Obama-haters: If Obama is such a terrible president, then why do you suppose his...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.
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...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

Really - because he measures up with Romney he is kosher?

You want to know why his polls are as good as they are: the general public is filled with ignorant people. You have seen what happens when the average person is asked basic civics questions, right? It is a disaster.
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

Awful Presidents have had good approval ratings (Clinton) and great presidents have had awful approval ratings (Harry Truman).

Romney isn't crushing him because Romney isn't likable.
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

Not as bad as it could be. LOL. Yeah, it could be zero. I guess less than 50% is better than zero.

Obama: It Could Be Worse.

What a shmuck.
The fact that Obama didn't completely abandon American families to the tender mercies that the GOPers wanted for them, probably has something to do with it.

Had the GOP had its way, the banksters would still get their trillions but the American people would have been left in the cold to starve.

Some American voters get that, despite all its problems, the Dems still TRY to help Americans who, though no fault of their own, are in financial difficulty.
Because the people answering those polls aren't educated enough to know the difference between circumventing and reading into the Constitution what really isn't there - for his own benefit. Obama is a dictatorial/ lordly/ imperious President who wants everything his way and the people around him accomodate him by agreeing with him. Most simply do not understand how the Government is supposed to work (including some in Congress), they do not understand the differencees between a socialist - big government idea and a representative government.
...polls do not reflect it?

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

The nation's expectations were no higher than his own:
"The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation" for the entire speech -http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D912VD200

There were people who literally expected their car payments, utilities, etc to be paid out of "Obama's stash"

Unmet expectations lead to unpopularity.

BTW: I don't hate anyone
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So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be?

Perhaps because 7 out of 10 Americans now get some form of government assistance? Or maybe it's because nearly half don't pay any federal income tax?

Get someone on the dole and they'll vote to keep the handouts coming. Obama's the guy for that.
The fact that Obama didn't completely abandon American families to the tender mercies that the GOPers wanted for them, probably has something to do with it.

Had the GOP had its way, the banksters would still get their trillions but the American people would have been left in the cold to starve.

Some American voters get that, despite all its problems, the Dems still TRY to help Americans who, though no fault of their own, are in financial difficulty.

Speaking of "haters"

There are many who expected Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, and others would be in prison by now. Yet more unmet expectations.
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

You figure? Since when?

Do you understand that there is a difference between his generic approval and the specific way he polls on the issues? For some reason all the racists out there who oppose his policies seem to actually like him.
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

WHo cares s0n................

42% FTG:D

Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Government, Politics, Economics, Management
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

A poll match-up between Obama and any Republican is meaningless until all other candidates have been culled.
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

You figure? Since when?

Do you understand that there is a difference between his generic approval and the specific way he polls on the issues? For some reason all the racists out there who oppose his policies seem to actually like him.

There is no clear evidence that Obama has handled the economy wrong. No one here has been able to prove that. Americans just assume it is his fault unemployment is still high.
The fact that Obama didn't completely abandon American families to the tender mercies that the GOPers wanted for them, probably has something to do with it.

Had the GOP had its way, the banksters would still get their trillions but the American people would have been left in the cold to starve.

Some American voters get that, despite all its problems, the Dems still TRY to help Americans who, though no fault of their own, are in financial difficulty.

Yeah that's right. Put that on the list of all the bad things Republicans want along with dirty air and dirty water and grandma eating cat food. :cuckoo: Why do you bother posting at all -you are such a mindless ideologue you don't even realize you lack any critical thinking skills.
...polls do not reflect it?

His approval rating, while not good, really isn't as bad as it could be (Gallup has it at 46% right now).

On average, he is tied with Romney for a hypothetical election.

So why do think his approval ratings are not lower than they should be? Why isn't Romney crushing him in a hypothetical match-up?

While Bush's approval ratings were decent in his first term, they were terrible in his second.

Personally, I think the reason why his approval ratings are lower than they should be is because people expected him to be a cure-all for the economy. They figure since job growth has been slow, it must be ALL Obama's fault.

That, of course, is not true.

You figure? Since when?

Do you understand that there is a difference between his generic approval and the specific way he polls on the issues? For some reason all the racists out there who oppose his policies seem to actually like him.

There is no clear evidence that Obama has handled the economy wrong. No one here has been able to prove that. Americans just assume it is his fault unemployment is still high.

Sensitive about something? I did not mention the economy.
You figure? Since when?

Do you understand that there is a difference between his generic approval and the specific way he polls on the issues? For some reason all the racists out there who oppose his policies seem to actually like him.

There is no clear evidence that Obama has handled the economy wrong. No one here has been able to prove that. Americans just assume it is his fault unemployment is still high.

Sensitive about something? I did not mention the economy.

I'm sure that is what you were referring to. Don't bullshit. It's Obama's lowest specific approval rating

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