Obama guarantees dependence on foreign oil by banning more US drilling today

Did Jeb Bush ban drilling in Alaska and across the entire eastern coast of the US?
You've got to love how the libs just dismiss the fact that we pay for other countries to drill for oil, while they limit this country. We help other countries build nuclear power plants but not here, we limit all sources of energy exploration.. Natural gas and coal are others and we have plenty of it. There is no logic in the liberal mind, either they want to take this country down or they're simply clueless :cuckoo:

Yeah, the whole place is clueless dude. The idea is to use up everybodies elses oil, so we are the ones left holding the oil can.

So how much oil do we need? Is it more than we annually export to japan, Korea, Mexico, Canada and pay Alaskans a royality for? Is it more than what we have reduced the dependency on with more fuel efficient cars & alternative energy sources in the last 5 years? IS there a reason refineries operate at 80% of capacity, and they are closing down refineries in America? Is there a reason the Federal oil Reserve is at capacity, and there is no where above ground to store oil? Where is this cry for Drill Drill Drill coming from? Did Standard oil say they wanted to drill? EXXON? Anybody outside of foreigners sending the oil to their own countrys??

Does any of that stick for you?
You've got to love how the libs just dismiss the fact that we pay for other countries to drill for oil, while they limit this country. We help other countries build nuclear power plants but not here, we limit all sources of energy exploration.. Natural gas and coal are others and we have plenty of it. There is no logic in the liberal mind, either they want to take this country down or they're simply clueless :cuckoo:

Why do you care? Right wingers aren't going to build nuclear power plants. That takes scientists and engineers. Right winger's believe people were magically shimmered into being. Science and the right wing doesn't work well together. Better they spend their time with "Bible Study" and stay away from things that make you glow.

:eusa_eh:That it? thats all you got in response? the lib version of science is study of global warming and NASA outreach to the muslims respond to the points or shut the hell up idiot:cuckoo:
No one will drill in US terroritorial waters without the US governments approval.
And the US cannot ban drilling outside US territorial waters.

Actually, I've heard the amount that Obama was lending to Brazil was up to 10 billion.

Bogus Brazilian Oil Claims
September 18, 2009

Q: Did Obama loan $2 billion to Brazil’s oil company to benefit China and George Soros?

A: The president had nothing to do with the loan, which the Export-Import Bank approved for Brazil to buy U.S.-made equipment and services.

Bogus Brazilian Oil Claims | FactCheck.org

Hey, did you know Obama took a trip to Asia that cost 200 trillion billion dollars a minute?

Gawd you guys are dumb. You believe anything.
You've got to love how the libs just dismiss the fact that we pay for other countries to drill for oil, while they limit this country. We help other countries build nuclear power plants but not here, we limit all sources of energy exploration.. Natural gas and coal are others and we have plenty of it. There is no logic in the liberal mind, either they want to take this country down or they're simply clueless :cuckoo:

Yeah, the whole place is clueless dude. The idea is to use up everybodies elses oil, so we are the ones left holding the oil can.

So how much oil do we need? Is it more than we annually export to japan, Korea, Mexico, Canada and pay Alaskans a royality for? Is it more than what we have reduced the dependency on with more fuel efficient cars & alternative energy sources in the last 5 years? IS there a reason refineries operate at 80% of capacity, and they are closing down refineries in America? Is there a reason the Federal oil Reserve is at capacity, and there is no where above ground to store oil? Where is this cry for Drill Drill Drill coming from? Did Standard oil say they wanted to drill? EXXON? Anybody outside of foreigners sending the oil to their own countrys??

Does any of that stick for you?

Really? we are in the process of expanding our refinery here in Detroit. Too many evironmental regs make it nearly impossable to bulid new ones. Soo... what about nuclear, natural gas, coal? wake up you're the one thats blind to any facts

BP stands for Beyond Petroleum.

The BP brand | BP

That just shows how far off the rest of your post is.

UM, no, it stands for British Petroleum.

BP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That aside, you 'think' it stands for Beyond Petroleum because there is a subhead in your link titled thus. That refers to what the company does 'beyond producing petroleum'. You really should read your own links...

I did, did you read yours? BP doesn't stand for anything, it is the full name of the company.

You stated it stood for Beyond Petroleum. It doesn't. It doesn't stand for British Petroleum in the same way KFC doesn't mean Kentucky Fried Chicken.

That aside, you were trying to dismiss Dean's POV by belittling him over a minor point, thus losing the point IMO...

Actually, I've heard the amount that Obama was lending to Brazil was up to 10 billion.

Bogus Brazilian Oil Claims
September 18, 2009

Q: Did Obama loan $2 billion to Brazil’s oil company to benefit China and George Soros?

A: The president had nothing to do with the loan, which the Export-Import Bank approved for Brazil to buy U.S.-made equipment and services.

Bogus Brazilian Oil Claims | FactCheck.org

Hey, did you know Obama took a trip to Asia that cost 200 trillion billion dollars a minute?

Gawd you guys are dumb. You believe anything.

Screw your stupid lying FAKE Check site. I linked to the Wall Street Journal. Can you show me a WSJ retraction?
I would suspect that if you check it is still British Petroleum DBA BP.

Like Verizon is really Bell Atalntic DBA Verizon.
You've got to love how the libs just dismiss the fact that we pay for other countries to drill for oil, while they limit this country. We help other countries build nuclear power plants but not here, we limit all sources of energy exploration.. Natural gas and coal are others and we have plenty of it. There is no logic in the liberal mind, either they want to take this country down or they're simply clueless :cuckoo:

You do realize the the loans the U.S. Export-Import Bank made to Mexican and Brazilain owned oil companies came with strings (much like our grants to Israel) in that they had to purchase the majority of their drilling supplies and services from US companies correct?

