Obama insists that to not prosecute Wall Street after they destroyed millions of lives was honorable & prevented "violence against the social order"

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order

Fuck that motherfucker. He needs to keep his meddling ass the fuck out of everything. His time at Public service is OVER!!!

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order

In other words, he did an Elizabeth Warren and took DONATIONS (BRIBES) from WALLSTREET including for his friends of Obama house buying campaign instead of going after them.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Prosecute them for what?

Making bad loans under pressure from community organizers?

Again, the crisis wasn't caused by poor people getting homes, very few of whom defaulted.

The problem was middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford hoping to flip them, followed by the banks selling the bad mortgages off as "investments" they misrepresented the value of.

As a practical matter, though, no, it was probably impossible to prosecute the banksters, as they had deep pockets and the laws were as murky as mud.

Nearly all the people that Obama himself got mortgages for, in his 1990s lawsuit against Citigroup, defaulted.

Even when Andrew Cuomo sued banks using HUD under the Clinton Administration, Andrew Cuomo himself in the very press release, admitted openly that the default rate would be higher.

At 0:40 in the clip, Andrew Cuomo himself says that the default rate will be higher. And.... at least on that statement, he was right, as history has shown.

The problem was middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford hoping to flip them, followed by the banks selling the bad mortgages off as "investments" they misrepresented the value of.

Sure, that was part of it. Obviously with housing prices increasing.... people could flip houses and make tons of money, because the prices were going up super fast.

However, saying they misrepresented the value, is wrong. That is factually untrue.

The when the market was going up in value, the banks said as much, which wasn't a lie, because the prices were in fact going up in value.

The problem is, the values didn't keep going up. That doesn't mean the banks lied. They were in fact correct. The market changed.

It's like the Hummers that in 2006 were still selling for $50,000 or more, and then by 2008 just two years later, they were selling for $20,000. No one lied. No one misrepresented the value of the hummer in 2006. That was in fact the market price. The market changed. No one lied.

But here's the problem with your entire argument. The only reason people were flipping houses like that, and the banks were saying these assets are going up in value, is because the price of housing was in fact going up in value.

You are looking at consequence of the prices going up, and claiming it's a cause.
No, it's not a cause. The house flipping boom, didn't cause itself.

Something had to increase prices to start with... and we know what that was. It was lowering the standards of lending, like Obama's lawsuit with Citigroup, that allowed unqualified borrowers to get loans. That's what started the price increases, which then resulted in the house flipping, and banks selling the MBS and so on.
That asswipe sure is talking a lot lately. He's obviously jealous that Joe took his place. Poor Biden. He's gonna be Obama's stooge instead of President of the United States. Sad.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

But Obama could have. Obama was suppose to be this great law scholar. Are you saying he was ignorant, incapable or a liar?

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

Yes, he would have needed the House and Senate to go along. Obama needed none of that to prosecute those who broke our laws. He ran the Justice Department and needed no one's approval.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

And yet that is exactly what we did before. Why was it now impossible?

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

We are NOT supposed to be the country that arrests people and puts them in prison without ever giving them a trial. Without providing any evidence at all. That is not who we are supposed to be. That is not who we were in the past.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

Again, you are wrong. His supporters were wrong for not holding him accountable. Again, you are arguing what is suppose to be the greatest country in the world can not do what it had done in the recent past.

You've thrown in the towel over the US being any better than some third world country.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Trump doesn't think.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Again, we did it in the past.


And people wonder why I hold the position that we really aren't all that great of a country any longer.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

But Obama could have. Obama was suppose to be this great law scholar. Are you saying he was ignorant, incapable or a liar?

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

Yes, he would have needed the House and Senate to go along. Obama needed none of that to prosecute those who broke our laws. He ran the Justice Department and needed no one's approval.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

And yet that is exactly what we did before. Why was it now impossible?

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

We are NOT supposed to be the country that arrests people and puts them in prison without ever giving them a trial. Without providing any evidence at all. That is not who we are supposed to be. That is not who we were in the past.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

Again, you are wrong. His supporters were wrong for not holding him accountable. Again, you are arguing what is suppose to be the greatest country in the world can not do what it had done in the recent past.

You've thrown in the towel over the US being any better than some third world country.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Trump doesn't think.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Again, we did it in the past.


And people wonder why I hold the position that we really aren't all that great of a country any longer.

The S&L scandal was different. It was mostly insiders making crooked loans to friends and family (and themselves). Treating their S&L like a piggybank. Like Madison Guaranty, owned by Bill Clinton's buddy, Jim McDougal. They lost money investing in their own Whitewater Development Corp.

