Obama flips on Super Pacs, its all good now, kuze' its all about the Benjamins

Are conservatives unhappy that Obama is raising money?

Isn't money speech for Conservatives?

These people actually think that when they change the rules it should only benefit them.

God they are stupid.

no one said that homer.

any comment on getting dicked in the a$$ again or it just another obamabot blow off?
Campaign finance? sorry, gotta go with the green ( first President to opt out btw, and after pledging to use that funding too tsk tsk).

Super Pacs?

CANDIDATE OBAMA: "We Will Not Take A Dime From Washington Lobbyists Or Special Interest PACs - We're Going To Change How Washington Works. They Will Not Fund My Party ..." (Sunlen Miller, "Obama Commends DNC For Cutting Lobbyist Contributions," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, 6/5/08)

The man never met a handout he didn't like.
Campaign finance? sorry, gotta go with the green ( first President to opt out btw, and after pledging to use that funding too tsk tsk).

Super Pacs?

CANDIDATE OBAMA: "We Will Not Take A Dime From Washington Lobbyists Or Special Interest PACs - We're Going To Change How Washington Works. They Will Not Fund My Party ..." (Sunlen Miller, "Obama Commends DNC For Cutting Lobbyist Contributions," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, 6/5/08)

Look, its all about the green, they all do it, he has given himself a get out of jail free card, its not like we are in the 2010 midterms where in he was still speaking out against super pacs, ( GOP Super Pacs were well funded) BUT its his ass on the line now, his reelection.

This is really a no brainer, but then again not everyone makes it a huge plank of their candidacy and then drops them so quickly ala Lobby grp. 'waivers' etc..... are there any 'principals' left of his to uphold? Or is the cupboard empty?

On another note, isn't it peculiar? when some Rep. who is a family values guy gets his wiener caught in the wrong place , the left it all over them (and not without some justice btw), as to their apparent sanctimony and hypocrisy.

Here? Now? :lol: Not a chance, this will sink almost immediately if it even trips anyone's wire at all anyway. How can this be?:eusa_shhh:

* February 7, 2012, 12:06 AM

In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’

President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign is moving to actively support a pro-Obama group that has struggled to raise money, hoping wealthy supporters will give large contributions and counter the impact of well-funded groups doing the same for Republicans.

To encourage donations, senior campaign officials, White House aides and Cabinet members will speak at fundraising events for Priorities USA, a group started by two former White House aides. The group, a so-called “Super PAC,” is legally entitled to accept unlimited donations from individuals and corporations but has failed to raise much money. Some Democrats blame lack of overt support from Mr. Obama.

The president repeatedly railed against the influence of groups like this during the 2010 midterm elections, and he rejected outside support for his 2008 campaign. Obama campaign manager Jim Messina acknowledged the contradiction in a note posted on the campaign’s blog late Monday and said Mr. Obama would still like to change the law to bar these operations.

“But this cycle, our campaign has to face the reality of the law as it currently stands,” Mr. Messina wrote. “With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules in this election whereby the Republican nominee is the beneficiary of unlimited spending and Democrats unilaterally disarm.”

more at
In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

2 Points:

1) Yes it is hypocritical of him to do so
2) He understands that if he doesn't do it that it hurts his chances to get re-elected more than this type of backlash will hurt his chances.

This will really be fun. Running the ol' flip flop meme with a candidate like Romney.

I am sorry, this is a obama thread, please feel free to start another one on Romney for same, which I will gladly join.

so, obamas new found sppt. for super pacs? you have a comment on that are are you so in the drunk tank, you simply cannot allow yourself to realize/beleive you've been had like a $10 meth. Ho at a Kansas City truck stop?

Please honor Trajan's request. This is an echo chamber circle jerk and only they are allowed to cum.

Hey, get the hell back over to your own circle jerk threads. View attachment 17350
Are conservatives unhappy that Obama is raising money?

Isn't money speech for Conservatives?

These people actually think that when they change the rules it should only benefit them.

God they are stupid.

no one said that homer.

any comment on getting dicked in the a$$ again or it just another obamabot blow off?

