Obama Laying Foundation for Gun Registry

......other than firearm registration is absolutely 100% unconstitutional
Precedent and prior (and change-able) rulings aside...

Why would firearms registration be 'unconstitutional'?

Felons do not have to register illegal guns...Haynes v. United States....so if criminals can't be required to register guns on the principal that they would be violating their 5th Amendment right against self incrimination.....then the same would also apply for law,abiding citizens.......

Otherwise...only criminals would be legally exempt from registering guns......

Does that make any sense to anyone with half a brain...or a lefty....who has no brain....?

Talk about misleading info.

That case was about the 5th amendment right against self incrimination. A legal gun owner is not incriminating himself .
What's wrong wh a gun registry ? Some silly claim that Feds are gonna "come get you" .

it wasn't silly for the Germans, the British or the Australians..and all the countries that registered guns...and then later confiscated them..

guys....there is an actual track record on this....registration is solely for later banning and confiscation.....

Those other countries don't have our constitution .

You righties don't get all in a tizzy when u want special state issued IDS to vote . But a gun registry goes to far ? Playa please !
...Because it's none of the government's business, they don't have the morals, ethics and credibility to ask such things...
You are confusing Entitlement with Efficiency.

...Show me where firearm registration is constitutional??
To have a 'well regulated militia', logic dictates that We the People must know the nature and whereabouts of all the militia's weapons.

Some 230 years later, we are still struggling to organize ourselves into a 'well regulated militia'.

Registration should help with that.
...and still 100% unconstitutional.
It's not the federal government's place.
Anyway, you need some reading comprehension lessons.
This country has much bigger fish to fry than the nonissue of so called "gun violence"...
......and still 100% unconstitutional...
But I have just shown you how it IS: the maintenance of a well-regulated militia, in order to provide for the common defense.

The ULTIMATE business of ANY national government... the defense of its own People.

...It's not the federal government's place...
Yes, it is the federal governments place, to regular the arms of the national militia.

...Anyway, you need some reading comprehension lessons...
Be that as it may, the thin counterpointing that you have served-up to date is not serving you well.

...This country has much bigger fish to fry than the nonissue of so called "gun violence"...Lol

We can multi-task.

As the local-legendary Chicago Cubs baseball player, Ernie Banks, used to say...

"Let's play TWO".

Translation: we can do this and do other things, simultaneously.
You can bet that gun owners will line up to register.

"Me? Nah. Those guns disappeared long ago. A big bright light came, and then they were gone."
you think that many people would be willing to have contraband in their homes? to sell or transfer those illegal weapons? i very much doubt it. people would register.

They'll just hold on to em till the inevitable.
"But if Obama acts without Congress’ approval to expand background checks to person-to-person gun transfers among fellow gun enthusiasts, he will in effect be laying the foundation for a national gun registry, critics say. And they’re preparing to push back hard against any such measures."

Obama executive actions on guns coming Tuesday

So why is Trump suggesting creating a national registry to be shared between government agencies to keep track of all Visa applicants coming into the US, which would fix the acknowledged broken US Visa Program, getting condemnation from Liberals, but they have no problem with Obama creating a gun registry program targeting law abiding citizens (as you can bet criminals and terrorists will NOT be participating in the program)?!

Alarm bells should be going off in people's heads with this 'Generalissimo Obama' move....

"As in Weimar Germany, some well-meaning people today advocate severe restrictions, including bans and registration, on gun ownership by law-abiding persons. Such proponents are in no sense “Nazis,” any more than were the Weimar officials who promoted similar restrictions."
- How the Nazis Used Gun Control, by Stephen P. Halbrook, National Review

As said, though, 'Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to REPEAT the past.'

Colorado enacted these same gun laws back in 2012-2013. It's really not that bad. What everyone was pissed off about in this state was the reduced clip that they enforced, not the extended background checks. 3 democrats were recalled over the clip rule, which was ridiculous.

So our laws require that everyone that purchases a gun has to go through a background check. IOW if you're a private seller, or just want to sell your gun you go to a Federal Licensed gun dealer, like a pawn shop and they'll put it on consignment. In my state if you purchase a gun on-line it will be shipped to a Federal Licensed gun dealer and you can pick it up after you go through a background check. All gun shows are handled in the same manner. It really didn't create any problems for those eligible to purchase a gun to buy a gun.

REALLY--the only ones that are going to be upset about these new extended background checks are people who couldn't pass the background check.

In order to protect the 2nd amendment, it's only common sense that responsible gun owners would want to do everything they can to keep them out of the wrong hands. On the local news tonight, last year in my state 357 people that applied to for a background check to purchase a gun, actually had active warrants out on them and were arrested on the spot.

9 out of 10 gun owners want extended background checks.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

So Republicans need to be very careful on challenging Barack Obama's executive order on this one.
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"But if Obama acts without Congress’ approval to expand background checks to person-to-person gun transfers among fellow gun enthusiasts, he will in effect be laying the foundation for a national gun registry, critics say. And they’re preparing to push back hard against any such measures."

