Obama goes golfing after receiving reports on Berlin attack and Russian Ambassador's death

Obama Heads to Golf Course After Receiving Reports on Berlin Attack and Russian Ambassador Death
Well, this is what one would call bad political optics.

With the dual breaking news events surrounding potential terrorism and a foreign diplomat being shot to death, White House pool reports showed that President Barack Obama headed to a country club in Hawaii near his rental house, where he is vacationing.
Well this is no surprise. Where else would he be when a disaster hits. He wouldn't have it any other way.
Well of course he's not interested in what happened in Berlin and Ankara.
At this point he's almost the "former" President of the United States.
I'm pretty sure he's now thinking something like "what am I gonna do after January" lol :biggrin:
Obama Heads to Golf Course After Receiving Reports on Berlin Attack and Russian Ambassador Death
Well, this is what one would call bad political optics.

With the dual breaking news events surrounding potential terrorism and a foreign diplomat being shot to death, White House pool reports showed that President Barack Obama headed to a country club in Hawaii near his rental house, where he is vacationing.
Well this is no surprise. Where else would he be when a disaster hits. He wouldn't have it any other way.

He did his job. He warned travelers. Why do you RWNJs always need to have your widdow hands held?

Europe Travel Alert

So, the guy who's flooding this country with muslim refugees, is warning of terrorist attacks by muslims. That's obama for you.
You people don't read

There is the same thread 5 rows down
I read and saw the thread but I wanted to exercise my White Priviledge and start my own thread about the subject.

Oh just admit that you know even less that the Cheeto in Chief and you're sobbing because President Obama isn't holding your hand.

Notice that Prez Barry did his job in warning of possible attacks while trumpery still has no clue.

Europe Travel Alert

Trump does have a clue, which is why he wants to ban muslims entering our country until we sort this thing out. Too bad Europe hasn't had a Trump yet. Hopefully, they will wise up.
You people don't read

There is the same thread 5 rows down
I read and saw the thread but I wanted to exercise my White Priviledge and start my own thread about the subject.

Oh just admit that you know even less that the Cheeto in Chief and you're sobbing because President Obama isn't holding your hand.

Notice that Prez Barry did his job in warning of possible attacks while trumpery still has no clue.

Europe Travel Alert

Trump does have a clue, which is why he wants to ban muslims entering our country until we sort this thing out. Too bad Europe hasn't had a Trump yet. Hopefully, they will wise up.

He wants them heavily vetted he's not banning them. At least not permanently they will have to pass the test and even that won't always be a secure act.
I still have yet to receive an answer for what Obama is supposed to be doing. Apparently he is not supposed to be going on about his life.

I'm sitting at home watching TV and posting on a message board. Am I a POS for not mourning this guy's death appropriately?

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