Obama Has Really Done it Now!

Buzz Jenkins

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2015
Well Hello! It's your old pal, Buzzsaw! I am freshly back from a two week suspension!

As a result of Obama's inept foreign policy ideas we have gone from his bumbling tinkering around in third world Muslim countries, playing off his ridiculous notions about our role in the world, to staring right into the eyes of the Russians - again.

We all know that Obama has no intention to destroy ISIS, contrary to what he has said in the past. Yeah, we drop a couple of bomb on those bastards from time to time. But that is clearly meant to keep up appearances. If we really intended to wipe out those murderous pricks then we would have forces in Iraq on the ground wiping them out right now. They are in a confined area, in the desert, riding around in old, beaten up Toyota pickup trucks carrying AK-47s. That's chicken shit stuff compared to the abilities of United States armed forces.

Now the fucking Russians have snuck troops and military assets into Syria, knowing full well that the U.S. Is conducting military operations there. It's not at all unreasonable to believe that they will be enhancing their forces over the weeks to come. Then today Russia directs US to not interfere with THEIR operations. Will Obama stand up to Putin over this? Of course not.

I will note that we are probably the ones in the wrong in a sense. After all, we violated Syria's sovereignty without being attacked and with only a tenuous claim of self-defense in our pursuit of ISIS. Russia, on the other hand, was invited into Syria by it's government. There can be debate on the legality of the international intervention by all sides.

However, the fact is, we are there now. We should have been there when Assad crossed Obama's "red line". If Obama had not fucked up relations with our allies and was not such a fucking pussy, then we could have built an international coalition to depose Assad and obtained pre-clearance in the form of a UN Security Council resolution, like what we did in the Operation Desert Storm. Yes, Russia and China have veto power. But their exercise of this power could have been lobbied against if Obama had established himself as a strong leader from the beginning.

So what are we going to do now? Allow Russia to tilt the tide of the Syrian civil war in favor of Assad? Allow Russia to gain geopolitical power in the Middle East? Apparently so.
This whole Syrian conflict smacks of a Cold War era proxy war. Except that Obama is too much of a pussy and inept leader to fight for American interests.

It is one thing to cede Ukraine to Russia. But ceding Syria and dominant Middle Eastern influence to Russia is NOT acceptable. The fundamental problem here is that the present situation with Syria is the result of years of absent American influence and strength in the region.

Putin is taking advantage of our Golden Negro. It is like he is shaking Obama down for his lunch money. But WE are the ones getting fucked in this matter, as Russian involvement in Syria is setting precedent for future expansion of Russian influence. They have already made gestures to Saudi Arabia to supply them with arms. Traditionally they would come to us. Further, we have just learned of the tri-lateral security arrangement between Syria, Iran, and Russia. It is only a matter of time until Russians are effecting political affairs in Iraq.

This is a major crisis, perhaps the biggest one of Obama's presidency. Based upon his past actions I do not hold any high hopes that Obama is going to stand up and finally start asserting policy and actions that further American interests. In short, we are fucked.

Obama is a failure as a leader. He is a joke. Either he is so fucking stupid that his bumbling has brought us to this point. Or, Obama knows exactly what he is doing and has DANGEROUSLY ceded our interests in the Middle East to Russia.

There is nothing good that will come out of this for us. This is a shameful day for America, as we have taken an unemployed, angry Chicago negro with little or no experience in anything and promoted him to a position where he is numero uno when it comes to the responsibility of protecting America. He has allowed Iran to take advantage of him. Now Putin is again taking advantage of him. Obama's nonfeasance and malfeasance in the area of international relations has put our nation at a disadvantage and has substantially increased the danger to our country.

Obama needs to be impeached immediately before he fucks up something else and further compromised American interests and security.

Russia needs to be stopped. They will not go to war with us. They do not have the financial ability to do so. I propose that we declare war on Syria and give Russia 1 week to leave Syria with the stipulation that Assad and his supporters will be targeted by us when we invade. This includes Russian forces. What can Putin do, really? He is not going to go nuclear. He is most certainly not going to knowingly engage us in traditional warfare in which Russia will lose. In other words, it is time for us to point a gun at Putin's head, then let HIM take the next move.

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