Obama KNEW the VA Was Screwing Vets

You scum always scream for more war and then screw the vets,

Its what the right has done all my life
You scum always scream for more war and then screw the vets,

Its what the right has done all my life

Your response is miraculously stupid. Since it in no way addresses what the OP is saying. In no way.

The fact you think it does....well........:cuckoo:
when was the last time the right voted for money for Vet care?

Aaaaand he adds to the stupid post with another one to obfuscate....

Not sure what he is saying folks. Some how this justifies Obama's criminal behavior....

Someone please tell me what his point is.....
war war war

then you screw anyone who fights it for you

that is what the right has done all my life
when was the last time the right voted for money for Vet care?

Aaaaand he adds to the stupid post with another one to obfuscate....

Not sure what he is saying folks. Some how this justifies Obama's criminal behavior....

Someone please tell me what his point is.....

First of all, he's a she. As for not understanding her posts, get used to it. Her point is always anyone's guess.

For future reference: your is both a pronoun and a conjuction. And there's lots of others like that but you'll get the drift soon enough.
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Remember when the Obamacare debate was going on? When the Republicans were out in the cold with the Democrats controlling the WH, House and Senate? The VA was used as a shinning example of government healthcare. Some big hitters on the left are probably regretting their words right about now:

SHAPIRO: Left's VA-Worship Comes Back to Bite | Truth Revolt

...the failures at the VA, including its bureaucratic incompetence, its waiting lists, and its deaths, all debunk the notion that a government-run healthcare system will work. It’s a fresh slap in the face to all those commentators who, in pushing Obamacare, endorsed the VA as a model.

There are some pretty big names on that list. Paul Krugman in 2011 wrote of the VA’s “huge success story”:

“Multiple surveys have found the VHA providing better care than most Americans receive, even as the agency has held cost increases well below those facing Medicare and private insurers…the VHA is an integrated system, which provides health care as well as paying for it. So it’s free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those procedures actually make medical sense."

Krugman added, “Yes, this is ‘socialized medicine’…But it works, and suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of US health care more broadly.”

Similarly, Nicholas Kristof of the Times wrote in 2009:

“Take the hospital system run by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the largest integrated health system in the United States. It is fully government run, much more “socialized medicine” than is Canadian health care with its private doctors and hospitals. And the system for veterans is by all accounts one of the best-performing and most cost-effective elements in the American medical establishment."

Just last year, Uwe Reinhardt of Princeton wrote in the pages of the Times:

“Remarkably, Americans of all political stripes have long reserved for our veterans the purest form of socialized medicine, the vast health system operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (generally known as the V.A. health system). If socialized medicine is as bad as so many on this side of the Atlantic claim, why have both political parties ruling this land deemed socialized medicine the best health system for military veterans? Or do they just not care about them?"
What's "news" about this? He swore he'd "fix the VA" in 2008 when he was running for office.

Another outright Obozo lie!!!!! :(

Why would the VA need fixing....it was just fine under the last President. It's Obama who messed it up, right?

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