Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma


NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

are they

Liberals are worried about a 150 year old battle flag flying above a piece of concrete and don't seem to give a flying shit about Muslims shooting unarmed marines at a recruiting station.

You people really make me sick.

Who the fuck initiated the thread? It wasn't a liberal. Geaux4it is the OP. You calling her a liberal?

If you don't care, then why are your here?
When did I say that? We have an election coming up in 15 months and the more divisive, idiotic, stupid, jejune, juvenile, crazy, insane, unraveled, unpatriotic, un-American, and just plain mean the other side looks, only helps center-left candidates. Which is why I want you guys to keep waving your stars and bars. It basically puts a big ol' spotlight on the roaches.

Cons worry about how you libs are so hateful and divisive as to slander a whole sub culture of the US.

I wave the American Flag. I'm an American.
You wave the Confederate Flag. What are you?

I'll wait for an answer.

1. Yep. Hence the usefulness of manufactured fake outrage. By creating a massive hysteria over the simply flying of a regional flag, and constantly slandering the citizens of that subculture you divide Americans and marginalize a group that is a problem for your ideological agenda.

This will certainly help you. Of course, if it wasn't this it would be something else. And if you win on this, it will be some other excuse to attack.

2. As the SOUth has been a loyal part of America for over 150 years, obviously an American.

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

Less than one percent.
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

Less than one percent.

Interesting. Have you ever met anyone in that one percent?
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide

I keep hearing this nonsense.

So I'll ask you the same question. You say he's divisive. Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 that you have been divided "against" and what specifically the President did to make you and them separate.

wtf are you even talking about

You called the President divisive. I'm asking you to support that with examples on what he "divided" you against.

Pretty simple question.

that isnt the question you posted to me

went off the rails about something from 2007
Welfare conservatives in the middle of the day decide to show up and prove they are as ignorant as we assumed they were. Then it gets applauded here.

Is this news to anyone?

obama and you libs have been insulting them a lot over the past few months. why should they not let him know they are there and not appreciating the slander?

They should do whatever their little hearts and smaller brains tell them to do. It's a free country.

As one of grade school instructors told me (I'm sure she got it from somewhere else), "Better to have the world think you're an idiot than to show up on a workday, wave the flag of an easily defeated opponent in the victors' face and remove all doubt."

By all means, I wish all of you guys would wave that flag constantly.

"little hearts and small brains"?

Standard lib thought. If someone disagrees with you, it can only be because they are intellectual and/or morally deficient.
No, if someone goes to war over slavery instead of picking their own cotton, gets rolled up in 3 short years (I recalled hearing that something like 1/3 of the Union Army never saw battle), has their lands administered for something like 15 years afterword, tried to say it was about anything other than preservation of slavery (make me laugh), then pretends that it's about "heritage, not hate"...they deserve to be called what you just did...intellectually and morally deficient. The CSA added nothing to the world. They had plans to expand to the South and export their tiered striated culture to indigenous persons through the Caribbean.

It was a worthless, fruitless, costly venture that divided the nation. But somehow, you guys keep insisting it was an honorable effort.

The South has been a loyal part of the this country for over 150 years. Attacking them like this serves no purpose other than to divide US.
Amazing how loyal you guys became after getting your ass handed to you.

And claiming the South was easily defeated just shows how completely ignorant you are of history.

Yeah, sure. Whatever you little heart and mind says.

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide

I keep hearing this nonsense.

So I'll ask you the same question. You say he's divisive. Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 that you have been divided "against" and what specifically the President did to make you and them separate.

wtf are you even talking about

You called the President divisive. I'm asking you to support that with examples on what he "divided" you against.

Pretty simple question.

that isnt the question you posted to me

went off the rails about something from 2007

You're going to pull a muscle dodging questions this early. Obama became President in 2008.
Don't be ashamed at your dodging; 100% of all conservatives have dodged the question....you should demand that whomever gives you your talking points gives you some ammo to back them up.

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Caveman thought...
there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide

I keep hearing this nonsense.

