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Obama: His Legacy

Our President is doing nothing to stop this disease

The responsibility is on Trump

bullshit, he is the first president who has actually tried to stop it. As usual, you are FOS.
We never had these diseases under the Great Obama

Why all of a sudden under Trump? He is responsible for the nation’s health
We never had these diseases under Obama?

The Comeback Of Polio Is A Public Health Emergency

Here are some diseases we're seeing thanks to anti-vaxxers

Acute flaccid myelitis paralyzes children in 24 states

Dozens of articles from all throughout Obama years, talking about bad illnesses that are making a comeback.

when someone uses "great" before "obama" rest assured that that person is a partisan idiot with the brains of a garden slug.

1. Recently, a mysterious illness has been found throughout the nation..

"Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis
One child has died of “acute flaccid myelitis”, and 62 cases have been confirmed as AFM.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now reporting that there are now more than125 confirmed or suspected cases of acute flaccid myelitis, a condition affecting children across the nation and leaving them paralyzed.

Federal health officials released the updated numbers on Tuesday, and said they still had no idea what was causing the spike in AFM cases or why kids were getting it in the first place.

“We understand that people, particularly parents, are concerned,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director for the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, during a teleconference call with reporters.

“There is a lot we don’t know about AFM, and I am frustrated that despite all of our efforts, we haven’t been able to identify the cause of this mystery."
Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis

2. Perhaps we haven't been able to identify the cause.....we do know the provenance.
View attachment 223297


3. And we do know who to 'thank'....the man who thinks that children are a punishment....

"Everyone knows that Obama isn't enforcing immigration laws. In particular, foreigners in South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the US isn't deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for.... 60,000 children will be sent up - or sent for - to sneak into the United States in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015. That's a quarter of a million of unattended minor illegal aliens in that two-year period alone."
Obama Offers Mini-Amnesty To 200 000 Kids By 2016 The Daily Caller

The Obama Presidency is a blot on American history....and the deleterious effects continue long after he is gone.
As amazing as it is, there are still buffoons praising Hussein....
They deserve an equal dose of vituperation.

By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

  • Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).
  • ICE and DHS didn't respond to a request for comment.
But lets not let facts get in the way.

As far as Obama's legacy goes. It is a sound one. One without a single scandal, and nobody in his administration arrested or jailed. You really want to compare Trump on that one?

Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and saved the entire worlds economic recession, not just the US. Trump saved nothing. As with everything else in his worthless life, he inherited that from Obama.

Obama actually ended a war. In Iraq. And actually brought all of the troops home. Trump. Not so much. He just sent troops back into Syria he took out a week ago, and has sent troops to Saudi Arabia.

Obama enjoys an approval rating in 60's. Trump is stuck somewhere between 35-42.

Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world.

Trump is laughed at, mocked, disrespected, and punked.

Conclusion to this bomb of a thread. Obama wins on every issue hands down. It's not even close.

Thanks for playing.

"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
1. Recently, a mysterious illness has been found throughout the nation..

"Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis
One child has died of “acute flaccid myelitis”, and 62 cases have been confirmed as AFM.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now reporting that there are now more than125 confirmed or suspected cases of acute flaccid myelitis, a condition affecting children across the nation and leaving them paralyzed.

Federal health officials released the updated numbers on Tuesday, and said they still had no idea what was causing the spike in AFM cases or why kids were getting it in the first place.

“We understand that people, particularly parents, are concerned,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director for the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, during a teleconference call with reporters.

“There is a lot we don’t know about AFM, and I am frustrated that despite all of our efforts, we haven’t been able to identify the cause of this mystery."
Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis

2. Perhaps we haven't been able to identify the cause.....we do know the provenance.
View attachment 223297


3. And we do know who to 'thank'....the man who thinks that children are a punishment....

"Everyone knows that Obama isn't enforcing immigration laws. In particular, foreigners in South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the US isn't deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for.... 60,000 children will be sent up - or sent for - to sneak into the United States in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015. That's a quarter of a million of unattended minor illegal aliens in that two-year period alone."
Obama Offers Mini-Amnesty To 200 000 Kids By 2016 The Daily Caller

The Obama Presidency is a blot on American history....and the deleterious effects continue long after he is gone.
As amazing as it is, there are still buffoons praising Hussein....
They deserve an equal dose of vituperation.

