Obama In Nashville: "Republicans Pretty Sure I'm An Illegal Immigrant"

I don't know one way or the other...What I really want to see is his college transcript!
Me too. George Bush's Yale transcript is public information (B+ mostly), but Great Leader's is nowhere to be found. The left hasn't even dreamed up an incredible bullshit excuse. Bammy's transcript must be horrible, just horrible.The left has no shame, none at all.
My recollection is that Bush transcripts are public only because they were leaked out; not because Bush voluntarily released them.

No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
I don't know one way or the other...What I really want to see is his college transcript!
Me too. George Bush's Yale transcript is public information (B+ mostly), but Great Leader's is nowhere to be found. The left hasn't even dreamed up an incredible bullshit excuse. Bammy's transcript must be horrible, just horrible.The left has no shame, none at all.
My recollection is that Bush transcripts are public only because they were leaked out; not because Bush voluntarily released them.

No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


Me too. George Bush's Yale transcript is public information (B+ mostly), but Great Leader's is nowhere to be found. The left hasn't even dreamed up an incredible bullshit excuse. Bammy's transcript must be horrible, just horrible.The left has no shame, none at all.
My recollection is that Bush transcripts are public only because they were leaked out; not because Bush voluntarily released them.

No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?
Cletus and his tinfoil hat.
Show me ONE, JUST ONE, ONE TINY LITTLE TIDBIT of PROOF, that Barry EVER denounced his Indonesian citizenship and LEGALLY became an American citizen... JUST ONE.

You can't, because there ARE NONE. Now EAT your fucking tin foil hat, dumbass twit.
My recollection is that Bush transcripts are public only because they were leaked out; not because Bush voluntarily released them.

No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?

Go stand on your head in a 55 gallon drum of BULL SHIT, you stupid cock sucker.
A few thoughts:

There are only two apparent reasons why Barry would not release his academic records: First, they will reveal that he was a huge beneficiary of Affirmative Action. It is fairly clear that he lacked the academic bona fides for either Columbia or Harvard Law. In fact, nothing in his public life indicates that he is any more intelligent than an average lawyer or politician.

Second, they will reveal that he gained admission by representing himself as a Kenyan immigrant - something that the Harvard admissions people would have jumped on with enthusiasm.

Given his background and obvious disdain for the rule of law, I wonder if he will follow in the hallowed footsteps of previous Illinois governors who were later found to be crooks, and went to jail. It's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Can you even imagine the street demonstrations?
My recollection is that Bush transcripts are public only because they were leaked out; not because Bush voluntarily released them.

No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?
Cant answer the question, eh fucktard? Makes you pretty fucking worthless.
Cletus and his tinfoil hat.
Show me ONE, JUST ONE, ONE TINY LITTLE TIDBIT of PROOF, that Barry EVER denounced his Indonesian citizenship and LEGALLY became an American citizen... JUST ONE.

You can't, because there ARE NONE. Now EAT your fucking tin foil hat, dumbass twit.
Now that's funny. You can't even prove he was ever an Indonesian citizen.
obungle is happiest when his speeches are ridiculing and mocking republicans. That way he doesn't have to think about what he says.
A few thoughts:

There are only two apparent reasons why Barry would not release his academic records: First, they will reveal that he was a huge beneficiary of Affirmative Action. It is fairly clear that he lacked the academic bona fides for either Columbia or Harvard Law. In fact, nothing in his public life indicates that he is any more intelligent than an average lawyer or politician.

Second, they will reveal that he gained admission by representing himself as a Kenyan immigrant - something that the Harvard admissions people would have jumped on with enthusiasm.

Given his background and obvious disdain for the rule of law, I wonder if he will follow in the hallowed footsteps of previous Illinois governors who were later found to be crooks, and went to jail. It's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Can you even imagine the street demonstrations?
In fact, nothing in his public life indicates that he is any more intelligent than an average lawyer or politician.

Except for teaching constitutional law for 10 years at the university level and running programs sponsored by the very conservative Annenberg Foundation and writing two bestsellers making him millions.

But hey, Sarah Palin also wrote a book all by herself. It's called "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent". That proves anyone can do it. And if that's the case, why are you still living in a trailer instead of the White House?
obungle is happiest when his speeches are ridiculing and mocking republicans. That way he doesn't have to think about what he says.
If he spent as much time denouncing our actual enemies as he does Republicans he would be remembered as one of our best presidents.
No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?
Cant answer the question, eh fucktard? Makes you pretty fucking worthless.
Rightard ... you can't answer that question either. :mm:
No, you're completely wrong...or you're one of the many people here who just makes shit up as you go along. Bush had no affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered advantages like Odummy. As his Yale Law School transcript indicates, he was a solid B+ student who had nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. So why would his transcript need to be "leaked out"? Don't say things like that again. It makes you look like an affirmative action, race-normed, race-centered Odummy. Don't you have any shame?

Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

  • Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?

Go stand on your head in a 55 gallon drum of BULL SHIT, you stupid cock sucker.
Nah, you're just a brain-dead rightard. Obama's already provided sufficient evidence he was eligible to run for president. It's not his problem you're too ignorant to accept it. :mm:
Your usual horseshit Tom...
Obama 8217 s 8216 Sealed 8217 Records

So Tom you have been outed as a weasel... You can stop being a weasel if you simply apologise for spreading misinformation.... Simple...

Are you a weasel or not.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?
Cant answer the question, eh fucktard? Makes you pretty fucking worthless.
Rightard ... you can't answer that question either. :mm:
You're right.
Why is it that when someone leaked Bush's records no one was prosecuted?
Why is it no one has leaked Obama's records?

Is it because Bush really had nothing to hide (he looked better as a result of the leak) and Obama has something to hide (he was listed as a foreign student)? I dont know. Maybe you do. Of course I doubt you know anything.
A few thoughts:

There are only two apparent reasons why Barry would not release his academic records: First, they will reveal that he was a huge beneficiary of Affirmative Action. It is fairly clear that he lacked the academic bona fides for either Columbia or Harvard Law. In fact, nothing in his public life indicates that he is any more intelligent than an average lawyer or politician.

Second, they will reveal that he gained admission by representing himself as a Kenyan immigrant - something that the Harvard admissions people would have jumped on with enthusiasm.

Given his background and obvious disdain for the rule of law, I wonder if he will follow in the hallowed footsteps of previous Illinois governors who were later found to be crooks, and went to jail. It's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Can you even imagine the street demonstrations?
My goodness, you rightards sure are committed to your lunacy. First of all, his reasons for not releasing them could be as simple as he knows how much it pisses off you righties. Whatever his reason, there's no indication it's to conceal he's Kenyan. As pointed our, Bush also refused to release his college transcripts. What was he "hiding?" Apparently nothing since they were leaked out and nothing nefarious was found among them. As far as your delusions that he was just an average student; his grades at Columbia were good enough to gain him entrance into Harvard Law school and his grades at Harvard were good enough to graduate magna cum laude. Something the average rightard can't even spell.
A few thoughts:

There are only two apparent reasons why Barry would not release his academic records: First, they will reveal that he was a huge beneficiary of Affirmative Action. It is fairly clear that he lacked the academic bona fides for either Columbia or Harvard Law. In fact, nothing in his public life indicates that he is any more intelligent than an average lawyer or politician.

Second, they will reveal that he gained admission by representing himself as a Kenyan immigrant - something that the Harvard admissions people would have jumped on with enthusiasm.

Given his background and obvious disdain for the rule of law, I wonder if he will follow in the hallowed footsteps of previous Illinois governors who were later found to be crooks, and went to jail. It's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Can you even imagine the street demonstrations?
In fact, nothing in his public life indicates that he is any more intelligent than an average lawyer or politician.

Except for teaching constitutional law for 10 years at the university level and running programs sponsored by the very conservative Annenberg Foundation and writing two bestsellers making him millions.

But hey, Sarah Palin also wrote a book all by herself. It's called "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent". That proves anyone can do it. And if that's the case, why are you still living in a trailer instead of the White House?
Don't forget Obama's own autobiography 'Dreams From My Father' written by William Bill Ayers, domestic Weather Underground terrorist.
So if it's illegal to release those records who was prosecuted for releasing Bush's?
WHy havent Obama's been leaked?
Don't forget during the 2012 primaries, Rick Perry's college transcripts was leaked to the press. Nobody was prosecuted. What we need to see is Obama's Admissions that will show if he went to college as a foreigner.


No matter how much you "need" to see them, you don't get to. Sucks, huh?
Cant answer the question, eh fucktard? Makes you pretty fucking worthless.
Rightard ... you can't answer that question either. :mm:
You're right.
Why is it that when someone leaked Bush's records no one was prosecuted?
Why is it no one has leaked Obama's records?

Is it because Bush really had nothing to hide (he looked better as a result of the leak) and Obama has something to hide (he was listed as a foreign student)? I dont know. Maybe you do. Of course I doubt you know anything.
I know enough to know you just called yourself, "pretty fucking useless."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

As always, the :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2: entertains.

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