Obama has nearly decimated al Qaeda: Why doesn't he brag about it?

No..he absolutely did not.

Bush's main interest was the invasion and conquering of Iraq. He wanted Saddam Hussien dead.

That was his focus.
He establish the ground work and intel. Remember we had to start from scratch.


Almost immediately after the 9/11 attacks, they knew it was Bin Laden. They didn't have to start from scratch. Clinton's focus was killing Bin Laden. He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him. When Bush came to office, Clinton let him know that Bin Laden should be the number one priority. Bush didn't listen, he wanted to piss off China and Russia, and started opting out of all sorts of treaties. Including missile defense and weaponizing space. He also wanted to invade Iraq and was looking for a reason to do so.

The freaking national "blackout" on just how bad the Bush administration was is appalling.

He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him.

LOL Even Bill doesnt describe it that way. Number one priority Now you are just getting goofy.
By Michael Tomasky

Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama has nearly decimated al Qaeda.

How much credit will Barack Obama get for this?

The fuller explanation reflects differences in the emotional and psychological make-up of liberals and conservatives. Conservatives are far more eager to thump their chests about these things. Liberals, from Obama to Hillary Clinton to the liberal foreign-policy gurus at the think tanks to your average person, find it a little unseemly.
"Showboating" has long been a subject, within the NFL. Some players feel a need to draw attention (to themselves) for every-little-thing they do (play-wise), during a game. Vince Lombardi was opposed to such clowning, and was supposed to have said "Act like you've been there, before."

When you've had as many accomplishments as Barack Obama....Success is (and, should be) expected of yourself.

I guess it's always possible that (most) "conservatives"/Republicans/Teabaggers have severe "mothering"-issues.....where their DAILY QUEST is to prove they really, really HAVE "cut" themselves "free" o' their (collective) Mothers' apron-strings....and, are BIG kids, now. They (simply) have a deep-seated "need" to highlight every, little thing they've accomplished, to prove their independence from "Mother-dear".

What better example than....

By Michael Tomasky

Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama has nearly decimated al Qaeda. Why doesn’t he brag about it? Michael Tomasky on liberals’ squeamishness at thumping their chests—and the endless victory lap that Bush would have taken.

The immediate political question raised by the successful drone attack that took out Anwar al-Awlaki is simple. How much credit will Barack Obama get for this? He ordered renewed drone attacks in Yemen earlier this year, and now, we see clear results. But I doubt Obama will derive much political benefit, for one obvious reason and one reason that is less obvious but that reflects something more enduring in our political culture.

When that SEAL team nailed Osama bin Laden, Obama got about a five-point bounce out of it, but it washed away as quickly as a wave on a beach. The conventional wisdom said, well, it’s the economy. People are more concerned about the unemployment rate. It also happened as the debt-ceiling crisis was starting to build, and Washington was more obsessed with it. So the conventional wisdom wasn’t necessarily wrong.

But it also wasn’t the whole story. The fuller explanation reflects differences in the emotional and psychological make-up of liberals and conservatives. Conservatives are far more eager to thump their chests about these things. Liberals, from Obama to Hillary Clinton to the liberal foreign-policy gurus at the think tanks to your average person, find it a little unseemly.

More: Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama is a quiet warrior...

It's because he wasn't earned his bragging rights yet...

"Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.

Following an unsuccessful bid against the Democratic incumbent for a seat in the United States House of Representatives in 2000, Obama ran for United States Senate in 2004. Several events brought him to national attention during the campaign, including his victory in the March 2004 Illinois Democratic primary for the Senate election and his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He won election to the U.S. Senate in Illinois in November 2004. His presidential campaign began in February 2007, and after a close campaign in the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries against Hillary Rodham Clinton, he won his party's nomination. In the 2008 presidential election, he defeated Republican nominee John McCain, and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009."

So.....what've you accomplished?

As usual dumbfuck liberals talk out both ends in support of Obamination.

Many of the CIA and military programs that are bearing fruit now started under Bush, it just took time to find the assholes around the world to kill them.
So......how do you explain.....


...Lil' Dumbya's
end-zone dance???

Because he is too smart for something so foolish. If he bragged about it and an attack came after.

