Obama is creating and enabling new terrorists to rise against us

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Basically gave Libya to AlQueda. Ignored the uprising in Iran. Getting ready to release terrorists from gitmo. Ignoring the wholesale slaughter of Christians in Syria. Apparently isn't going to do anything to stop terrorists from gaining footholds in Iraq. Ignoring Irans quest to gain nuclear capabilities.

I see bad things in our future resulting from this inept handling of foreign affairs. No wonder Hillary has stated that she intends to resign.

Who will you vote for in 2012?

The party of terrorism or the gop or a 3rd party.
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.

If we're going to commit to an outcome we have to take off the kid gloves. Stop the pussyfootin around. Stop the political correctness. Go big or stay home.

Stop dickin around in these third world countries. Either bomb them into the stone ages or leave them the hell alone. Our soldiers are not baby sitters for the learning disabled of the world. We have completely fucked up all the wars we've been in since ww2. Wonder if we will ever learn.....
Basically gave Libya to AlQueda. Ignored the uprising in Iran. Getting ready to release terrorists from gitmo. Ignoring the wholesale slaughter of Christians in Syria. Apparently isn't going to do anything to stop terrorists from gaining footholds in Iraq. Ignoring Irans quest to gain nuclear capabilities.

I see bad things in our future resulting from this inept handling of foreign affairs. No wonder Hillary has stated that she intends to resign.

Who will you vote for in 2012?

The party of terrorism or the gop or a 3rd party.

Ah, the moron trolls. Lamants the 'slaughter of Christians' in Syria and wants Obama to slaughter Muslims in Iran and Libya.

The leader of Syria killed his own people; how does it help for Obama to send US Troops to Africa or Iran to kill Muslims?
Basically gave Libya to AlQueda. Ignored the uprising in Iran. Getting ready to release terrorists from gitmo. Ignoring the wholesale slaughter of Christians in Syria. Apparently isn't going to do anything to stop terrorists from gaining footholds in Iraq. Ignoring Irans quest to gain nuclear capabilities.

I see bad things in our future resulting from this inept handling of foreign affairs. No wonder Hillary has stated that she intends to resign.

Who will you vote for in 2012?

The party of terrorism or the gop or a 3rd party.

Ah, the moron trolls. Lamants the 'slaughter of Christians' in Syria and wants Obama to slaughter Muslims in Iran and Libya.

The leader of Syria killed his own people; how does it help for Obama to send US Troops to Africa or Iran to kill Muslims?

Did I say we should send troops to Syria? I commented on Obamas foreign policy of "beer pong" wherever the ball lands that's where we intervene. It's a joke. His excuse for Libya was humanitarian. Thousands more are being OPENLY slaughtered in Syria. Again, its a joke. Obama saw an opportunity to ride some coat tails and claim fame. Nothing more. Otherwise we would be flying over Syria.

It's a foreign policy created off the logic of Go-Fish.

Ps. Troll or not Obama is a failure and a complete disaster.
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.

If we're going to commit to an outcome we have to take off the kid gloves. Stop the pussyfootin around. Stop the political correctness. Go big or stay home.

Stop dickin around in these third world countries. Either bomb them into the stone ages or leave them the hell alone. Our soldiers are not baby sitters for the learning disabled of the world. We have completely fucked up all the wars we've been in since ww2. Wonder if we will ever learn.....

That thing you call pussyfootin is better known as diplomacy and human decency. You seem to favor wholesale destruction and mass killing over any other more measured approach. Other politicians and dictators favored that approach also, we call them monsters and perpetrators of crimes against humanity, America must be better then that otherwise we have nothing worthwhile to protect.
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.

Step one, Immediately institute the Toughest Sanctions against Iran. Not these powder puff ones in effect now.

If that does not work, Absolutely carry out an attack on their Nuclear Facilities.

As for Libya, A good Idea would be not to get involved and help a group over throw a Government, when it is highly likely the new Government will be more Dangerous to the Us and the World.

We don't live in the perfect black and white world Liberals think we do. Yeah it sucks supporting Dictators, but as we have seen repeatedly now, what Replaces a Dictator can often be worse than what you had, Both for us and for the People there.

As for Iraq now, We should not be leaving. We should have been able to reach an agreement to keep troops there for the long term. At the very least to make Iraq's Neighbors think twice about overt Action against Iraq.

Obama got us out, then had the balls to try and go around and bask in the Gloria of Victory, when the fact is his rush to leave, and in ability to reach an agreement to keep troops there, means Iraq is likely to Descend into Chaos and become Iran's Bitch.

The most Recent Threats from Iran over the Straights are a direct test of Obama. Iran doubts he has the Resolve to use force over the Straights let alone their nuclear Program. Obama must stand firm and make it clear he is willing to do what ever it takes to stop their Nuclear program, and will use massive Military Force to stop any attempt to close the Straight. Because right now they don't think he will.
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That thing you call pussyfootin is better known as diplomacy and human decency.

What a Joke, we have engaged in Diplomatic Attempts to stop them from building nukes for 10 years. It's not working. It wont work, because there are so damn many people like you who would never even consider using Force. Nothing short of the threat of losing power because of a war with the West will stop them from Building it. Why the hell would they stop? They know all they have to do is keep us talking long enough, until they actually have a bomb, and then it's over and they won. They get to join the Big Boys club, and use their Nuclear sword and Shield to Dominate the Region and keep the west at bay.

