Obama Just on the NEWS in LaPlace, LA Speaking to storm victims

Aug 7, 2012
Obama on the news from LaPlace, LA after talking to storm victims and praising them and officials for what they've done.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

This is his 2nd visit. He visited the same day as Romney and again today. I posted the information becasue some syncopant republicans here wanted to know why he hadn't gone to LA. The usual misinformation BS they base their loyalty to Romulus on.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

Yeah, Romney been there done what exactly? Roll up his sleeves and pat a few poor saps on the back? Tell them to call the gov't for assistance? What a joke :lol:
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

Yeah, Romney been there done what exactly? Roll up his sleeves and pat a few poor saps on the back? Tell them to call the gov't for assistance? What a joke :lol:

No, having people get on Govt assistance is Obamas job.. You know the highest number of people on Food stamps in HISTORY!!! . He even had it advertised on radio stations for people to apply ..
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

Yeah, Romney been there done what exactly? Roll up his sleeves and pat a few poor saps on the back? Tell them to call the gov't for assistance? What a joke :lol:

He told one victim whose house was underwater to go home and call 211. Did he provide scuba gear to get to her underwater telephone?
Too little to late. We all know it's a game for photo ops and Obama lost. Not to mention the whole mantra about the GOP partying during the storm falls on deaf ears when their own leader would rather shop ffor votes instead of making an appearance.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

This is his 2nd visit. He visited the same day as Romney and again today. I posted the information becasue some syncopant republicans here wanted to know why he hadn't gone to LA. The usual misinformation BS they base their loyalty to Romulus on.

Not according to CNN...

With all sides vowing politicking isn't in order, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney got a close-up view Friday of the devastation caused this week by Hurricane Isaac -- days ahead of a visit by his November foe, President Barack Obama.

Romney went to Louisiana's Jefferson Parish, glimpsing the flooding and downed trees along with Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sen. David Vitter, both fellow Republicans.

The former Massachusetts governor, accompanied by his wife, Ann, said the trip was "to learn and obviously to draw some attention to what's going (on) here... so that people around the country know that people down here need help."

Hours earlier, the White House announced that Obama canceled a trip to Cleveland and would instead head Monday to Louisiana.

dumb ass. If you have to lie to score points for obama, is it really worth it?

Washington Post confirms CNN's timetable, not yours.

Just days after Hurricane Isaac made landfall in Louisiana, the intensifying presidential campaign arrived in full force Friday as Mitt Romney toured damaged areas, his visit drawing attacks from several leading Democrats who said his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, had tried to block disaster relief funds last fall.

The White House announced Friday that President Obama would visit the area on Monday, moving both campaigns more deeply into the politics of disaster relief. It’s an issue that once tripped up President George W. Bush, who was pilloried for his reaction to 2005’s Hurricane Katrina.
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who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

Yeah, Romney been there done what exactly? Roll up his sleeves and pat a few poor saps on the back? Tell them to call the gov't for assistance? What a joke :lol:

He told one victim whose house was underwater to go home and call 211. Did he provide scuba gear to get to her underwater telephone?

debunked multiple times. of course, since that isn't what the Dem talking points say, to you it isn't reality.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

This is his 2nd visit. He visited the same day as Romney and again today. I posted the information becasue some syncopant republicans here wanted to know why he hadn't gone to LA. The usual misinformation BS they base their loyalty to Romulus on.

negged for lying about timetable of Obama visit... dumb ass.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

Yeah, Romney been there done what exactly? Roll up his sleeves and pat a few poor saps on the back? Tell them to call the gov't for assistance? What a joke :lol:

No, having people get on Govt assistance is Obamas job.. You know the highest number of people on Food stamps in HISTORY!!! . He even had it advertised on radio stations for people to apply ..

Then why did Romney tell that lady to dial 211 (a gov't line) for assistance? You know, the very same gov't he's been telling people doesn't work? I'm going to laugh my ass of if Romney gets in the White House. He won't govern like you wingnuts hope; like he's led you to believe. He'll be moderate just like when he was gov of MA. And people like you are going to throw a fit.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

This is his 2nd visit. He visited the same day as Romney and again today. I posted the information becasue some syncopant republicans here wanted to know why he hadn't gone to LA. The usual misinformation BS they base their loyalty to Romulus on.

Um no it's not his second visit. Where did you get that stupid lie?? Why do you even bother posting this crap??

He just decided he better make an appearance since Romney was there 4 days before he was. He arrived just in time for people to start dying from heat related complications. With temps in the upper 90s and heat indexes of 100-105, I fear there may be more deaths related to the heat than from the storm.

Too bad he didn't wave his magic wand and restore power to everyone.
Yeah, Romney been there done what exactly? Roll up his sleeves and pat a few poor saps on the back? Tell them to call the gov't for assistance? What a joke :lol:

No, having people get on Govt assistance is Obamas job.. You know the highest number of people on Food stamps in HISTORY!!! . He even had it advertised on radio stations for people to apply ..

Then why did Romney tell that lady to dial 211 (a gov't line) for assistance? You know, the very same gov't he's been telling people doesn't work? I'm going to laugh my ass of if Romney gets in the White House. He won't govern like you wingnuts hope; like he's led you to believe. He'll be moderate just like when he was gov of MA. And people like you are going to throw a fit.

FEMA isn't doing a good job, they are rude and don't give a crap unless you don't have anywhere to live, then they'll get you in touch with a shelter.
who cares. Romney been there done that .. He few days late but he was too busy pandering for votes.

This is his 2nd visit. He visited the same day as Romney and again today. I posted the information becasue some syncopant republicans here wanted to know why he hadn't gone to LA. The usual misinformation BS they base their loyalty to Romulus on.

Not according to CNN...

Romney visits storm-ravaged Louisiana, Obama on his way - CNN.com
With all sides vowing politicking isn't in order, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney got a close-up view Friday of the devastation caused this week by Hurricane Isaac -- days ahead of a visit by his November foe, President Barack Obama.

Romney went to Louisiana's Jefferson Parish, glimpsing the flooding and downed trees along with Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sen. David Vitter, both fellow Republicans.

The former Massachusetts governor, accompanied by his wife, Ann, said the trip was "to learn and obviously to draw some attention to what's going (on) here... so that people around the country know that people down here need help."

Hours earlier, the White House announced that Obama canceled a trip to Cleveland and would instead head Monday to Louisiana.

dumb ass. If you have to lie to score points for obama, is it really worth it?

Washington Post confirms CNN's timetable, not yours.
Mitt Romney flies to Louisiana to view storm damage; Obama to visit Monday - The Washington Post

Just days after Hurricane Isaac made landfall in Louisiana, the intensifying presidential campaign arrived in full force Friday as Mitt Romney toured damaged areas, his visit drawing attacks from several leading Democrats who said his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, had tried to block disaster relief funds last fall.

The White House announced Friday that President Obama would visit the area on Monday, moving both campaigns more deeply into the politics of disaster relief. It’s an issue that once tripped up President George W. Bush, who was pilloried for his reaction to 2005’s Hurricane Katrina.

Well,.........Obama called them on the phone.

I don't see any stories about him actually getting his ass down to N.O. and I don't see what he could do in the few minutes he allotted for himself in the flooded areas of LA before rushing off to Charlotte. After all, he had spent most of Monday campaigning in Ohio.
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