Obama is Mad as Hell about 40 Dead Vets Waiting for Medical, and so Nothing Happens

The dude was already going to retire within a few weeks and his replacement had alaredy been named back on May 1.

They didn't fire jack shit.

no but the sheeple bought into it

As the libtard responses here have demonstrated. All we need now is for Pogo, rightwinger and Jake the Fake Starkey to chime in and we will have about all of the idjits well represented.

There waiting on their obama talking points to be told to them.
Soetero can do anything ( or nothing ) he wants with no fear of reprisal......an 8 year skate.
The majority of these deaths is on the heads of the plethora of bureaucrats and administrators who care more about themselves and their tenure than that of the tens of thousands of men and women who served this country.

I sincerely hope that local DA's begin to adjourn grand juries to look into the various circumstances behind this travesty and indict those responsible for murder or manslaughter in the least. :mad::mad:

We know Holder and the DOJ will do nothing. :evil:

Perhaps if some of these slugs go to jail the others will step forward and we will learn just what needs to be done to stop it. :steamed:
I'm sorry, but Obama has done pretty well with the military. Though democrats as a whole are not very pro-military, from what I have seen and heard, Obama has been doing well given the circumstances. He fought so that military members get paid during a REPUBLICAN gov't shutdown, and has tried to mitigate the effects of sequestration.

He also has been responsible for vets and their families to get jobs and housing. The mess that IS the VA has gone on for many administrations - I ran into it in the 70s - but of course, all of sudden its Obama's fault.
Shinseki is the one that needs to be shitcanned, but that'll never happen. He's a loyal Obama buttkisser, so His Highness and his Court Jester Eric Holder will do everything possible to shield him from the political fireballs.
The dude was already going to retire within a few weeks and his replacement had alaredy been named back on May 1.

They didn't fire jack shit.

no but the sheeple bought into it

As the libtard responses here have demonstrated. All we need now is for Pogo, rightwinger and Jake the Fake Starkey to chime in and we will have about all of the idjits well represented.

You're forgetting Franco the Dyslexic...he of the "pubcrappe" schtick.
One sacrificial lamb, gone.

Tossing the Plebs and media a high-level bone?
I'm sorry, but Obama has done pretty well with the military. Though democrats as a whole are not very pro-military, from what I have seen and heard, Obama has been doing well given the circumstances. He fought so that military members get paid during a REPUBLICAN gov't shutdown, and has tried to mitigate the effects of sequestration.

He also has been responsible for vets and their families to get jobs and housing. The mess that IS the VA has gone on for many administrations - I ran into it in the 70s - but of course, all of sudden its Obama's fault.

There is nothing sudden about it, unless you have had your head in the sand since 2009.
Obama has done well by veterans? Yeah right. Work place violence and no money for the thirteen killed in Texas. Drastic cuts in military. No discern able foreign policy. Oh yeah, no help for our men in Benghazi. On and on.

Once again idiot republican pr people miss another opportunity.

Obama has done well by veterans? Yeah right. Work place violence and no money for the thirteen killed in Texas. Drastic cuts in military. No discern able foreign policy. Oh yeah, no help for our men in Benghazi. On and on.

Once again idiot republican pr people miss another opportunity.

The RINOs don't want to 'cheapen' the political debate by making the public aware of what their opposition does poorly, but isn't that their role as the opposition party supposed to be?

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