Obama Just Gave Amnesty to Illegal Aliens (Again)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Obama Just Gave Amnesty to Illegal Aliens. At least that's what the Tampa Bay Times just reported yesterday (reprinted from the New York Times). The new policy will allow immigrants in the United States illegally, who are close relatives of active military troops and veterans, to stay and move toward becoming permanent residents. The Times article doesn't say how many illegal aliens, will be amnestied, but it is becoming apparent that Obama's habit of granting amnesty to illegal aliens is simply an end around the proper process of allowing the Congress to handle this issue. Maybe it's time to start looking at the various amnesties that Obama has issued to illegals, and doing a body count. Of course that body count, as well as the illegals amnestied could also be a body count of Americans displaces out of jobs, and treasury $$$ lost to illegals on welfare (using the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation).

The last amnesty manuever Obama pulled off was just a year ago. He announced a policy change June 15 2012, aimed at the children of illegal immigrants. The policy basically says that those under 30 who came to the US before they were 16, have no criminal record, have been good students and have served in the military can get a 2-yr deferral from being deported, so they can apply for a work visa and stay in the US.

So what's going to be next for Barrack AMNESTY Obama ?

Here's a list of possible ploys for the future >>

Illegal Aliens who work in agriculture.

IAs who do volunteer work.

IAs who work in construction.

IAs who are clergy.

IAs who are union members.

IAs who work in Spanish media.

Well, you get the idea. By the time all this is over, we just might have all the 11 million illegal aliens amnestied, and full legal VOTERS (heavily Democrat), without a single act of Congress. Is anyone out there noticing this ?????


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Obama Just Gave Amnesty to Illegal Aliens (Again)
This is unsurprisingly ignorant considering the OP.

President Obama has never granted amnesty to any undocumented immigrant, even though Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants the president that power.

But to date he has not exercised that power, appropriately preferring Congress to address the issue with immigration reform legislation.

We do know, however, that you and other partisan rightists will attempt to keep the ‘amnesty’ lie alive, however, completely ignoring the facts and truth.
Obama Just Gave Amnesty to Illegal Aliens (Again)
This is unsurprisingly ignorant considering the OP.

President Obama has never granted amnesty to any undocumented immigrant, even though Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants the president that power.

But to date he has not exercised that power, appropriately preferring Congress to address the issue with immigration reform legislation.

We do know, however, that you and other partisan rightists will attempt to keep the ‘amnesty’ lie alive, however, completely ignoring the facts and truth.

Article 2 section 2

Section 2

1: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

2: He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

3: The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Be specific quote from the above where the President has the authority to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.


Article 1 section 9 is clear Congress not the President is in charge of immigration laws and authority.

1: The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
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What amnesty?
These two paragraphs from the posted by the OP from the NYT explain what's really happening.
The Obama administration issued a new policy on Friday that will allow immigrants in the United States illegally who are close relatives of active military troops and veterans to stay and move toward becoming permanent residents.

“In order to reduce the uncertainty our active-duty and retired military personnel face because of the immigration status of their family members, we have decided to clarify existing policies,” said Peter Boogaard, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security.

Immigrants without papers generally have to leave the country to collect visas they applied for through marriage to an American citizen or some other family tie. But, in a notorious Catch-22, once those immigrants leave they are barred from returning for years. Under the new policy, those immigrants who are in military families will not have to leave to complete their visa applications
They still have to go through the citizenship application procedures, it just means that they can stay in the US while they do so.
More special priv for the warrior class. Is this place Rome now? When does Obama cross the Rubicon and burn the place down?
What amnesty?
These two paragraphs from the posted by the OP from the NYT explain what's really happening.
The Obama administration issued a new policy on Friday that will allow immigrants in the United States illegally who are close relatives of active military troops and veterans to stay and move toward becoming permanent residents.

“In order to reduce the uncertainty our active-duty and retired military personnel face because of the immigration status of their family members, we have decided to clarify existing policies,” said Peter Boogaard, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security.

Immigrants without papers generally have to leave the country to collect visas they applied for through marriage to an American citizen or some other family tie. But, in a notorious Catch-22, once those immigrants leave they are barred from returning for years. Under the new policy, those immigrants who are in military families will not have to leave to complete their visa applications
They still have to go through the citizenship application procedures, it just means that they can stay in the US while they do so.

Yeah, and there's the amnesty right there. All depends on how you define "amnesty". I define it as anything less than immediate deportation.
Obama Just Gave Amnesty to Illegal Aliens (Again)
This is unsurprisingly ignorant considering the OP.

President Obama has never granted amnesty to any undocumented immigrant, even though Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants the president that power.