Not the same as lowering standards to make loans to people with poor credit
and then inflating a housing bubble fueled by Fannie and Freddie buying trillions in subprime mortgages.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

But Obama could have. Obama was suppose to be this great law scholar. Are you saying he was ignorant, incapable or a liar?

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

Yes, he would have needed the House and Senate to go along. Obama needed none of that to prosecute those who broke our laws. He ran the Justice Department and needed no one's approval.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

And yet that is exactly what we did before. Why was it now impossible?

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

We are NOT supposed to be the country that arrests people and puts them in prison without ever giving them a trial. Without providing any evidence at all. That is not who we are supposed to be. That is not who we were in the past.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

Again, you are wrong. His supporters were wrong for not holding him accountable. Again, you are arguing what is suppose to be the greatest country in the world can not do what it had done in the recent past.

You've thrown in the towel over the US being any better than some third world country.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Trump doesn't think.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Again, we did it in the past.


And people wonder why I hold the position that we really aren't all that great of a country any longer.

The S&L scandal was different.

Everything is always different when you are making excuses.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

But Obama could have. Obama was suppose to be this great law scholar. Are you saying he was ignorant, incapable or a liar?

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

Yes, he would have needed the House and Senate to go along. Obama needed none of that to prosecute those who broke our laws. He ran the Justice Department and needed no one's approval.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

And yet that is exactly what we did before. Why was it now impossible?

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

We are NOT supposed to be the country that arrests people and puts them in prison without ever giving them a trial. Without providing any evidence at all. That is not who we are supposed to be. That is not who we were in the past.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

Again, you are wrong. His supporters were wrong for not holding him accountable. Again, you are arguing what is suppose to be the greatest country in the world can not do what it had done in the recent past.

You've thrown in the towel over the US being any better than some third world country.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Trump doesn't think.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Again, we did it in the past.


And people wonder why I hold the position that we really aren't all that great of a country any longer.

The S&L scandal was different.

Everything is always different when you are making excuses.

Everything is exactly the same, when you don't know history.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

But Obama could have. Obama was suppose to be this great law scholar. Are you saying he was ignorant, incapable or a liar?

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

Yes, he would have needed the House and Senate to go along. Obama needed none of that to prosecute those who broke our laws. He ran the Justice Department and needed no one's approval.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

And yet that is exactly what we did before. Why was it now impossible?

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

We are NOT supposed to be the country that arrests people and puts them in prison without ever giving them a trial. Without providing any evidence at all. That is not who we are supposed to be. That is not who we were in the past.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

Again, you are wrong. His supporters were wrong for not holding him accountable. Again, you are arguing what is suppose to be the greatest country in the world can not do what it had done in the recent past.

You've thrown in the towel over the US being any better than some third world country.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Trump doesn't think.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Again, we did it in the past.


And people wonder why I hold the position that we really aren't all that great of a country any longer.

The S&L scandal was different.

Everything is always different when you are making excuses.

Everything is exactly the same, when you don't know history.

I posted history for you. Read it.

can’t stop thinking about Barack Obama insisting that his decision to not prosecute Wall Street executives after they destroyed millions of lives was an honorable and moral defense of the social order


Well... yeah. Obama was right on that. You can't just redefine what is legal and illegal, after the fact, because you don't like the outcome.

Trust me, you don't want to live in a world, where they can make something you did 10 years ago illegal, and go to prison for it today.

Further, that isn't even the truth. What Obama said was simply a cover to avoid the real reason, which is the moment they tried to send bankers to prison for their action between 1997, and 2007, those bankers would have fought that in court, with all the documents showing the US government sued them, and forced them, and encouraged them to do those actions.

Obama himself would be called to witness that he sued banks like citigroup to make bad loans in the 1990s.

The Democrats knew that by dropping this, that left-wingers would be more mindlessly angry at the banks, than the government, and never take the time to find out the government was behind everything.

Obama totally failed us here. He ran on prosecuting the bankers while telling the bankers behind closed doors to ignore his rhetoric.

He is sadly admitting here it was all a lie. And people ask why people accept Trump's lies. Those who do something themselves really have little room to condemn others for the same.

Here's the difference. All politicians say things they wish they could do, and when they get into office, they can't.

But Obama could have. Obama was suppose to be this great law scholar. Are you saying he was ignorant, incapable or a liar?

For example, GWB said he wanted to allow people the freedom and power, to put a portion of their Social Security taxes into private investments.

GWB wanted to do this. It had been done before. It was a reasonable possibility. In the end, Congress refused. GWB didn't lie..... he just flat out couldn't do it.

Yes, he would have needed the House and Senate to go along. Obama needed none of that to prosecute those who broke our laws. He ran the Justice Department and needed no one's approval.

The reason we can logically condemn the left-wing, is because Obama's lies were obvious. More than obvious. It was so ridiculous, as to be willful stupidity, to believe some of the dumb claims he made.