Remember Bush? :) Obama learned.

I agree.

So Bush said things some stupid things. So has Obama. He's also doubled the deficit since 2008, he put the US in the Libyan fiasco and Syria is a bomb. So he is in more wars than Bush, and he passed the Patriot Act 2 :clap2:.

He also has cut funding to schools and taxes have gone up (and he is pushing hard for more = Tax and Spend), and he hasn't tried to help with green power. In fact, he is building four new nuclear power plants in a push.

This is not the time for tax and spend. Europe is very likely going to fall within a year or two when the debt repackages come due for Italy. A 2.7 Trillion dollar debt load which they are now selling assets to reduce before they come due. They are not America. They do not have ~700 Billion dollars to bootstrap the economy.

So where will they get it? What will happen if they don't get it? Good questions. Whose got ~700 Billion dollars floating around?

China maybe?

So, if Europe falls to depression, then America will have to do some pretty fine dancing with their debt load, but the Americans are financial astute. I mean they have been buying Saudi oil and paying them with future debt for over forty years. When the debt comes due, they pay. This is the same with China as well.

That's why the US owes it. Because they didn't pay. :razz: They pay in future debt and now that future debt that they paid China with has it's own toxicity and along with that a recession would not help China.

They do this regardless of the President. Capitalism outranks the President. :razz:
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He establish the ground work and intel. Remember we had to start from scratch.


Almost immediately after the 9/11 attacks, they knew it was Bin Laden. They didn't have to start from scratch. Clinton's focus was killing Bin Laden. He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him. When Bush came to office, Clinton let him know that Bin Laden should be the number one priority. Bush didn't listen, he wanted to piss off China and Russia, and started opting out of all sorts of treaties. Including missile defense and weaponizing space. He also wanted to invade Iraq and was looking for a reason to do so.

The freaking national "blackout" on just how bad the Bush administration was is appalling.

He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him.

LOL Even Bill doesnt describe it that way. Number one priority Now you are just getting goofy.

You saw the Chris Wallace interview?

Almost immediately after the 9/11 attacks, they knew it was Bin Laden. They didn't have to start from scratch. Clinton's focus was killing Bin Laden. He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him. When Bush came to office, Clinton let him know that Bin Laden should be the number one priority. Bush didn't listen, he wanted to piss off China and Russia, and started opting out of all sorts of treaties. Including missile defense and weaponizing space. He also wanted to invade Iraq and was looking for a reason to do so.

The freaking national "blackout" on just how bad the Bush administration was is appalling.

He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him.

LOL Even Bill doesnt describe it that way. Number one priority Now you are just getting goofy.

You saw the Chris Wallace interview?

The only interview I recall concerning Chris Wallace was him interviewing Rockefellar on him being the only politician to claim imminent threat and then saying he should not be held to account for his words. Very democrat isnt it?

If you have something to further the discussion please post it.
It's always enjoyable to see rightwingers squirm under the weight of irrefutable facts.
By Michael Tomasky

Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama has nearly decimated al Qaeda. Why doesn’t he brag about it? Michael Tomasky on liberals’ squeamishness at thumping their chests—and the endless victory lap that Bush would have taken.

The immediate political question raised by the successful drone attack that took out Anwar al-Awlaki is simple. How much credit will Barack Obama get for this? He ordered renewed drone attacks in Yemen earlier this year, and now, we see clear results. But I doubt Obama will derive much political benefit, for one obvious reason and one reason that is less obvious but that reflects something more enduring in our political culture.

When that SEAL team nailed Osama bin Laden, Obama got about a five-point bounce out of it, but it washed away as quickly as a wave on a beach. The conventional wisdom said, well, it’s the economy. People are more concerned about the unemployment rate. It also happened as the debt-ceiling crisis was starting to build, and Washington was more obsessed with it. So the conventional wisdom wasn’t necessarily wrong.

But it also wasn’t the whole story. The fuller explanation reflects differences in the emotional and psychological make-up of liberals and conservatives. Conservatives are far more eager to thump their chests about these things. Liberals, from Obama to Hillary Clinton to the liberal foreign-policy gurus at the think tanks to your average person, find it a little unseemly.