You people are fools, you always act like we have not tried talking First. we have talked for 10 years about this, and if you guys have your way we will keep right on talking until they have Nukes.
Now now, you know only Bush created more terrorist..

Obama is just loved by them now..and he is their hero
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.

If we're going to commit to an outcome we have to take off the kid gloves. Stop the pussyfootin around. Stop the political correctness. Go big or stay home.

Stop dickin around in these third world countries. Either bomb them into the stone ages or leave them the hell alone. Our soldiers are not baby sitters for the learning disabled of the world. We have completely fucked up all the wars we've been in since ww2. Wonder if we will ever learn.....

That thing you call pussyfootin is better known as diplomacy and human decency. You seem to favor wholesale destruction and mass killing over any other more measured approach. Other politicians and dictators favored that approach also, we call them monsters and perpetrators of crimes against humanity, America must be better then that otherwise we have nothing worthwhile to protect.

The thought of being concerned about human decency went out the window right after the planes went in on the other side. Your mentality is why we don't win conflicts anymore. Were more concerned with them than we are our own. If they want to kill us, turn them to glass. Thousands of American soldiers are dead because we worry about the sensibilities of our enemies. Fuckem
Ok... we're back to "Obama, the weak kneed, Muslim Loving Kenyan" again... Ok... let me know when we go back to "Obama, the war monger" again...

I get confused.
How many domestic terrorists is Obama creating with his blatant repeated disregard for the constitution and the rule of law?
Basically gave Libya to AlQueda. Ignored the uprising in Iran. Getting ready to release terrorists from gitmo. Ignoring the wholesale slaughter of Christians in Syria. Apparently isn't going to do anything to stop terrorists from gaining footholds in Iraq. Ignoring Irans quest to gain nuclear capabilities.

I see bad things in our future resulting from this inept handling of foreign affairs. No wonder Hillary has stated that she intends to resign.

Who will you vote for in 2012?

The party of terrorism or the gop or a 3rd party.

Ah, the moron trolls. Lamants the 'slaughter of Christians' in Syria and wants Obama to slaughter Muslims in Iran and Libya.

The leader of Syria killed his own people; how does it help for Obama to send US Troops to Africa or Iran to kill Muslims?

Did I say we should send troops to Syria? I commented on Obamas foreign policy of "beer pong" wherever the ball lands that's where we intervene. It's a joke. His excuse for Libya was humanitarian. Thousands more are being OPENLY slaughtered in Syria. Again, its a joke. Obama saw an opportunity to ride some coat tails and claim fame. Nothing more. Otherwise we would be flying over Syria.

It's a foreign policy created off the logic of Go-Fish.

Ps. Troll or not Obama is a failure and a complete disaster.

It's a foreign policy, as opposed to a "Crusade". You simply are not smart enough to understand the difference.
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How many domestic terrorists is Obama creating with his blatant repeated disregard for the constitution and the rule of law?

Ummmm... none? Well... at least none that already weren't there to begin with... you know, those survivalist nutbags like Timothy McVeigh and the Crowd he ran around with... they've been around a hell of a lot longer than since Obama took office.
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.

If we're going to commit to an outcome we have to take off the kid gloves. Stop the pussyfootin around. Stop the political correctness. Go big or stay home.

Stop dickin around in these third world countries. Either bomb them into the stone ages or leave them the hell alone. Our soldiers are not baby sitters for the learning disabled of the world. We have completely fucked up all the wars we've been in since ww2. Wonder if we will ever learn.....

What makes you think the US has the power to go around bombing other countries into "submission"? You sure you didn't come from the old USSR?
So rather than complain, explain what you would do different. You seem to have a strong opinion on this, you must have some specific ideas to bring hostilities to close sooner rather than a hundred years from now.

If we're going to commit to an outcome we have to take off the kid gloves. Stop the pussyfootin around. Stop the political correctness. Go big or stay home.

Stop dickin around in these third world countries. Either bomb them into the stone ages or leave them the hell alone. Our soldiers are not baby sitters for the learning disabled of the world. We have completely fucked up all the wars we've been in since ww2. Wonder if we will ever learn.....
This is pretty much my complaint. Since when did it become the victor's job to rebuild the territory of the vanquished? And just why in the hell are we doing the UN's job with these humanitarian "meals on wheels" missions?

If we're going to fight a war, make the place look like Carthage after the Romans got done with it. Maybe that'll make people think twice before fucking with us. Go to war reluctantly, but fight to finish it decisively.
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Basically gave Libya to AlQueda. Ignored the uprising in Iran. Getting ready to release terrorists from gitmo. Ignoring the wholesale slaughter of Christians in Syria. Apparently isn't going to do anything to stop terrorists from gaining footholds in Iraq. Ignoring Irans quest to gain nuclear capabilities.

I see bad things in our future resulting from this inept handling of foreign affairs. No wonder Hillary has stated that she intends to resign.

Who will you vote for in 2012?

The party of terrorism or the gop or a 3rd party.

You're right. The GOP is the "party of terrorism". But Obama didn't make them. Fox did.

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