Obama Granted Iran Access To US Financial System Despite Pledges He Would NOT


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
So, once again Barry LIED and sold out the U.S. for personal gain, to secure his own 'Legacy' by forging an Un-Constitutional Treaty on behalf of the U.S. after by-passing Congress to do so...


Report: Obama administration let Iran tap financial system, 'misled' Americans

“The Obama administration during the negotiation of the Iran deal misled the American people,” said Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), subcommittee chairman. “I think they did so because they were desperate to get a deal.”

In Obama/Liberal-speak, that means BARRY LIED...and, in turn, aided and abetted the leading exporter of terror, the nation who has vowed the destruction of Israel, and the country that has sworn to strike and destroy us as well.

Barak Hussein Obama - worst President in U.S. history...Islamic Extremist Sympathizer / Enabler, and TRAITOR!

Obama administration allegedly gave Iran access to US financial system

already had this out there. :)
I looked for it on the 1st couple of pages but could not find it anymore..... maybe I am just blind / missed it...if it's not been sent to the 'dungeon'...
Who would have guessed a President violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own personal Treaty with Iran, who was calling for our destruction during negotiations, on behalf of the United States would have intentionally attempted to sidestep the Sanctions imposed on Iran?!

And here we all were worried about IRAN violating the Sanctions.... silly us!

The local snowflakes sure are quiet regarding this new revelation about how their little TRAITOR and TERRORIST ENABLER sought to violate the sanctions to help Iran...no one willing to step up and finally acknowledge the man was the worst President and a traitor after all?
yea, normally you get the usual NO HE DID NOT from the left but i don't have a single "ignored" person posting in here.
Not very surprising.

So, once again Barry LIED and sold out the U.S. for personal gain, to secure his own 'Legacy' by forging an Un-Constitutional Treaty on behalf of the U.S. after by-passing Congress to do so...


Report: Obama administration let Iran tap financial system, 'misled' Americans

“The Obama administration during the negotiation of the Iran deal misled the American people,” said Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), subcommittee chairman. “I think they did so because they were desperate to get a deal.”

In Obama/Liberal-speak, that means BARRY LIED...and, in turn, aided and abetted the leading exporter of terror, the nation who has vowed the destruction of Israel, and the country that has sworn to strike and destroy us as well.

Barak Hussein Obama - worst President in U.S. history...Islamic Extremist Sympathizer / Enabler, and TRAITOR!

Obama administration allegedly gave Iran access to US financial system

It is all coming apart for the Far Leftists, just in time for the midterms-) Have you seen the polls on what they think of Mewler? How about what they think of the economy?

Yes, the Far Left have shot themselves in the foot! Maybe that is why they want to ban guns so badly, lolololol!
Democrats and treason, nothing new there..
So, once again Barry LIED and sold out the U.S. for personal gain, to secure his own 'Legacy' by forging an Un-Constitutional Treaty on behalf of the U.S. after by-passing Congress to do so...


Report: Obama administration let Iran tap financial system, 'misled' Americans

“The Obama administration during the negotiation of the Iran deal misled the American people,” said Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), subcommittee chairman. “I think they did so because they were desperate to get a deal.”

In Obama/Liberal-speak, that means BARRY LIED...and, in turn, aided and abetted the leading exporter of terror, the nation who has vowed the destruction of Israel, and the country that has sworn to strike and destroy us as well.

Barak Hussein Obama - worst President in U.S. history...Islamic Extremist Sympathizer / Enabler, and TRAITOR!

Obama administration allegedly gave Iran access to US financial system

Democrats and treason... not exactly a big surprize... where's Mueller?


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