Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Democratic Socialists of America's Honorary Chairperson Dolores Huerta was used by the Obama Labor Department in advertisements instructing illegal aliens to fight for fair wages. In this recently uncovered audio, Ms. Huerta is speaking to high school students and praising the virtues of Hugo Chavez' Venezuela.

Breitbart.tv Obama Labor Dept Shill Praises Hugo Chavez, Tells Students ‘Republicans Hate Latinos’

You want to know who Obama is, you just have to see the people he chooses to be around him.

No wonder Obama doesn't want to control the borders.
How dishonest, teapartysamari. You've already posted this in a thread about indoctrinating school children and I pointed out then, no one can tell who is speaking during the portion of the video you reference.

Shame on you...and while we are at it, how do we even know this lady works at the DOL? Because she (seems to have) appeared in a tv ad for them?
Teapartiers will believe anything. They , for the most part have a faith based belief system as oppossed to a fact based belief system.
How dishonest, teapartysamari. You've already posted this in a thread about indoctrinating school children and I pointed out then, no one can tell who is speaking during the portion of the video you reference.

Shame on you...and while we are at it, how do we even know this lady works at the DOL? Because she (seems to have) appeared in a tv ad for them?

NO I haven't??? :eusa_eh:

If I did, could you please supply the thread? Are you sure you are not confusing me with someone else?

Hey, I won't lie. I am a busy person, and sometimes I forget things I do, but . . . what? :confused::confused:

Show me the thread. If I did, I'll apologize, if not, you should apologize.

And as for "just appeared in an ad for them." Isn't that enough???????

And who's paying her salary to go around schools if not the Obama admin?

I would certainly like to know. Aren't you the least bit curious?

I should be ashamed? How about you for not being the slightest bit curious?

If she was praising a Chavez, it was probably Cesar Chavez.
Well. It's a given that Chavez is a better man than anyone you have " working" "for" you.
I guess she never heard of the Bush families "brown ones" as the Sr Idiot refers to them.
Well. It's a given that Chavez is a better man than anyone you have " working" "for" you.
I guess she never heard of the Bush families "brown ones" as the Sr Idiot refers to them.

So, Hugo Chavez, who shuts down tv channels if they criticize him is better than Bush?

Man, liberals will tell you who they are, by the people they admire!

They always did LOVE despots, and hate those who defend freedom.

Liberals will now scream about the "patriot act." But, as I have asked liberals over and over and they never can answer, name one freedom Bush ever took away from you?

I can sure say that about Obama! But not Bush.

How dishonest, teapartysamari. You've already posted this in a thread about indoctrinating school children and I pointed out then, no one can tell who is speaking during the portion of the video you reference.

Shame on you...and while we are at it, how do we even know this lady works at the DOL? Because she (seems to have) appeared in a tv ad for them?

Are you sure you are not confusing me with this thread.


I didn't start it.

If she was praising a Chavez, it was probably Cesar Chavez.

No, you need to watch the video. She's definitely praising the Hugo Chavez.


Someone is praising Chavez. That's the problem...there's no way to know who is speaking.

And BTW, I am a liberal, don't know a whole lot about South American politics, and despise Chavez. All this knee jerking will land you on the floor if'n you're not more careful.
No, it was the one below and you are right....you didn't start it. My apologies.


But teapartysamari, that makes three different threads all touting the same bullshit. A little critical thinking, please?

Look, I didn't read the other threads. They were about indoctrination, and I'm talking about this stuff about hating "latinos." That's passe. Liberals have been trying to indoctrinate kids in schools, since *I* was in school. It's never changed. Why even argue about it. If liberals can't see the obvious, it's not worth bothering about. Simply vote them out of office and take over the schools.

If they were related I didn't know.

But next time you accuse me of something, make sure you have the right person.

Apology accepted.

If she was praising a Chavez, it was probably Cesar Chavez.

No, you need to watch the video. She's definitely praising the Hugo Chavez.


Someone is praising Chavez. That's the problem...there's no way to know who is speaking.

And BTW, I am a liberal, don't know a whole lot about South American politics, and despise Chavez. All this knee jerking will land you on the floor if'n you're not more careful.

What do you mean there is no way to know who is speaking.

It's pretty obvious!


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