But to date he has not exercised that power, appropriately preferring Congress to address the issue with immigration reform legislation.

We do know, however, that you and other partisan rightists will attempt to keep the ‘amnesty’ lie alive, however, completely ignoring the facts and truth.

Allowing illegal aliens to remain in the US for ANY length of time is amnesty. Anything less than immediate deportation is amnesty in my book.

Also, to call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent". :lol:

And I am not a partisan rightist. I support Obama's ACA, his attempt to raise the minimum wage, his business regulation, and his previous jobs bills which included tax hikes on the rich. I fact, I have criticized his proposals for tax hikes on the rich as not being anywhere near big enough. See the guy in my avatar ? Look up what taxes on the rich were when he was president (1953-1960). Those are the tax hikes I support. I am often criticized by leftists who call me a "rightist", yet compared with many of my proposals, they might come out looking like Sean Hannity. And I am a registered Independent.

BTW, I think national health insurance should include our pets (cats & dogs) too.


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So protectionist is his/her hatred of veterans and their families.

Got it.
Also, to call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent". :lol:

PRECISELY... but that is the progressive/commie/democrat name game to cutesie up bad things so they can attempt to make them appear less offensive.

HOMO - gay

TAXES - revenue

ILLEGAL ALIEN - undocumented immigrant

It's all leftard bull shit games.
Also, to call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent". :lol:

PRECISELY... but that is the progressive/commie/democrat name game to cutesie up bad things so they can attempt to make them appear less offensive.

HOMO - gay

TAXES - revenue

ILLEGAL ALIEN - undocumented immigrant

It's all leftard bull shit games.
You're right...here are some more libtard euphemisms

RIGHT TO WORK - bust the unions

ENTITLEMENT REFORM - beat up the poor people

JOB CREATOR - rich dude

FREEDOM FRIES - make the French cry

LEGITIMATE RAPE - the opposite of illegitimate rape (presumably)

DEATH PANELS - health insurance that requires your insurance actually insures your health


UNCONSTITUTIONAL - I don't agree with it

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So protectionist is his/her hatred of veterans and their families. Got it.

What I got is you're willing to push this phony scam about veterans, to give amnesty to illegal aliens. Got it.

PS - I'm a veteran (and I don't hate myself) :lol:
So protectionist is his/her hatred of veterans and their families.

Got it.

I thought serving in the military = citizenship.

So I don't understand why they would be deported anyways.

You don't even understand what is being discussed here. Try reading the OP and link again. Mayne a little slower this time.

EARTH TO MATTHEW: The illegal aliens aren't in the military. It;s their relatives who are. Get it ?
Also, to call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent". :lol:

PRECISELY... but that is the progressive/commie/democrat name game to cutesie up bad things so they can attempt to make them appear less offensive.

HOMO - gay

TAXES - revenue

ILLEGAL ALIEN - undocumented immigrant

It's all leftard bull shit games.
You're right...here are some more libtard euphemisms

RIGHT TO WORK - bust the unions

ENTITLEMENT REFORM - beat up the poor people

JOB CREATOR - rich dude

FREEDOM FRIES - make the French cry

LEGITIMATE RAPE - the opposite of illegitimate rape (presumably)

DEATH PANELS - health insurance that requires your insurance actually insures your health


UNCONSTITUTIONAL - I don't agree with it


OFF TOPIC! Lots of form. Little or no content (within the topic) Please stay on topic. Thanks.
So protectionist is his/her hatred of veterans and their families.

Got it.

I thought serving in the military = citizenship.

So I don't understand why they would be deported anyways.

You don't even understand what is being discussed here. Try reading the OP and link again. Mayne a little slower this time.

EARTH TO MATTHEW: The illegal aliens aren't in the military. It;s their relatives who are. Get it ?

We get it: you hate the families of veterans.
I thought serving in the military = citizenship.

So I don't understand why they would be deported anyways.

You don't even understand what is being discussed here. Try reading the OP and link again. Mayne a little slower this time.

EARTH TO MATTHEW: The illegal aliens aren't in the military. It;s their relatives who are. Get it ?

We get it: you hate the families of veterans.

We get it: you're an illegal alien.
You don't even understand what is being discussed here. Try reading the OP and link again. Mayne a little slower this time.

EARTH TO MATTHEW: The illegal aliens aren't in the military. It;s their relatives who are. Get it ?

We get it: you hate the families of veterans.

We get it: you're an illegal alien.

Many of ancestors who swam the Sabine and Red rivers into Mexican Texas were certainly illegal aliens.

Why do hate veterans' families?

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