No...seriously..you really are stupid. No one needs Obamas permission to set up a super pac. In fact the candidate is supposed to have nothing to do with it..although you wouldn't thinks so from Romney's pac operators. The money in a pac isn't going to be Obama's to do anything with so the OP is just as stupid as you are.
These people actually think that when they change the rules it should only benefit them.

God they are stupid.

no one said that homer.

any comment on getting dicked in the a$$ again or it just another obamabot blow off?

No...seriously..you really are stupid. No one needs Obamas permission to set up a super pac. In fact the candidate is supposed to have nothing to do with it..although you wouldn't thinks so from Romney's pac operators. The money in a pac isn't going to be Obama's to do anything with so the OP is just as stupid as you are.

no shit Sherlock, who said so, the OP didn't say that either. :eusa_shhh:

read much or is this your first time buggy? :rolleyes:

but hey I get it, you'll let obama shit on your dining room picnic table and ask for the salt and pepper before you'll call a spade a spade...whoops, I mean say it like it is....:lol:
Campaign finance? sorry, gotta go with the green ( first President to opt out btw, and after pledging to use that funding too tsk tsk).

Super Pacs?

CANDIDATE OBAMA: "We Will Not Take A Dime From Washington Lobbyists Or Special Interest PACs - We're Going To Change How Washington Works. They Will Not Fund My Party ..." (Sunlen Miller, "Obama Commends DNC For Cutting Lobbyist Contributions," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, 6/5/08)

Look, its all about the green, they all do it, he has given himself a get out of jail free card, its not like we are in the 2010 midterms where in he was still speaking out against super pacs, ( GOP Super Pacs were well funded) BUT its his ass on the line now, his reelection.

This is really a no brainer, but then again not everyone makes it a huge plank of their candidacy and then drops them so quickly ala Lobby grp. 'waivers' etc..... are there any 'principals' left of his to uphold? Or is the cupboard empty?

On another note, isn't it peculiar? when some Rep. who is a family values guy gets his wiener caught in the wrong place , the left it all over them (and not without some justice btw), as to their apparent sanctimony and hypocrisy.

Here? Now? :lol: Not a chance, this will sink almost immediately if it even trips anyone's wire at all anyway. How can this be?:eusa_shhh:

* February 7, 2012, 12:06 AM

In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’

President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign is moving to actively support a pro-Obama group that has struggled to raise money, hoping wealthy supporters will give large contributions and counter the impact of well-funded groups doing the same for Republicans.

To encourage donations, senior campaign officials, White House aides and Cabinet members will speak at fundraising events for Priorities USA, a group started by two former White House aides. The group, a so-called “Super PAC,” is legally entitled to accept unlimited donations from individuals and corporations but has failed to raise much money. Some Democrats blame lack of overt support from Mr. Obama.

The president repeatedly railed against the influence of groups like this during the 2010 midterm elections, and he rejected outside support for his 2008 campaign. Obama campaign manager Jim Messina acknowledged the contradiction in a note posted on the campaign’s blog late Monday and said Mr. Obama would still like to change the law to bar these operations.

“But this cycle, our campaign has to face the reality of the law as it currently stands,” Mr. Messina wrote. “With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules in this election whereby the Republican nominee is the beneficiary of unlimited spending and Democrats unilaterally disarm.”

more at
In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

2 Points:

1) Yes it is hypocritical of him to do so
2) He understands that if he doesn't do it that it hurts his chances to get re-elected more than this type of backlash will hurt his chances.

of course. its a calculation ala dropping pubic funding, he gained more on the back end than he gave up, up front.

Of course when the media is 'friendly' you have more room in those calculations..;)
no one said that homer.

any comment on getting dicked in the a$$ again or it just another obamabot blow off?