I don't think the President is going to reverse course on his comittment to Nuclear power but he might considering that was part of his concession to the Republicans in hopes of passing a Clean Energy Act which failed.

The Bakken fields are proof the we simple do not limit all sources of energy exploration. In fact we are one of the worlds top producers of crude oil. The problem is we are the biggest consumers of oil in the world and our consumption outstripped our production over 40 years ago. But, on the other hand the environmentalist have held up exploration and development with endless lawsuits in several areas.

It is however, crazy to think that the President is trying to take down the country or is clueless. And if you really believe that tripe here, you may need one of these:

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
Obama is purposely trying to KILL this Republic. There's no debate. The Enviro-debate fronted by them is a non starter and false. It's an excuse by him and his Statist pals to Kill us on all fronts.

Of course he is...as long as he takes the fuckwits like you down with him ...It's a win--win situation..:lol: :lol: :lol:
No, I don't realize it. Show me..................

Any executive order the President makes applies to only the United States. You see, the United States Federal government has no power to tell any other nation what they can or can't do. So the other nations of the world who have money will be drilling for the oil instead of us. Likely hiring their own people to do that jobs.

All Obama has done is ensure:

1) American jobs are lost
2) The price of gasoline goes up thanks to mindless speculators.
3) Other nations get rich using the resources we could have easily used.
4) Any drilling that does go on will happen without oversight of our government. Do you honestly think China will care if it spills oil in the gulf? it's no skin off their backs. We are the ones who get screwed by it.

I am not sure any jobs are being lost. The rigs are made in japan and hauled here, the workers are foreigners, and the fishing fleet is being paid off according to T. Towns might suffer because of the oil smells and pollution.

The price of oil doesn't go up, because the oil isn't being used here.

Apparently they are not our resources if America doesn't control them. Chevron can always fly under a different flag from one of their foreign company's and keep on drilling.

Not your land to oversee. China doesn't care about shit, but that makes no difference regardless if there is a ban or not. Just part of dirty globalization. By the way, EXXON doesn't care either. The shores are still drenched in oil.
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When it comes to oil, I just can't understand why the right wing is "stuck on stupid"?

Remember BP. BP stands for "British Petroleum". That means it's a "foriegn company". America doesn't get to keep the oil found here. You can explain it and explain it and still, it's simply too complex for the right to understand. This is a capitalisitic society. We sell stuff. Keeping oil here would be "socialism".

Oil found here is put on the open market and sold to the hightest bidder. If the price falls too much, oil companies hold back until the price goes back up.

Finding oil here gets us NOTHING. Get it? Got it? Good!

We get a laughably small royalty payment for offshore oil.

And virtually no federal taxes
You've got to love how the libs just dismiss the fact that we pay for other countries to drill for oil, while they limit this country. We help other countries build nuclear power plants but not here, we limit all sources of energy exploration.. Natural gas and coal are others and we have plenty of it. There is no logic in the liberal mind, either they want to take this country down or they're simply clueless :cuckoo:

Yeah, the whole place is clueless dude. The idea is to use up everybodies elses oil, so we are the ones left holding the oil can.

So how much oil do we need? Is it more than we annually export to japan, Korea, Mexico, Canada and pay Alaskans a royality for? Is it more than what we have reduced the dependency on with more fuel efficient cars & alternative energy sources in the last 5 years? IS there a reason refineries operate at 80% of capacity, and they are closing down refineries in America? Is there a reason the Federal oil Reserve is at capacity, and there is no where above ground to store oil? Where is this cry for Drill Drill Drill coming from? Did Standard oil say they wanted to drill? EXXON? Anybody outside of foreigners sending the oil to their own countrys??

Does any of that stick for you?

Really? we are in the process of expanding our refinery here in Detroit. Too many evironmental regs make it nearly impossable to bulid new ones. Soo... what about nuclear, natural gas, coal? wake up you're the one thats blind to any facts

Yes, what about nuclear & coal & being blind to facts? The fact is, the topic falls on oil, not nuclear & coal or wind & thermal, or hydro, or co-gens, etc. Just oil. What expansion is the refinery seeing? More oil tanks to store more oil above ground? It says it has suspended the work, but was building. "The firm is upgrading the refinery to process 80,000 barrels of heavy oil per day."

"Obama guarantees dependence on foreign oil by banning more US drilling today"
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Yeah, the whole place is clueless dude. The idea is to use up everybodies elses oil, so we are the ones left holding the oil can.

So how much oil do we need? Is it more than we annually export to japan, Korea, Mexico, Canada and pay Alaskans a royality for? Is it more than what we have reduced the dependency on with more fuel efficient cars & alternative energy sources in the last 5 years? IS there a reason refineries operate at 80% of capacity, and they are closing down refineries in America? Is there a reason the Federal oil Reserve is at capacity, and there is no where above ground to store oil? Where is this cry for Drill Drill Drill coming from? Did Standard oil say they wanted to drill? EXXON? Anybody outside of foreigners sending the oil to their own countrys??

Does any of that stick for you?

Really? we are in the process of expanding our refinery here in Detroit. Too many evironmental regs make it nearly impossable to bulid new ones. Soo... what about nuclear, natural gas, coal? wake up you're the one thats blind to any facts

Yes, what about nuclear & coal & being blind to facts? The fact is, the topic falls on oil, not nuclear & coal or wind & thermal, or hydro, or co-gens, etc. Just oil. What expansion is the refinery seeing? More oil tanks to store more oil above ground?

Obama guarantees dependence on foreign oil by banning more US drilling today

They are expanding thier refinery capability get it? not building new storage contianers Why would you assume the latter? I should take a picture of it. they hung a giant American flag from it a few months ago

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