Obama: Huck, Trump Would be 'Ridiculous' if They Weren't So Sad

President Barack Obama on Monday chided the Republican presidential field, in particular Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee, for cheapening the political debate with what he said were "outrageous attacks."

During a news conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Obama was asked to respond to a remark that Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, made over the weekend comparing a landmark nuclear deal with Iran to the Holocaust. Huckabee said that in sealing the deal, the President "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven."

Obama said Huckabee's remark was "part of just a general pattern that we've seen that would be considered ridiculous if it weren't so sad."

He then suggested Huckabee may have made the comment in an effort to steal headlines away from real estate mogul Donald Trump, who's dominated the news in recent weeks for his disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants and Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) war record, according to CBS News. Obama GOPers Like Huck Trump Would Be Ridiculous If They Weren t So Sad VIDEO

LOL! 57 States Obama can't keep his fucking mouth shut! He's such a petulant little boy! What a joke!

Barry, just shut your fucking piehole

He's the president of the United States and he should shut his pie-hole to satisfy you? Tell me, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

its attachéd carl roves ass
President Barack Obama on Monday chided the Republican presidential field, in particular Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee, for cheapening the political debate with what he said were "outrageous attacks."

During a news conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Obama was asked to respond to a remark that Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, made over the weekend comparing a landmark nuclear deal with Iran to the Holocaust. Huckabee said that in sealing the deal, the President "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven."

Obama said Huckabee's remark was "part of just a general pattern that we've seen that would be considered ridiculous if it weren't so sad."

He then suggested Huckabee may have made the comment in an effort to steal headlines away from real estate mogul Donald Trump, who's dominated the news in recent weeks for his disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants and Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) war record, according to CBS News. Obama GOPers Like Huck Trump Would Be Ridiculous If They Weren t So Sad VIDEO

LOL! 57 States Obama can't keep his fucking mouth shut! He's such a petulant little boy! What a joke!

Barry, just shut your fucking piehole

He's the president of the United States and he should shut his pie-hole to satisfy you? Tell me, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

its attachéd carl roves ass

not that your mental illness requires attention more than medicine and therapy

but i'm going to keep re-posting the responses of you and fellow left-wing nutjob NUHUH

everybody needs to see how loony the loser Left really is
Hillary Clinton jumps in.

Hillary Clinton on Monday called Mike Huckabee’s remark about how President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran would send the Israelis “to the ovens” “offensive” and said it had gone too far.

“Comments like these are offensive and have no place in our political dialogue. I am disappointed and I am really offended personally,” Clinton said after touring a transit station in Des Moines. “I know Governor Huckabee. I have a cordial relationship with him. He served as governor of Arkansas. But I find this kind of inflammatory rhetoric totally unacceptable.”

In an interview with Breitbart News published Saturday, Huckabee said that Obama is “naive” in trusting Iran to uphold its part of the deal. “By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

“One can disagree with the particulars of the agreement to put a lid on the nuclear weapon’s program of Iran, and that is fair game. But this steps over the line and it should be repudiated by every person of good faith and concern about the necessity to keep our political dialogue on the facts and within suitable boundaries,” Clinton added on Monday.....................................


Read more: Hillary Clinton 2016 Mike Huckabee s holocaust comments offensive - POLITICO
President Barack Obama on Monday chided the Republican presidential field, in particular Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee, for cheapening the political debate with what he said were "outrageous attacks."

During a news conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Obama was asked to respond to a remark that Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, made over the weekend comparing a landmark nuclear deal with Iran to the Holocaust. Huckabee said that in sealing the deal, the President "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven."

Obama said Huckabee's remark was "part of just a general pattern that we've seen that would be considered ridiculous if it weren't so sad."

He then suggested Huckabee may have made the comment in an effort to steal headlines away from real estate mogul Donald Trump, who's dominated the news in recent weeks for his disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants and Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) war record, according to CBS News. Obama GOPers Like Huck Trump Would Be Ridiculous If They Weren t So Sad VIDEO

LOL! 57 States Obama can't keep his fucking mouth shut! He's such a petulant little boy! What a joke!

Barry, just shut your fucking piehole

He's the president of the United States and he should shut his pie-hole to satisfy you? Tell me, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

its attachéd carl roves ass

not that your mental illness requires attention more than medicine and therapy

but i'm going to keep re-posting the responses of you and fellow left-wing nutjob NUHUH

everybody needs to see how loony the loser Left really is

Tell me, you scripture rapping Repugnican, how is it that you love your country, but hate most of the people that live there?

LOL! 57 States Obama can't keep his fucking mouth shut! He's such a petulant little boy! What a joke!

Barry, just shut your fucking piehole

He's the president of the United States and he should shut his pie-hole to satisfy you? Tell me, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

its attachéd carl roves ass

not that your mental illness requires attention more than medicine and therapy

but i'm going to keep re-posting the responses of you and fellow left-wing nutjob NUHUH

everybody needs to see how loony the loser Left really is

Tell me, you scripture rapping Repugnican, how is it that you love your country, but hate most of the people that live there?

tell me why left-wing losers want answers to their false narrative questions?
try not being intellectual cowards using straw man arguments and you wont get dismissed dummy
Iran showed the stupid Americans how the world feels about obumble. They came up with a pertinent graphic.
Yes, yes. We know you admire Iran and how it feels about President Obama.

another hilarious bit of left-wing nutjob stpidity

wasnt it LWNJs who cheered when iranian leader Ahmanutjob disrespected Bush?
wasnt it you left-wing losers who cheered when Ahmadenijad's domestic partner Hugo chavez did the same thing?

LOL! 57 States Obama can't keep his fucking mouth shut! He's such a petulant little boy! What a joke!

Barry, just shut your fucking piehole

He's the president of the United States and he should shut his pie-hole to satisfy you? Tell me, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

its attachéd carl roves ass

not that your mental illness requires attention more than medicine and therapy

but i'm going to keep re-posting the responses of you and fellow left-wing nutjob NUHUH

everybody needs to see how loony the loser Left really is

Tell me, you scripture rapping Repugnican, how is it that you love your country, but hate most of the people that live there?

You libs openly hate conservatives then you are surprised when we hate you back, duh!
What is ridiculous is Obama's naivete in making such a dangerous, awful Iran nuke deal (I say "naivete" because I'm assuming he's not a traitor), not to mention his signing of the disastrous and job-killing TPP trade deal. Huckabee's comment is not too far from what many Israelis are saying about this dangerously bad Iran deal.

Obama could bow to the Iranian demand that he release the Iranian scientist caught trying to get military-nuclear secrets in California, but, oh no, he couldn't gather up the nerve to insist on the return of the four Americans being held illegally in Iran. Disgraceful.
What is ridiculous is Obama's naivete in making such a dangerous, awful Iran nuke deal (I say "naivete" because I'm assuming he's not a traitor), not to mention his signing of the disastrous and job-killing TPP trade deal. Huckabee's comment is not too far from what many Israelis are saying about this dangerously bad Iran deal.

Obama could bow to the Iranian demand that he release the Iranian scientist caught trying to get military-nuclear secrets in California, but, oh no, he couldn't gather up the nerve to insist on the return of the four Americans being held illegally in Iran. Disgraceful.

No, he's a traitor. He switched sides and actively supports Jihad and Jihadists.

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