hillary from prosecution. The evidence of this can be seen through how Comey did not have his FBI conduct an un-announced RAID on Hillary's residence and take her server. They ASKED her to turn over the files, docs, and server....then gave her plenty of time to shred, delete, and Bleach-Bit the shit out of evidence.
Trump's flying off the handle ramping up rhetoric for a nuclear war and all this greasy fraud Easy can talk about are two private citazens, Obama and Clinton.
The FBI did it's job against Manafort. They RAIDED the residence and took evidence. Under Obama, Obama / Lynch / the FBI protected Hillary from prosecution. The evidence of this can be seen through how Comey did not have his FBI conduct an un-announced RAID on Hillary's residence and take her server. They ASKED her to turn over the files, docs, and server....then gave her plenty of time to shred, delete, and Bleach-Bit the shit out of evidence.

Look up the meaning of "probable cause" and the granting of a "search warrant".........You'll feel just a bit better. (maybe)
If attacking Clinton makes you feel better about the downfall of Manafort, go for it.....LOL
Concentrate, numbnuts. This thread is not about 'Guilt' or 'Innocence'. It's about the FBI's double-standard during different administrations.

The FBI did it's job against Manafort. They RAIDED the residence and took evidence. Under Obama, Obama / Lynch / the FBI protected Hillary from prosecution. The evidence of this can be seen through how Comey did not have his FBI conduct an un-announced RAID on Hillary's residence and take her server. They ASKED her to turn over the files, docs, and server....then gave her plenty of time to shred, delete, and Bleach-Bit the shit out of evidence.
it's about having the same people who covered for Clinton having anything to do with any investigation into corruption today.
Trump's flying off the handle ramping up rhetoric for a nuclear war and all this greasy fraud Easy can talk about are two private citizens, Obama and Clinton.

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