By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

  • Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).
  • ICE and DHS didn't respond to a request for comment.
But lets not let facts get in the way.

As far as Obama's legacy goes. It is a sound one. One without a single scandal, and nobody in his administration arrested or jailed. You really want to compare Trump on that one?

Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and saved the entire worlds economic recession, not just the US. Trump saved nothing. As with everything else in his worthless life, he inherited that from Obama.

Obama actually ended a war. In Iraq. And actually brought all of the troops home. Trump. Not so much. He just sent troops back into Syria he took out a week ago, and has sent troops to Saudi Arabia.

Obama enjoys an approval rating in 60's. Trump is stuck somewhere between 35-42.

Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world.

Trump is laughed at, mocked, disrespected, and punked.

Conclusion to this bomb of a thread. Obama wins on every issue hands down. It's not even close.

Thanks for playing.

"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???
1. Recently, a mysterious illness has been found throughout the nation..

"Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis
One child has died of “acute flaccid myelitis”, and 62 cases have been confirmed as AFM.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now reporting that there are now more than125 confirmed or suspected cases of acute flaccid myelitis, a condition affecting children across the nation and leaving them paralyzed.

Federal health officials released the updated numbers on Tuesday, and said they still had no idea what was causing the spike in AFM cases or why kids were getting it in the first place.

“We understand that people, particularly parents, are concerned,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director for the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, during a teleconference call with reporters.

“There is a lot we don’t know about AFM, and I am frustrated that despite all of our efforts, we haven’t been able to identify the cause of this mystery."
Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis

2. Perhaps we haven't been able to identify the cause.....we do know the provenance.
View attachment 223297


3. And we do know who to 'thank'....the man who thinks that children are a punishment....

"Everyone knows that Obama isn't enforcing immigration laws. In particular, foreigners in South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the US isn't deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for.... 60,000 children will be sent up - or sent for - to sneak into the United States in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015. That's a quarter of a million of unattended minor illegal aliens in that two-year period alone."
Obama Offers Mini-Amnesty To 200 000 Kids By 2016 The Daily Caller

The Obama Presidency is a blot on American history....and the deleterious effects continue long after he is gone.
As amazing as it is, there are still buffoons praising Hussein....
They deserve an equal dose of vituperation.

By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

  • Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).
  • ICE and DHS didn't respond to a request for comment.
But lets not let facts get in the way.

As far as Obama's legacy goes. It is a sound one. One without a single scandal, and nobody in his administration arrested or jailed. You really want to compare Trump on that one?

Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and saved the entire worlds economic recession, not just the US. Trump saved nothing. As with everything else in his worthless life, he inherited that from Obama.

Obama actually ended a war. In Iraq. And actually brought all of the troops home. Trump. Not so much. He just sent troops back into Syria he took out a week ago, and has sent troops to Saudi Arabia.

Obama enjoys an approval rating in 60's. Trump is stuck somewhere between 35-42.

Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world.

Trump is laughed at, mocked, disrespected, and punked.

Conclusion to this bomb of a thread. Obama wins on every issue hands down. It's not even close.

Thanks for playing.

"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
1. Recently, a mysterious illness has been found throughout the nation..

"Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis
One child has died of “acute flaccid myelitis”, and 62 cases have been confirmed as AFM.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now reporting that there are now more than125 confirmed or suspected cases of acute flaccid myelitis, a condition affecting children across the nation and leaving them paralyzed.

Federal health officials released the updated numbers on Tuesday, and said they still had no idea what was causing the spike in AFM cases or why kids were getting it in the first place.

“We understand that people, particularly parents, are concerned,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director for the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, during a teleconference call with reporters.

