Obama hasn't taken questions from WH press corpse for 2 months


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Seriously? That's how scared this guy is of being exposed; of having the spotlight shined on what he's really about.

Of course, he's managed to go on sports radio shows and things like that. It's important that we know he's impressed with the Washington Nationals and that he still claims to be 'the biggest White Sox fan' (never mind the time that someone asked him to name a player on the team and he couldn't do it LMAO). He is the biggest ass clown.
He's going to take some questions from Romney in the debates.

Lots of REAL hard-ball ones.

Obama needs to stock up on tissues and K-Y Jelly. It's gonna be a long, painful assfucking.
Press Corpse? I wasn't aware a Corpse could ask questions. Even zombies are not very verbal.
It's like a Hospital "Corpse" Man...

You know...

Obama can't even get that fucking right.
He's going to take some questions from Romney in the debates.

Lots of REAL hard-ball ones.

Obama needs to stock up on tissues and K-Y Jelly. It's gonna be a long, painful assfucking.

While the language is a little on the colorful side, Warrior..

I have to agree with you here.

obama will take no questions from Romney in the debates. The questions will all come from the moderator who will be covering obama's ass with a six inch think diaper.
Seriously? That's how scared this guy is of being exposed; of having the spotlight shined on what he's really about.

Of course, he's managed to go on sports radio shows and things like that. It's important that we know he's impressed with the Washington Nationals and that he still claims to be 'the biggest White Sox fan' (never mind the time that someone asked him to name a player on the team and he couldn't do it LMAO). He is the biggest ass clown.

So. He doesn't talk to dead people. Big whoop!
Seriously? That's how scared this guy is of being exposed; of having the spotlight shined on what he's really about.

Of course, he's managed to go on sports radio shows and things like that. It's important that we know he's impressed with the Washington Nationals and that he still claims to be 'the biggest White Sox fan' (never mind the time that someone asked him to name a player on the team and he couldn't do it LMAO). He is the biggest ass clown.

So. He doesn't talk to dead people. Big whoop!
But he'll take their votes. :lol:
They have been dead for a long time. For fucks sake, how hard is it to expose the Obama's not even eligible for the presidency or that he's a communist. But leaving aside that stuff that you'll use as a distraction by calling me a wacko or a winger or whatever; seriously 2 months w/o fielding a question? Do we have an accountable president or an a-hole that operates in the shadows? He needs to go.
He's going to take some questions from Romney in the debates.

Lots of REAL hard-ball ones.

Obama needs to stock up on tissues and K-Y Jelly. It's gonna be a long, painful assfucking.

Lets just hope Romney does... so far he has been pretty much a nice guy.

There is plenty of red meat lying around though. The debates ought to be a cake walk for Romney.
He's going to take some questions from Romney in the debates.

Lots of REAL hard-ball ones.

Obama needs to stock up on tissues and K-Y Jelly. It's gonna be a long, painful assfucking.

Lets just hope Romney does... so far he has been pretty much a nice guy.

There is plenty of red meat lying around though. The debates ought to be a cake walk for Romney.

Sometimes, Romney knocks it out of the park, sometimes he's soft. It really depends on which Romney shows up.

I know that if he hammers Obama on the economy then he should be fine. That's his kryptonite. That's why he hasn't gotten into Obama's nonsense trap issues.
I agree. Romney has plenty of ammunition.

As for Barry and the Press Corp??

He's to busy running for office and attending $40 grand a plate dinners to worry about questions and answers.
The media with Obama has really let the public down and almost has become our enemy.. they didn't report any of Obama's past, his history of running with radicals to protest against this country, his history as a community agitator, how dirty his campaign went to win him his Senate seat in Illinois.. and then when they had to report it they poo pooed it as if how dare anyone question it..

Well now you all know more and have seen the man in disgusting action...so vote him out
Another whinefest sprinkled with a dash of wishful thinking.

Will you losers ever bore of saying the same things so fucking often?
I'm for Romney, but how can you expect someone to campaign and do his job at the same time? I don't have a solution but it seems like a problem to me. (It's not like Obama would be doing anything productive, though)
Seriously? That's how scared this guy is of being exposed; of having the spotlight shined on what he's really about.

Of course, he's managed to go on sports radio shows and things like that. It's important that we know he's impressed with the Washington Nationals and that he still claims to be 'the biggest White Sox fan' (never mind the time that someone asked him to name a player on the team and he couldn't do it LMAO). He is the biggest ass clown.

I'm sure it's hard to find time for the WHPC or even his jobs council when he's setting records in holding fund raisers.

Book: Obama Held More Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined
But....he's running the most transparent administration in History!!!

He's going to take some questions from Romney in the debates.

Lots of REAL hard-ball ones.

Obama needs to stock up on tissues and K-Y Jelly. It's gonna be a long, painful assfucking.

I have seen Romney debate..

No real worry here

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