Obama had Yes We Can, Trump had MAGA...what would be your 1-phrase slogan if you ran for president?

Make America American Again
The American Dream Is For Americans
Pay Your Own Way

If I were a Dem-
Make America Mexico Again
Free Shit For All
America, The Worlds Nation
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Diversity Is Our Strength, Just Don’t Look At The Data

Diversity Is Our Weakness, Likeminded People Unite
When I see citizens beat down for not wearing masks, I know what tyranny is. To see people incited so easily to condemn others and blame them is reminiscent of so many other eras and political systems. And today, watching those who may have not felt they enjoyed the best in past decades now doing the same to those they accuse as to blame from back than is just packaged differently. You are not Democrats. You are Progressive Socialists trending to Communists.
Dumbass repugs dying like flys of covid. Keep it up. You’ll be voting from the grave. That’s your new winning strategy right ? The latest has repugs being tried for illegal voting from the Villages in Florida.
Diversity Is Our Strength, Just Don’t Look At The Data

Diversity Is Our Weakness, Likeminded People Unite
Shit. Repugs, obesity is your failing. That and vax denying. Take their stupidity to the grave.
When I see citizens beat down for not wearing masks, I know what tyranny is. To see people incited so easily to condemn others and blame them is reminiscent of so many other eras and political systems. And today, watching those who may have not felt they enjoyed the best in past decades now doing the same to those they accuse as to blame from back than is just packaged differently. You are not Democrats. You are Progressive Socialists trending to Communists.

We could go through a whole list of what could potentially be "tyranny".

Like when people get locked up for murdering people "TYRANNY!!!"

But then there aren't many who think murderers are suffering tyranny, except maybe the murderers. Mostly because we see there being rights and if you violate other people's rights, or you harm other people (same thing?) then we consider putting you away.

When it comes to certain situations, we see that rights are reduced, without it being tyranny.

War, for example, can lead to certain restrictions on citizens. Maybe when the US locked up Japanese Americans, that was tyranny. But other restrictions? How about forcing people to go to war and to die for their country? Tyranny? Was Vietnam full of tyranny?

The coronavirus situation, with people wearing masks, is much less of a limit of people's freedoms than things is war. More people have died from the coronavirus than died in WW2. In fact I think more have died of the coronavirus than died in military action for the US in total.

Wikipedia puts the military casualties at 666,441+ deaths. Total deaths from war at 1.3 million.

The US is at 800,000 deaths in less than two years from the coronavirus. It might just surpass that 1.3 million figure.
No, they aren't! Some are idiots like you!
My official diagnosis is High Functioning Autism.

All Humans are Created Equal.

All Races are Equal. All Genders are Equal.

People with mental disability must be provided for! because they are not inferior to normal people (Normies).

People with Depression must be protected from self-harm! Thus I oppose guns.
My official diagnosis is High Functioning Autism.

All Humans are Created Equal.

All Races are Equal. All Genders are Equal.

People with mental disability must be provided for! because they are not inferior to normal people (Normies).

People with Depression must be protected from self-harm! Thus I oppose guns.
You have High Functioning Autism? My official diagnosis is that you are constipated so badly that your brain has ceased to function, i.e. you are full of shit!

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