No...seriously..you really are stupid. No one needs Obamas permission to set up a super pac. In fact the candidate is supposed to have nothing to do with it..although you wouldn't thinks so from Romney's pac operators. The money in a pac isn't going to be Obama's to do anything with so the OP is just as stupid as you are.

no shit Sherlock, who said so, the OP didn't say that either. :eusa_shhh:

read much or is this your first time buggy? :rolleyes:

but hey I get it, you'll let obama shit on your dining room picnic table and ask for the salt and pepper before you'll call a spade a spade...whoops, I mean say it like it is....:lol:


no one said that homer.

any comment on getting dicked in the a$$ again or it just another obamabot blow off?

No...seriously..you really are stupid. No one needs Obamas permission to set up a super pac. In fact the candidate is supposed to have nothing to do with it..although you wouldn't thinks so from Romney's pac operators. The money in a pac isn't going to be Obama's to do anything with so the OP is just as stupid as you are.

no shit Sherlock, who said so, the OP didn't say that either. :eusa_shhh:

read much or is this your first time buggy? :rolleyes:

but hey I get it, you'll let obama shit on your dining room picnic table and ask for the salt and pepper before you'll call a spade a spade...whoops, I mean say it like it is....:lol:

Are you really this stupid? The thread title says Obama flips on pacs. Since he has no say in it the title is bogus... as is your comment.
Am I happy about this? Fuck no. Do I understand why he's doing it? Yep.

You Conservatives are so funny though. Your candidates have been sucking the SuperPAC dick for the better part of a year now, and every time us "libruls" have talked about publicly funded elections and getting the money out of politics, you laughed at us.

Now that Obama sees that he can't compete without getting SuperPAC money, you call him out for being "all about the Benjamins".

I still want Publicly funded election, I still want the monied interests out of politics... I am just not so naive that I think that those things can be accomplished overnight.
Am I happy about this? Fuck no. Do I understand why he's doing it? Yep.

You Conservatives are so funny though. Your candidates have been sucking the SuperPAC dick for the better part of a year now, and every time us "libruls" have talked about publicly funded elections and getting the money out of politics, you laughed at us.

Now that Obama sees that he can't compete without getting SuperPAC money, you call him out for being "all about the Benjamins".

I still want Publicly funded election, I still want the monied interests out of politics... I am just not so naive that I think that those things can be accomplished overnight.

Its just like when a conservative cheats on his wife and the liberals say "but you conservatives say family values"

its the same thing here..obama touts how bad superpacs are then goes and does it himelf.
Campaign finance? sorry, gotta go with the green ( first President to opt out btw, and after pledging to use that funding too tsk tsk).

Super Pacs?

CANDIDATE OBAMA: "We Will Not Take A Dime From Washington Lobbyists Or Special Interest PACs - We're Going To Change How Washington Works. They Will Not Fund My Party ..." (Sunlen Miller, "Obama Commends DNC For Cutting Lobbyist Contributions," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, 6/5/08)

Look, its all about the green, they all do it, he has given himself a get out of jail free card, its not like we are in the 2010 midterms where in he was still speaking out against super pacs, ( GOP Super Pacs were well funded) BUT its his ass on the line now, his reelection.

This is really a no brainer, but then again not everyone makes it a huge plank of their candidacy and then drops them so quickly ala Lobby grp. 'waivers' etc..... are there any 'principals' left of his to uphold? Or is the cupboard empty?

On another note, isn't it peculiar? when some Rep. who is a family values guy gets his wiener caught in the wrong place , the left it all over them (and not without some justice btw), as to their apparent sanctimony and hypocrisy.

Here? Now? :lol: Not a chance, this will sink almost immediately if it even trips anyone's wire at all anyway. How can this be?:eusa_shhh:

* February 7, 2012, 12:06 AM

In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’

President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign is moving to actively support a pro-Obama group that has struggled to raise money, hoping wealthy supporters will give large contributions and counter the impact of well-funded groups doing the same for Republicans.

To encourage donations, senior campaign officials, White House aides and Cabinet members will speak at fundraising events for Priorities USA, a group started by two former White House aides. The group, a so-called “Super PAC,” is legally entitled to accept unlimited donations from individuals and corporations but has failed to raise much money. Some Democrats blame lack of overt support from Mr. Obama.