So I'll ask you the same question. You say he's divisive. Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 that you have been divided "against" and what specifically the President did to make you and them separate.

wtf are you even talking about

You called the President divisive. I'm asking you to support that with examples on what he "divided" you against.

Pretty simple question.

that isnt the question you posted to me

went off the rails about something from 2007

You're going to pull a muscle dodging questions this early. Obama became President in 2008.
Don't be ashamed at your dodging; 100% of all conservatives have dodged the question....you should demand that whomever gives you your talking points gives you some ammo to back them up.

your quote not mine ya liar So I'll ask you the same question. You say he's divisive. Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 t

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide

I keep hearing this nonsense.

So I'll ask you the same question. You say he's divisive. Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 that you have been divided "against" and what specifically the President did to make you and them separate.

wtf are you even talking about

You called the President divisive. I'm asking you to support that with examples on what he "divided" you against.

Pretty simple question.

An interesting and dishonest trick there. He did not claim the President was dividing "him" personally.

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


Would you like to change the subject?
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

Less than one percent.

Interesting. Have you ever met anyone in that one percent?

ONce. Working at a medical facility in the rural south a family had a very old male member who insisted on wearing a confederate flag hat, and we were warned by his family to not discuss it with him.

Oddly he also insisted on daily trips to the bar in order to agree to go for treatment.

The doctor stated that this would lead to horrible side effects.

But it did not.

The doctor had no explanation for this medical oddity.

Odds are that guy is dead by now.

Despite being in the South, he was considered a loon by his family and the local members of the facility.
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

Less than one percent.

Interesting. Have you ever met anyone in that one percent?

ONce. Working at a medical facility in the rural south a family had a very old male member who insisted on wearing a confederate flag hat, and we were warned by his family to not discuss it with him.

Oddly he also insisted on daily trips to the bar in order to agree to go for treatment.

The doctor stated that this would lead to horrible side effects.

But it did not.

The doctor had no explanation for this medical oddity.

Odds are that guy is dead by now.

Despite being in the South, he was considered a loon by his family and the local members of the facility.

You've only met one person in your life who flies that flag or wears it somehow as a sign that he or she is not interested in equality with black people?

That's awesome.

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Caveman thought...

Guess what douche? I could give a rats ass what you think about what I do. Has no effect on me at all. Based on a previous post, you have never spent any time researching the civil war. You are dumb enough to believe it was about slavery.
Last edited:
Liberals are worried about a 150 year old battle flag flying above a piece of concrete and don't seem to give a flying shit about Muslims shooting unarmed marines at a recruiting station.

You people really make me sick.

Who the fuck initiated the thread? It wasn't a liberal. Geaux4it is the OP. You calling her a liberal?

I don't give a fuck who started the thread you libtard. I've seen way more outrage on this fucking flag thing from liberals than I have about these 4 Marines being shot.
Then why aren't you on one of those threads?

Why is that?
Because you're here talking about a flag.

Where is your outrage?
Channeled into saying that as long as we have guns available to anyone who wants them, we will have people using those guns to kill. As long as we treat the perpetrators of crimes so leniently as to them spending 1/2 their sentence on the street in some cases (if they go to jail at all), we'll have people willing to risk the stretch for the crime.

Where are liberals standing up saying we need to arm all of these recruiting stations? Nowhere. What do we hear? Crickets.
We don't need to arm recruiting stations. Why them? You arm them, then what do you do to movie theaters...amusement parks....planned parenthood clinics....etc... Oh wait, here is the NRA Logic at it's tragic best:


Raise a 150 year old flag above a chunk of concrete and liberals shit their pants trying to tear it down.
Trying? Check the box score. We succeeded. Scoreboard beeotch.

CNN couldn't even admit it was a god damn Muslim. But damn THEY DIDN'T HESITATE TO SAY THE DUDE THAT SHOT THOSE BLACKS IN THE CHURCH WAS WHITE. Oh fuck no, that's the first fucking thing they said. They didn't hesitate to talk about the flag either.

Gee, you should stop watching CNN if you don't like their coverage.
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance


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