More: Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama is a quiet warrior...
he isn't decimating Al Qaeda.....
Gee.....maybe you can convince Al Qaeda of that, but......

Their membership is shrinking.​
he isn't decimating Al Qaeda the CIA headed by GEN Petraeus ,and Leon Panetta head of the Pentagon are using Bush doctrine to destroy them !! Obama is just a reluctant recipient of the credit because while he's out campaigning or playing golf or on vacation he's still the president . and as arrogant as he is don't you think if he was proud of the killings he would be bragging !!

Wrong! When Panetta took over the CIA, Obama told him to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority - which he did.

Obama is whacking those evildoers that Bush ignored when he took his illegal detour into Iraq.

The List is (nearly)......

Bush got the mastermind of the 9/11 attack. Bush also got the finacial support of the attack.
He probably doesn't want anyone looking too closely at the issue. After all obama has supported Al Quaea in Libya for months.
By Michael Tomasky

Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama has nearly decimated al Qaeda. Why doesn’t he brag about it? Michael Tomasky on liberals’ squeamishness at thumping their chests—and the endless victory lap that Bush would have taken.

The immediate political question raised by the successful drone attack that took out Anwar al-Awlaki is simple. How much credit will Barack Obama get for this? He ordered renewed drone attacks in Yemen earlier this year, and now, we see clear results. But I doubt Obama will derive much political benefit, for one obvious reason and one reason that is less obvious but that reflects something more enduring in our political culture.

When that SEAL team nailed Osama bin Laden, Obama got about a five-point bounce out of it, but it washed away as quickly as a wave on a beach. The conventional wisdom said, well, it’s the economy. People are more concerned about the unemployment rate. It also happened as the debt-ceiling crisis was starting to build, and Washington was more obsessed with it. So the conventional wisdom wasn’t necessarily wrong.

But it also wasn’t the whole story. The fuller explanation reflects differences in the emotional and psychological make-up of liberals and conservatives. Conservatives are far more eager to thump their chests about these things. Liberals, from Obama to Hillary Clinton to the liberal foreign-policy gurus at the think tanks to your average person, find it a little unseemly.

More: Obama’s Missing Bravado

Obama is a quiet warrior...

He has the complete and total success of the Stimulus on the economy to brag about and he does a fine job of that.
What NEED.....when Republicans have been doing it, FOR him????


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w894xqReOdo]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]

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He was stopped by a Republican congress bent on impeaching him.

LOL Even Bill doesnt describe it that way. Number one priority Now you are just getting goofy.

You saw the Chris Wallace interview?

The only interview I recall concerning Chris Wallace was him interviewing Rockefellar on him being the only politician to claim imminent threat and then saying he should not be held to account for his words. Very democrat isnt it?

If you have something to further the discussion please post it.

This was absolutely amazing. I actually gained a new respect for Chris Wallace after this..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaNIBFSMjb8]Chris Wallace Interviews Bill Clinton Pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L2513JFJsY&feature=related]Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

If you are a political junky..this is good stuff.
You saw the Chris Wallace interview?

The only interview I recall concerning Chris Wallace was him interviewing Rockefellar on him being the only politician to claim imminent threat and then saying he should not be held to account for his words. Very democrat isnt it?

If you have something to further the discussion please post it.

This was absolutely amazing. I actually gained a new respect for Chris Wallace after this..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaNIBFSMjb8]Chris Wallace Interviews Bill Clinton Pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L2513JFJsY&feature=related]Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

If you are a political junky..this is good stuff.

Thanks bro, I do wonder why it says fox smackdown when the discussion was what CBS reported.

I also like the fact that Clinton said Clarke had many loyalties.......and stories depending upon audience.
He probably doesn't want anyone looking too closely at the issue. After all obama has supported Al Quaea in Libya for months.

Thats different.....

We were protecting French Oil...................

Really? It would seem that reality wouldn't agree. If obama was really supporting French Oil, we would have supported Gadaffi under whose dictatorship Libya and oil was stable. Instead the US supported Al Quaeda, just like we supported the Muslim Brotherhood against the western friendly Mubarak in Egypt.

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