Obama feels sorry for himself

yup, he's sorry he cant kick the Republicans ass in the next general election again.

all of you RW chumps are going to get Clinton to do that. I bet it's killing her too.
yup, he's sorry he cant kick the Republicans ass in the next general election again.

all of you RW chumps are going to get Clinton to do that. I bet it's killing her too.
Remember all the GWB billboards with the saying "Miss me now?"
I can guarantee you Obama will get none of those lol

Judging from support for Jeb, no one misses "W" either.
If he was smart, he would resign in January. With Biden as president, he could mount a legitimate challenge to Hillary at the convention.
The democratic race seems to be already decided before the campaign should have even started. We start the campaign season way too early.
First comment in the provided LINK:

The only reason this guy is in the White House is because he's black.......When he talks about the resentment or the ill feeling towards him due to racism, he needs to stop and remember that BLACK is all that got him elected President. If this guy had been white, Hillary would have become President.
The truth of the matter is nobody made race an issue except Obama and Obama supporters.

Starting from insulting a white police officer that had to use force to subdue a black professor saying he acted stupidly, to the Trayvon Martin case where DumBama claimed he would have resembled a son of his if he had one. He sent his minions to the Michael Brown funeral and even met with the Ferguson protesters before the riot.

The thing about Obama is that he could have been a great President, a historical President if he only put the country before his party. Instead he did the exact reverse and now blames race for his failures.

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