“There is a lot we don’t know about AFM, and I am frustrated that despite all of our efforts, we haven’t been able to identify the cause of this mystery."
Mysterious, polio-like illness leaving some children suffering from paralysis

2. Perhaps we haven't been able to identify the cause.....we do know the provenance.
View attachment 223297


3. And we do know who to 'thank'....the man who thinks that children are a punishment....

"Everyone knows that Obama isn't enforcing immigration laws. In particular, foreigners in South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the US isn't deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for.... 60,000 children will be sent up - or sent for - to sneak into the United States in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015. That's a quarter of a million of unattended minor illegal aliens in that two-year period alone."
Obama Offers Mini-Amnesty To 200 000 Kids By 2016 The Daily Caller

The Obama Presidency is a blot on American history....and the deleterious effects continue long after he is gone.
As amazing as it is, there are still buffoons praising Hussein....
They deserve an equal dose of vituperation.

By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

  • Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).
  • ICE and DHS didn't respond to a request for comment.
But lets not let facts get in the way.

As far as Obama's legacy goes. It is a sound one. One without a single scandal, and nobody in his administration arrested or jailed. You really want to compare Trump on that one?

Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and saved the entire worlds economic recession, not just the US. Trump saved nothing. As with everything else in his worthless life, he inherited that from Obama.

Obama actually ended a war. In Iraq. And actually brought all of the troops home. Trump. Not so much. He just sent troops back into Syria he took out a week ago, and has sent troops to Saudi Arabia.

Obama enjoys an approval rating in 60's. Trump is stuck somewhere between 35-42.

Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world.

Trump is laughed at, mocked, disrespected, and punked.

Conclusion to this bomb of a thread. Obama wins on every issue hands down. It's not even close.

Thanks for playing.

"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol
By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

  • Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).
  • ICE and DHS didn't respond to a request for comment.
But lets not let facts get in the way.

As far as Obama's legacy goes. It is a sound one. One without a single scandal, and nobody in his administration arrested or jailed. You really want to compare Trump on that one?

Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and saved the entire worlds economic recession, not just the US. Trump saved nothing. As with everything else in his worthless life, he inherited that from Obama.

Obama actually ended a war. In Iraq. And actually brought all of the troops home. Trump. Not so much. He just sent troops back into Syria he took out a week ago, and has sent troops to Saudi Arabia.

Obama enjoys an approval rating in 60's. Trump is stuck somewhere between 35-42.

Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world.

Trump is laughed at, mocked, disrespected, and punked.

Conclusion to this bomb of a thread. Obama wins on every issue hands down. It's not even close.

Thanks for playing.

"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?
. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?

You Liberals/Democrats called Hussein God, Jesus and the messiah.

You should know by now that I'm never wrong....

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com...t-a-president/
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?

You Liberals/Democrats called Hussein God, Jesus and the messiah.

You should know by now that I'm never wrong....

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com...t-a-president/
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

Jezzus I think you have a special hand guiding you too
You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?

You Liberals/Democrats called Hussein God, Jesus and the messiah.

You should know by now that I'm never wrong....

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com...t-a-president/
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

Jezzus I think you have a special hand guiding you too

Now....you know I'm far too modest to say that myself.....


Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject?

My understated wit?

My cygnian grace?

Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?

You Liberals/Democrats called Hussein God, Jesus and the messiah.

You should know by now that I'm never wrong....

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com...t-a-president/
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

Jezzus I think you have a special hand guiding you too

Now....you know I'm far too modest to say that myself.....


Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject?

My understated wit?

My cygnian grace?

Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
Truth be told if I was a bit younger and not married I'd try to get a bit further,,,, I'm sure we'd get along
We on the right don't idolize our candidates, as you do......you were the ones who called Hussein God, Jesus, and the messiah.

I vote for policies.

Try it.
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?

You Liberals/Democrats called Hussein God, Jesus and the messiah.

You should know by now that I'm never wrong....

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com...t-a-president/
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

Jezzus I think you have a special hand guiding you too

Now....you know I'm far too modest to say that myself.....


Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject?

My understated wit?

My cygnian grace?

Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
Truth be told if I was a bit younger and not married I'd try to get a bit further,,,, I'm sure we'd get along

Could you imagine the battles??????
No one called him anything like that except a few idiots. You have a few on your side too No?? Obama was a damn good president despite the crap you and your pals throw at him and now you're blinded buy this nitwit ? His policies??? Yeah ripping up the deal we had with Iran working out so good for us?

