Obama Is Delusional


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com
Did he sign an EO giving trannies a place to pee yet? I know he was real concerned about that too, like a top priority.

But wow... I've been reading on the board here, on many occasion, remarks from died in the wool kenyan messiah worshipers saying, "ILLEGALS CAN'T VOTE," soooo... they better run that by us again...

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com

You said

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com

You wrote: "Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected."
He let those FFOs know in 1995 with this comment from "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

See he told FFOs that he was an angry black man. Told FFOs he was going to LIE to them! And yet this idiot was elected based on BIG BIG LIE!
He's a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath. He knows he's regurgitating bullshit, but he can't come right out and say his entire administration has been dedicated to the decline of America.

At least he can't say it yet.

The clamor for a new war in the Middle East by you people is chilling.
Yeah, yeah... your leftard talking point is... boring.

Now how about you explain to us how ILLEGAL ALIENS are getting the right to vote in kullyfornia?
The clamor for a new war in the Middle East by you people is chilling.
Yeah, yeah... your leftard talking point is... boring.

Now how about you explain to us how ILLEGAL ALIENS are getting the right to vote in kullyfornia?

You don't want a new war in the ME. What do you want? What do you want Obama doing in Syria? Specifically.
He's a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath. He knows he's regurgitating bullshit, but he can't come right out and say his entire administration has been dedicated to the decline of America.

At least he can't say it yet.

There's a good start to this week's parade of meltdowns we inevitably get from the RWnuts.
He does a wonderful job of whipping the opposition into a frenzy of obtuse and obscene name calling that exposes their true intent of lying denigration.

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com

You said

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com

You wrote: "Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected."
He let those FFOs know in 1995 with this comment from "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

See he told FFOs that he was an angry black man. Told FFOs he was going to LIE to them! And yet this idiot was elected based on BIG BIG LIE!


Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com

You said

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com

You wrote: "Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected."
He let those FFOs know in 1995 with this comment from "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

See he told FFOs that he was an angry black man. Told FFOs he was going to LIE to them! And yet this idiot was elected based on BIG BIG LIE!
His entire campaign centered around Obama being the first post-racial president.

He does a wonderful job of whipping the opposition into a frenzy of obtuse and obscene name calling that exposes their true intent of lying denigration.
True. Look at what they've posted just in this thread alone. You'd think these people need to be institutionalized!
He does a wonderful job of whipping the opposition into a frenzy of obtuse and obscene name calling that exposes their true intent of lying denigration.
Yup.....Democrats are experts at it.
We all knew that as long as Obama was in office, nothing would get done and the nation would be at risk.

Apparently, they were able to trick enough people into still voting for him regardless, or they were able to cheat enough to get him over the hump.

Hey, Obama, Russia turned out to be exactly the threat Romney said he was.

Well, President Urkle.......Romney was 100% correct.

He does a wonderful job of whipping the opposition into a frenzy of obtuse and obscene name calling that exposes their true intent of lying denigration.
Yup.....Democrats are experts at it.

Well maybe, but nobody gets the GOP frothing mad like President Obama can. The rubes hate him so much that they are willing to believe anything that bounces of the echo chamber's wall.

Watching 60 Minutes last night, most would think that our president is insane. He's more concerned about imaginary shrinkage of polar icecaps than he is conflicts over oil in the Middle-East. He thinks that Putin is showing weakness and that he's foolish to spend money and troops on the Middle-East.

Excuse me?

Maybe if he had let everyone know this is what he was feeling in 2008, he never would have been elected.

Obama thinks he's winning the war against ISIS by fighting Climate Change.

What a delusional little asshole.

BTW, Obama wasn't really into training and funding Syrian rebels. That's why after spending half a billion dollars it turned into a total failure. Obama wasn't into it. It's not his dealio....he's into saving the planet. He wants to stop the seas from rising. Who cares about jobs, n' war in the Middle-East n'stuff.

I think it's pretty clear that wherever there are liberals in great numbers, there is welfare and insanity. That seems to be the only thing (other than hatred) Democrats seem to be any good at creating.

BTW, Gov Jerry Brown has passed laws that allows illegals the right to vote, signing a law that makes registration automatic at the DMV when getting a driver's license. When is Obama gonna put a stop to this insanity?

Never. This is the reason Obama has been literally flying them into United States cities by the thousands.
So that they can vote in the next election.

Obama took the time to send the FBI after Gibson Guitar for using illegal wood, but he won't lift a finger when California breaks the constitution in 2016. Where's all of this "The law is the law" bullshit now? What gives any state the right to give the right vote to non-citizens?


Obama had a very contentious interview with '60 Minutes'
Trump knocks Obama's '60 Minutes' interview - CNNPolitics.com
An anti Obama thread by Mudwhistle, how unique.

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