For example, closing Gitmo, and bringing captured enemies to the US and having them tried in court, like they robbed a quicky-mart.

And yet that is exactly what we did before. Why was it now impossible?

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

We are NOT supposed to be the country that arrests people and puts them in prison without ever giving them a trial. Without providing any evidence at all. That is not who we are supposed to be. That is not who we were in the past.

I remember the very day I was watching Obama say he was going to do this, and writing a post (I was on a different forum than this at the time), and saying directly to everyone that Obama lied. He lied. There is no way that he actually believed he could close Gitmo. No way. He might be a dumb left-wing socialist idiot, but he was also a trained lawyer and he absolutely must have known there was no possible way to close gitmo from the start.

But he knew something. He knew that his political supporters were too plain stupid, to realize this obvious lie. And I was dead on right on both accounts. People even into 2016, were saying he was going to close Gitmo on the way out. They bought the obvious lie, and never thought to critically think about it, and Obama used those poor stupid parrots all the way to his very last week in office.

And Gitmo never closed. Of course it never closed. Of course you can't try enemy fighters in a court room. Of course you can't release them so they go right back to shooting and killing our troops. Of course you need a place to detain them. Forest Gump could have figured that out, but Obama lied, and Left-wingers kept repeating the lie even up to his last week in office.

Again, you are wrong. His supporters were wrong for not holding him accountable. Again, you are arguing what is suppose to be the greatest country in the world can not do what it had done in the recent past.

You've thrown in the towel over the US being any better than some third world country.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

I never once thought Mexico would pay for the wall, but I do believe that Trump thought he could get Mexico to pay for the wall by changing NAFTA and increasing tariffs on imported goods.

Trump doesn't think.

Unlike Obama, who there is no possible way he ever thought he could close Gitmo, I think Trump did believe he could get tariffs to pay for the wall with Mexico.

Same is true with Obama and throwing bankers in jail. One of two things is true. Either A: Obama never once thought that he was really going to throw bankers in jail, and just knew that mindless left-wingers would believe such a lie...... or B: Obama is the fair more ignorant and stupid than ever knew.

Either way, anyone who heard Obama say he was going to send bankers to prison, and believed that.... is an idiot. If you actually think you can toss people in prison, who are doing nothing illegal.... you are a moron. If you actually think that you can send people to prison, for doing EXACTLY WHAT FREDDIE MAC, FANNIE MAE, AND THE US GOVERNMENT DEMANDED THEY DO.... you are idiot.

And for you to be that dumb, that you believed that lie? Yes, I can condemn that. If you are that stupid, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Again, we did it in the past.


And people wonder why I hold the position that we really aren't all that great of a country any longer.

The S&L scandal was different.

Everything is always different when you are making excuses.

Everything is exactly the same, when you don't know history.

I posted history for you. Read it.

You posted history.

In the S&L crisis, fraudulent self-dealing resulted in criminal prosecution.

In the 2000s, non-fraudulent loans to poor credit risks in an RE bubble did not result in prosecution.

In the end your argument boils down to either than Obama was incompetent or a liar.
In the end your argument boils down to either than Obama was incompetent or a liar.

Or both.

Which has nothing to do with crooks going to jail for fraud during the S&L crisis
and non-crooks not going to jail for bad loans during the real estate bubble.
In the end your argument boils down to either than Obama was incompetent or a liar.

Or both.

Which has nothing to do with crooks going to jail for fraud during the S&L crisis
and non-crooks not going to jail for bad loans during the real estate bubble.

Of course it does.

Pretend Obama wasn't an incompetent liar, what was the proper prison term
for making loans to people with poor credit?
In the end your argument boils down to either than Obama was incompetent or a liar.

Or both.

Which has nothing to do with crooks going to jail for fraud during the S&L crisis
and non-crooks not going to jail for bad loans during the real estate bubble.

Of course it does.

Pretend Obama wasn't an incompetent liar, what was the proper prison term
for making loans to people with poor credit?

That's your scenario, not mine.

The entire mess was known about well before it collapsed. Banks like Goldman Sachs knew it was all going to blow up but they sold off as much as they could telling investors the investments were good solid investments when they knew they were not.

That's fraud.

They paid off the rating agencies to rate bad investments as an A. That's fraud.
That's your scenario, not mine.

The entire mess was known about well before it collapsed. Banks like Goldman Sachs knew it was all going to blow up but they sold off as much as they could telling investors the investments were good solid investments when they knew they were not.

That's fraud.

To which investors did they sell what? Any specifics?

If they knew " it was all going to blow up", why did they lose so much money?

They paid off the rating agencies to rate bad investments as an A. That's fraud.

How do you know?

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