Obama "Gloomy Republican Campaigns Leave Behind Reagan Cheer"

from the NYT linked in the OP

To listen to the way some Republicans tell it, America is a pretty awful place these days.

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A hell hole,” as Donald J. Trump has put it. Our leaders are “babies” who are “so stupid” they can only watch helplessly as we become “a third-world country.”

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas sees evil menacing America not just from within, like the “tyranny” and “lawlessness” of jailing a county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, but from the outside as well. As he condemned the Obama administration’s nuclear pact with Iran last week, Mr. Cruz warned, “Americans will die.”

These dark diagnoses of the country’s condition have become an especially powerful part of the message sounded by several Republicans seeking their party’s nomination for presidency this election cycle.​
Democrats don't like the crap they made out of the nation. They can lie but they cant hide.
Only obama can send men into combat to risk their lives. Then when they get killed say it's not combat.
The irony is republican hero Reagan would be run out of town as a "Rino" by today's GOP .
There should be a mandatory draft anytime we go to war . THat would keep the politicians honest .

Instead we get chicks hawks mad that Russia is fighting ISIS . "That should be out guys at war!!!"

Disgraceful .
There should be a mandatory draft anytime we go to war . THat would keep the politicians honest .

Instead we get chicks hawks mad that Russia is fighting ISIS . "That should be out guys at war!!!"

Disgraceful .

a a draft during a crisis is NOT a negation of a volunteer force. Screw All Volunteer during a crisis. m

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