The president repeatedly railed against the influence of groups like this during the 2010 midterm elections, and he rejected outside support for his 2008 campaign. Obama campaign manager Jim Messina acknowledged the contradiction in a note posted on the campaign’s blog late Monday and said Mr. Obama would still like to change the law to bar these operations.

“But this cycle, our campaign has to face the reality of the law as it currently stands,” Mr. Messina wrote. “With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules in this election whereby the Republican nominee is the beneficiary of unlimited spending and Democrats unilaterally disarm.”

more at
In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

All about the Benjammins??

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAaE7sJahiw]Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin. Epic Rap Battles of History #10 - YouTube[/ame]
No...seriously..you really are stupid. No one needs Obamas permission to set up a super pac. In fact the candidate is supposed to have nothing to do with it..although you wouldn't thinks so from Romney's pac operators. The money in a pac isn't going to be Obama's to do anything with so the OP is just as stupid as you are.

no shit Sherlock, who said so, the OP didn't say that either. :eusa_shhh:

read much or is this your first time buggy? :rolleyes:

but hey I get it, you'll let obama shit on your dining room picnic table and ask for the salt and pepper before you'll call a spade a spade...whoops, I mean say it like it is....:lol:

Are you really this stupid? The thread title says Obama flips on pacs. Since he has no say in it the title is bogus... as is your comment.

this folks is where slobbering, mindless, blithering obedience and lack of character takes you....buggy has it and employs it proudly. go ahead buggy- say it loud be proud!!!...BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

it really must be your first time reading, and actually employing comprehension skills along with some basic logic and reason......if I have to explain why this is 1) a flip flop and 2) how this matters in a concrete sense, then you are either
a) really really are nothing more than a mindless bleating sheep, or b) to stupid to breath and should be drown in Kool Aid by anyone that cares as an embarrassment to your family...
Campaign finance? sorry, gotta go with the green ( first President to opt out btw, and after pledging to use that funding too tsk tsk).

Super Pacs?

CANDIDATE OBAMA: "We Will Not Take A Dime From Washington Lobbyists Or Special Interest PACs - We're Going To Change How Washington Works. They Will Not Fund My Party ..." (Sunlen Miller, "Obama Commends DNC For Cutting Lobbyist Contributions," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, 6/5/08)

Look, its all about the green, they all do it, he has given himself a get out of jail free card, its not like we are in the 2010 midterms where in he was still speaking out against super pacs, ( GOP Super Pacs were well funded) BUT its his ass on the line now, his reelection.

This is really a no brainer, but then again not everyone makes it a huge plank of their candidacy and then drops them so quickly ala Lobby grp. 'waivers' etc..... are there any 'principals' left of his to uphold? Or is the cupboard empty?

On another note, isn't it peculiar? when some Rep. who is a family values guy gets his wiener caught in the wrong place , the left it all over them (and not without some justice btw), as to their apparent sanctimony and hypocrisy.

Here? Now? :lol: Not a chance, this will sink almost immediately if it even trips anyone's wire at all anyway. How can this be?:eusa_shhh:

* February 7, 2012, 12:06 AM

In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’

President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign is moving to actively support a pro-Obama group that has struggled to raise money, hoping wealthy supporters will give large contributions and counter the impact of well-funded groups doing the same for Republicans.

To encourage donations, senior campaign officials, White House aides and Cabinet members will speak at fundraising events for Priorities USA, a group started by two former White House aides. The group, a so-called “Super PAC,” is legally entitled to accept unlimited donations from individuals and corporations but has failed to raise much money. Some Democrats blame lack of overt support from Mr. Obama.

The president repeatedly railed against the influence of groups like this during the 2010 midterm elections, and he rejected outside support for his 2008 campaign. Obama campaign manager Jim Messina acknowledged the contradiction in a note posted on the campaign’s blog late Monday and said Mr. Obama would still like to change the law to bar these operations.

