Obama is horrible

Muslim. Check.
Commie. Check.
Gun grabber. Check.
Negro. Check.
Two term president. Check.

What did I miss?

Who cares about race other than the lefties who bring it up at every turn? It's always assumed that it matters, but it's almost always liberals who bring it up. Don't project your issues on others by assuming things.

Hillary is a gun grabber, too, and wants to ban handguns and get rid of the NRA.

Obama has failed miserably when it comes to foreign policy. I will assume he failed because the only other option is that he deliberately wanted to help radicals advance.

Domestic policy isn't anything to brag about. People are still unemployed and many gave up long ago. Obamacare continues to fall apart as rates keep rising.

There is more division than ever before. The "great uniter" has worsened race relations and class warfare is at a fever pitch. The rhetoric started from the beginning and he hasn't let up with his divisive tactics.

He has used shootings to further his gun control agenda, yet hasn't said a word about the rampant murders in Chicago, land of liberal gun control. I am willing to bet the majority of those shooters, maybe all, are not members of the NRA. Thugs are thugs. The NRA exists for law abiding citizens.

So, to answer your question, you missed a lot.
al Qaeda decimator. Check.
Oh yeaaaahhh! Al Qaeda, I almost forgot about them because they've been crushed so badly. Did you know that they declared war on ISIS? Just like Putin, so republicans love them now.

No, Repubs don't love them now. It's just good that two different groups of lowlife scumbags are in a turf war. I hope they kill each other and save everyone else the trouble.

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