Obama executive actions on guns coming Tuesday

So why is Trump suggesting creating a national registry to be shared between government agencies to keep track of all Visa applicants coming into the US, which would fix the acknowledged broken US Visa Program, getting condemnation from Liberals, but they have no problem with Obama creating a gun registry program targeting law abiding citizens (as you can bet criminals and terrorists will NOT be participating in the program)?!

Alarm bells should be going off in people's heads with this 'Generalissimo Obama' move....

"As in Weimar Germany, some well-meaning people today advocate severe restrictions, including bans and registration, on gun ownership by law-abiding persons. Such proponents are in no sense “Nazis,” any more than were the Weimar officials who promoted similar restrictions."
- How the Nazis Used Gun Control, by Stephen P. Halbrook, National Review

As said, though, 'Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to REPEAT the past.'

Only problem, a federal registry is prohibited by federal law.
"But if Obama acts without Congress’ approval to expand background checks to person-to-person gun transfers among fellow gun enthusiasts, he will in effect be laying the foundation for a national gun registry, critics say. And they’re preparing to push back hard against any such measures."

Obama executive actions on guns coming Tuesday

So why is Trump suggesting creating a national registry to be shared between government agencies to keep track of all Visa applicants coming into the US, which would fix the acknowledged broken US Visa Program, getting condemnation from Liberals, but they have no problem with Obama creating a gun registry program targeting law abiding citizens (as you can bet criminals and terrorists will NOT be participating in the program)?!

Alarm bells should be going off in people's heads with this 'Generalissimo Obama' move....

"As in Weimar Germany, some well-meaning people today advocate severe restrictions, including bans and registration, on gun ownership by law-abiding persons. Such proponents are in no sense “Nazis,” any more than were the Weimar officials who promoted similar restrictions."
- How the Nazis Used Gun Control, by Stephen P. Halbrook, National Review

As said, though, 'Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to REPEAT the past.'

There already is a national gun registry--DA DUH. The Federal Government is NOT coming for your guns. It's not going to happen, it never will.

Look these are the same laws that my state in Colorado enacted back in 2012-2013. They're not that bad. Everyone here was pissed off over the clip rule, which was ridiculous, not the extended background checks.

We can't have mentally unstable people fully loaded walking into movie theater's shooting up the place. That's not what the 2nd amendment intended.

If you pass the extended background check you're fine to buy a gun in Colorado. It doesn't take that long to go through the background check. Our rights have not been violated in any way. In Colorado if you want to sell your gun you just take it to a Federal Licensed dealer, typically a pawn shop and they will put it on consignment for you. No private transfers. If you want to buy a gun on-line the gun is shipped to a Federal Licensed dealer and when you pick it up you are required to do the background check. Guns shows the same way. It's really not that bad.

The only people that are not going to like this, are the people who cannot pass the extended background test. Last year in Colorado 357 people with active warrants tried to purchase a gun and were arrested on the spot due to the extended background check. If they can't pass the extended background test, then why in the hell would you want them to have a gun?

If you want to PROTECT the 2nd amendment, then any responsible gun owner would want to do everything they can to keep guns out of the wrong hands. That's just common horse sense.

9 out of 10 gun owners want extended background checks.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

Republicans would be really STUPID to challenge this new executive order. If they do, they'll go down in flames with it.

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only thing I can say is that elections are coming , hope either a Trump or Cuz makes it so that either one can rescind mrobamas orders . --------------

Oh and they will. I've already heard some of them talking about the pens they have with erasers.

For a Law Professor douchbag in the WH doesn't seem to realize that his branch of Govt. doesn't write laws. Congress does that.

There is also that pesky 2nd Amendment. He doesn't seem to know what that amendment means either.

Color me shocked.
You can bet that gun owners will line up to register.

"Me? Nah. Those guns disappeared long ago. A big bright light came, and then they were gone."
you think that many people would be willing to have contraband in their homes? to sell or transfer those illegal weapons? i very much doubt it. people would register.

You underestimate our resolve

Most new guns sold today are de facto registered. Quit crying about the fact that maybe we can make it harder for criminals to get guns or make it easier for gun crimes to be solved.

But thats not the reason and you know it

You can bet that gun owners will line up to register.

"Me? Nah. Those guns disappeared long ago. A big bright light came, and then they were gone."
you think that many people would be willing to have contraband in their homes? to sell or transfer those illegal weapons? i very much doubt it. people would register.

You underestimate our resolve


you underestimate ours.

gun wackos are funny
No worries........gun registry wont be happening............100% certainty. Too many congressional members still like their jobs. If Soetero tried it via executive fiat, the GOP would end up with overwhelming majorities in both the HOUSE and SENATE. No elaboration needed.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Most new guns sold today are de facto registered. Quit crying about the fact that maybe we can make it harder for criminals to get guns or make it easier for gun crimes to be solved.

But thats not the reason and you know it


only in the minds of the deluded

Sweets............"deluded" suggests extreme fringe. Far less than 20% of the whole country think the way you do......but you call others delusional!!!:2up: And lets face it........being a bulldog feminist, its closer to 2%!! Americans love their guns.......always have...........always will. Never gonna change either!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

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