“But this cycle, our campaign has to face the reality of the law as it currently stands,” Mr. Messina wrote. “With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules in this election whereby the Republican nominee is the beneficiary of unlimited spending and Democrats unilaterally disarm.”

more at
In a Shift, Obama Campaign Moves to Support Outside ‘Super PAC’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

All about the Benjammins??

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAaE7sJahiw]Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin. Epic Rap Battles of History #10 - YouTube[/ame]

no, I was thinking....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCevMowwcp8]Puff Daddy-All About The Benjamins ROCK VERSION EDITED - YouTube[/ame]
Am I happy about this? Fuck no. Do I understand why he's doing it? Yep.

You Conservatives are so funny though. Your candidates have been sucking the SuperPAC dick for the better part of a year now, and every time us "libruls" have talked about publicly funded elections and getting the money out of politics, you laughed at us.

Now that Obama sees that he can't compete without getting SuperPAC money, you call him out for being "all about the Benjamins".

I still want Publicly funded election, I still want the monied interests out of politics... I am just not so naive that I think that those things can be accomplished overnight.

Its just like when a conservative cheats on his wife and the liberals say "but you conservatives say family values"

its the same thing here..obama touts how bad superpacs are then goes and does it himelf.

exactly...see, that hypocrisy meter only gets pointed one way, becasue well, the tides have receded and moon now shows us its backside so we should be grateful and give him all the space he needs....and, be bery bery quiet...:eusa_shhh:
Oh my he decided to be able to compete with the avalanche of corporate money after saying the laws are not good for democracy.

Its the laws and he is following the current laws.

Now you want to talk about how many times Romney changed his mind on something?
Last edited:
Am I happy about this? Fuck no. Do I understand why he's doing it? Yep.

You Conservatives are so funny though. Your candidates have been sucking the SuperPAC dick for the better part of a year now, and every time us "libruls" have talked about publicly funded elections and getting the money out of politics, you laughed at us.

Now that Obama sees that he can't compete without getting SuperPAC money, you call him out for being "all about the Benjamins".

I still want Publicly funded election, I still want the monied interests out of politics... I am just not so naive that I think that those things can be accomplished overnight.

Its just like when a conservative cheats on his wife and the liberals say "but you conservatives say family values"

its the same thing here..obama touts how bad superpacs are then goes and does it himelf.


It's more like a Ultimate fight match where one guy speaks against using flame throwers but the ref says they are okay. So when he gets in the ring..he picks one up..because the other guy has one too.

Am I happy about this? Fuck no. Do I understand why he's doing it? Yep.

You Conservatives are so funny though. Your candidates have been sucking the SuperPAC dick for the better part of a year now, and every time us "libruls" have talked about publicly funded elections and getting the money out of politics, you laughed at us.

Now that Obama sees that he can't compete without getting SuperPAC money, you call him out for being "all about the Benjamins".

I still want Publicly funded election, I still want the monied interests out of politics... I am just not so naive that I think that those things can be accomplished overnight.

Its just like when a conservative cheats on his wife and the liberals say "but you conservatives say family values"

its the same thing here..obama touts how bad superpacs are then goes and does it himelf.


It's more like a Ultimate fight match where one guy speaks against using flame throwers but the ref says they are okay. So when he gets in the ring..he picks one up..because the other guy has one too.


uh huh like the campaign public funding ?

anyway, since when do excuses count as outs for pre- advertised hypocrisy? oh wait since its a dem.

dude, try some critical thinking just once in a while, seriously, it doesn't hurt.
Its just like when a conservative cheats on his wife and the liberals say "but you conservatives say family values"

its the same thing here..obama touts how bad superpacs are then goes and does it himelf.


It's more like a Ultimate fight match where one guy speaks against using flame throwers but the ref says they are okay. So when he gets in the ring..he picks one up..because the other guy has one too.


uh huh like the campaign public funding ?

anyway, since when do excuses count as outs for pre- advertised hypocrisy? oh wait since its a dem.

dude, try some critical thinking just once in a while, seriously, it doesn't hurt.

Here's the "critical thinking" that counts.

Obama is going to win. Because he's willing to fight on an even playing field.

That works for me.

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