Obama is closing the Oceans ... Really


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

Arizona Republican Rep. David Schweikert has a unique explanation for the government shutdown: Democrats did it to fundraise. Speaking in an interview with KTVK news in Arizona over the weekend, the Republican Congressman said that Democrats have kept the government shut down in under to raise money.

“If you really want to dig down into what’s really going on at base level, the rumor all around Capitol Hill, it’s that this has become a fundraising opportunity,” Schweikert said responding to question if the shutdown was over Obamacare. “I know this sounds one off, but the reality of it, much of the speechifying, as we call it, you see going on the floor of the House on the Democrat side has been loading up their coffers with online contributions and it’s incredibly cynical because you start to think of why would someone be motivated not to even assign a conference committee just to have a conversation?”

Schweikert also recently tweeted that President Obama was trying to close the ocean because of the government shutdown. The independent fact-checking site Politifact derided the claim as “false.”

GOP Congressman's Shutdown Explanation: Democrats Closed The Government To Fundraise

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