Obama: I won't reveal my agenda because then I would lose


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want:

GunBanObama Home
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want:

GunBanObama Home

Welcome to Progressive politics 101.
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want.

If he believes in a "belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class" then why is he crushing the middle class with a new devastating Taxmaggedon that will result in over $4,000 in taxes per year for the middle class?

"Well, you know what, it's time for a new economic patriotism -- and economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class." - Barack Hussein Obama

Obama calls for a 'new economic patriotism'
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want.


Obama is the perfect example of a dictator who tells you and gives synchophants what they want.."Obamaphone".. "not so free health care".. 50 million uninsured..(NOT !) and when elected does NOT what was promised but what was always his agenda!

The fact is the old adage "fool me once ... shame on Obama.. "fool me twice shame on the voter"... is never more true!

Those Obama voters mostly did so because THEY were uninformed and more concerned they not be racist!
They were fooled by Obama the first time. Now those fooled must realize they truly are fools if they vote again for Obama!
Whining sore losers.

What is the effect of being so acutely aggravated for such a long period of time? That on a daily basis........never missing a fucking day.......you nutters take the time and expend the effort to seek out and report upon something........anything........that could convince a total stranger to hate the President as much as you do?

I am sure that many of you are "normal" as you go about your lives. But....this obsession must be having a negative effect.

Anyone care to share?
If he believes in a "belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class" then why is he crushing the middle class with a new devastating Taxmaggedon that will result in over $4,000 in taxes per year for the middle class?

"Well, you know what, it's time for a new economic patriotism -- and economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class." - Barack Hussein Obama

Obama calls for a 'new economic patriotism'

Are you middle class?

If so, how much are your taxes going up? Specifically how much and why? Specifically.
Whining sore losers.

What is the effect of being so acutely aggravated for such a long period of time? That on a daily basis........never missing a fucking day.......you nutters take the time and expend the effort to seek out and report upon something........anything........that could convince a total stranger to hate the President as much as you do?

I am sure that many of you are "normal" as you go about your lives. But....this obsession must be having a negative effect.

Anyone care to share?

Interesting that you find posting FACTS to be an attempt to "convince a total stranger to hate the President". Perhaps YOU should hate the president if you find the FACTS to be that incriminating...?
If he believes in a "belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class" then why is he crushing the middle class with a new devastating Taxmaggedon that will result in over $4,000 in taxes per year for the middle class?

"Well, you know what, it's time for a new economic patriotism -- and economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class." - Barack Hussein Obama

Obama calls for a 'new economic patriotism'

Are you middle class?

If so, how much are your taxes going up? Specifically how much and why? Specifically.

Yes - I am middle class and Obama's new Taxmaggedon is causing my taxes to go up $4,100 starting in January. That's money I simply don't have, which means I'm going to have to cut back which will crush the economy as millions are forced to do the same thing.
Whining sore losers.

What is the effect of being so acutely aggravated for such a long period of time? That on a daily basis........never missing a fucking day.......you nutters take the time and expend the effort to seek out and report upon something........anything........that could convince a total stranger to hate the President as much as you do?

I am sure that many of you are "normal" as you go about your lives. But....this obsession must be having a negative effect.

Anyone care to share?

Interesting that you find posting FACTS to be an attempt to "convince a total stranger to hate the President". Perhaps YOU should hate the president if you find the FACTS to be that incriminating...?

Face it. Romney's 47% meme..is the one you guys fostered..and are now stuck with. You absolutely hate your fellow Americans. You want them out of the country. Romney spewed that little ideological tidbit at a fundraiser and now it's changed around his neck like a boulder. It's highly unlikely he's going to overcome it.
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want:

GunBanObama Home

In Obama world Failure is consider a success...........his slogan is Forward, it just no one can figure out what that means...
Whining sore losers.

What is the effect of being so acutely aggravated for such a long period of time? That on a daily basis........never missing a fucking day.......you nutters take the time and expend the effort to seek out and report upon something........anything........that could convince a total stranger to hate the President as much as you do?

I am sure that many of you are "normal" as you go about your lives. But....this obsession must be having a negative effect.

Anyone care to share?

Interesting that you find posting FACTS to be an attempt to "convince a total stranger to hate the President". Perhaps YOU should hate the president if you find the FACTS to be that incriminating...?

What facts?
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

In other words, I can't reveal my intentions to the American people because they won't re-elect me if I do. Sad that he feels he should be president and make decisions that he knows are against the will of the American people.

President Obama Asks Medvedev for 'Space' on Missile Defense - 'After My Election I Have More Flexibility'
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want.


Obama is the perfect example of a dictator who tells you and gives synchophants what they want.."Obamaphone".. "not so free health care".. 50 million uninsured..(NOT !) and when elected does NOT what was promised but what was always his agenda!

The fact is the old adage "fool me once ... shame on Obama.. "fool me twice shame on the voter"... is never more true!

Those Obama voters mostly did so because THEY were uninformed and more concerned they not be racist!
They were fooled by Obama the first time. Now those fooled must realize they truly are fools if they vote again for Obama!


It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want:

GunBanObama Home

In Obama world Failure is consider a success...........his slogan is Forward, it just no one can figure out what that means...

In your "world" letting one of the worst terrorists live in luxury was a-okay..so long as the boogeyman allowed for the conquering of Iraq.

In my world hitting Iraq was a war crime..and killing said terrorist was justice that was long deferred.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_56ox_Zw9w]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]
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If he believes in a "belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class" then why is he crushing the middle class with a new devastating Taxmaggedon that will result in over $4,000 in taxes per year for the middle class?

"Well, you know what, it's time for a new economic patriotism -- and economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class." - Barack Hussein Obama

Obama calls for a 'new economic patriotism'

Are you middle class?

If so, how much are your taxes going up? Specifically how much and why? Specifically.

Yes - I am middle class and Obama's new Taxmaggedon is causing my taxes to go up $4,100 starting in January. That's money I simply don't have, which means I'm going to have to cut back which will crush the economy as millions are forced to do the same thing.

Why are they going up? What policy is making this increase happen for you?
If he believes in a "belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class" then why is he crushing the middle class with a new devastating Taxmaggedon that will result in over $4,000 in taxes per year for the middle class?

"Well, you know what, it's time for a new economic patriotism -- and economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class." - Barack Hussein Obama

Obama calls for a 'new economic patriotism'

Are you middle class?

If so, how much are your taxes going up? Specifically how much and why? Specifically.
Once we (FINALLY) allow the Bush tax-cuts to DIE, in December.....we'll revert to.....

.....The CLINTON RATES!!!!!

"The vast majority of taxpayers saw no change in their income taxes as a result of the 1993 law. CBO estimates that most households paid only $38 more per year, as a result of the 4.3 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax."


For Teabaggin' Dummies
It's sick how this miserable piece of shit won't be honest with the American people about his agenda. The entire point of our system is to tell the American people your positions and then let them decide if that is what they want:

GunBanObama Home


The entire point is to win. Power, wealth and prestige are all that matter.

In the immortal words of Al Davis, "Just win baby!".

Oh wait, you were talking about our system not the art of campaigning. My bad!


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