You Liberals/Democrats called Hussein God, Jesus and the messiah.

You should know by now that I'm never wrong....

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servantto our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com...t-a-president/
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

Jezzus I think you have a special hand guiding you too

Now....you know I'm far too modest to say that myself.....


Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject?

My understated wit?

My cygnian grace?

Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
Truth be told if I was a bit younger and not married I'd try to get a bit further,,,, I'm sure we'd get along

Could you imagine the battles??????
I might fall in love
By the numbers: Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

  • Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).
  • ICE and DHS didn't respond to a request for comment.
But lets not let facts get in the way.

As far as Obama's legacy goes. It is a sound one. One without a single scandal, and nobody in his administration arrested or jailed. You really want to compare Trump on that one?

Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and saved the entire worlds economic recession, not just the US. Trump saved nothing. As with everything else in his worthless life, he inherited that from Obama.

Obama actually ended a war. In Iraq. And actually brought all of the troops home. Trump. Not so much. He just sent troops back into Syria he took out a week ago, and has sent troops to Saudi Arabia.

Obama enjoys an approval rating in 60's. Trump is stuck somewhere between 35-42.

Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world.

Trump is laughed at, mocked, disrespected, and punked.

Conclusion to this bomb of a thread. Obama wins on every issue hands down. It's not even close.

Thanks for playing.

"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

Look moron.
The guy that your media told you for 8 years was the absolute messiah is equal to the guy your media has told you for 3 years is the absolute devil.

Your media is failing you.
"Obama is loved, admired, and respected around the world."

Let's check:

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit."
Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

13. How about the way the Brits spit in Obama’s eye in the Brexit vote:
“Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention” Backlash after Obama EU intervention


14. The Israelis after Obama sent his minions to sink Netanyahu:

“Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process The Obama presidential election team has set up camp in Tel Aviv with the mission to defeat Netanyahu in our upcoming election.” Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

Guess who they voted for.

15. “Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

· …Former U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati. He said before President Obama was elected in 2008 that a Democratic president would give a U.S. World Cup bid the greatest chance of success.

· Obama came out strongly for the U.S. World Cup campaign for 2018 and 2022 as well, getting chummy with Sepp Blatter, writing letters to and meeting with the soccer politician – …. Russia got 2018 when it was decided that event would go to a European candidate and Qatar came from nowhere to steal away 2022, leaving Obama to receive a consolation phone call

· As this all relates to sports, scorecards are appropriate. And as much as Obama had charisma that stretched far beyond American borders, that never translated into votes for big athletic extravaganzas. On that front it’s Trump 2, Obama 0.

· Obama went to bat hard for his hometown of Chicago as it tried to stage the 2016 Olympics. He held an event on the White House lawn and flew to Copenhagen in an attempt to sway the vote, but the Windy City came last out of four candidates as the voters opted for Rio de Janeiro instead.” Give Trump credit for USA getting the World Cup

16. "Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took aim at former President Barack Obama this week, stating that his administration took on “bad” policies rather than embodying the “hope and change” his campaign promised.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” Omar told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.”

Omar cited the former president’s “caging of kids” along the Mexican border and “droning of countries around the world.” “That’s not what we should be looking for anymore,” she said. “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” A spokesman for Obama reportedly declined to respond to Rep. Omar’s comments."
Ilhan Omar: Obama Administration Also Had ‘Really Bad Policies’

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????


. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

Look moron.
The guy that your media told you for 8 years was the absolute messiah is equal to the guy your media has told you for 3 years is the absolute devil.

Your media is failing you.
Who to trust ? The media or the moron who's on record for over 3000 lies in 3 years?
. “Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019”
Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019
That floats your boat???? The president you defile daily is now in a tie with the LOL greatest President ever???

You've got that backwards.....the one you drones claim is so beloved......isn't.
And the one you idolize is in no more than a tie with the one you bash every day? The horrible nasty do nothing Obama in a tie with Trump ? lol

Look moron.
The guy that your media told you for 8 years was the absolute messiah is equal to the guy your media has told you for 3 years is the absolute devil.

Your media is failing you.
Who to trust ? The media or the moron who's on record for over 3000 lies in 3 years?

Your literally a moron, dude

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