Obama - lazy basketball playing welfare taking golfer, never worked a day in his life

can you quantify that for me.....:eusa_eh:how exactly?

really? :eusa_think:

well, yea, you actually are.......

you have not proved any 'racism' yet, you're getting ahead of yourself.

Trajan asked-
do you have some concrete examples of this rhetoric turned to conclusion via states rights issues culminating in racist policy?

so, can you answer the question...yes or no?
The Southern Strategy was a racist policy of the Republican Party to gain political support in the Southern section of the country. Politically, the concept generally uses themes traditionally supported by residents of the Southern states to win election in those locations. Since segregation continued well into the late 20th century in the region, the Republican Party officially attempted to utilize this wedge issue as a way of garnering support for their political faction in these states. State rights was a favorite campaign issue of Republican candidates in the South claiming the federal government usurped the rights of the states by unconstitutionally forcing integration and overriding the Jim Crow voting laws. In addition to the issue of segregation between white residents and blacks, the party also utilized Southern values of religion, gun control and a distrust of counterculture to win votes.

To gauge the success of the strategy, you need only look at the shift from Democrat to Republican in the 60's and 70's.
And Bush Jr. did? ROFLMAO

ah, was a GOVONER of a state..

And like your dumb as who can't be spell Governor properly, also destroyed that State's economy as he did the U.S. economy and when owned that baseball team, wrecked it financially too.

A failure is a failure no matter how much you deny it.

You need to check the facts, #1 job growth state in the nation, but you knew that, you voted for the POS we have now...
The Southern Strategy was a racist policy of the Republican Party to gain political support in the Southern section of the country. Politically, the concept generally uses themes traditionally supported by residents of the Southern states to win election in those locations. Since segregation continued well into the late 20th century in the region, the Republican Party officially attempted to utilize this wedge issue as a way of garnering support for their political faction in these states. State rights was a favorite campaign issue of Republican candidates in the South claiming the federal government usurped the rights of the states by unconstitutionally forcing integration and overriding the Jim Crow voting laws. In addition to the issue of segregation between white residents and blacks, the party also utilized Southern values of religion, gun control and a distrust of counterculture to win votes.

To gauge the success of the strategy, you need only look at the shift from Democrat to Republican in the 60's and 70's.

Yeah, racism is only a Southern thing...
Let's chalk it up to a victory for Civil Rights

There was a time (actually when Obama was born) that Ailes could have called him a shiftless, uppity ******

Now, all Ailes can say is " lazy, Had everything handed to him, never worked a day in his life".........and Fox Nation hears.........Shiftless, uppity ******

Is this a great nation or what?


No lets chalk it up to your own ingrained racism, and, you don't even know you have it. OR you're such a slobbering sheep you repeat everything you're told with zero question. I pick both.

YOU make a connection between ;

Never worked a job
Had everything given to him
Doesn't earn his money
I work harder than he does

and blacks....

classic latent tendencies.....:doubt:

and anyone who watches fox, hears- "Shiftless, uppity ******", is that your claim?

answer the question rw.........

I stand by my original assertion

Ailes knows which buttons he is pushing with FoxNation

No lets chalk it up to your own ingrained racism, and, you don't even know you have it. OR you're such a slobbering sheep you repeat everything you're told with zero question. I pick both.

YOU make a connection between ;

Never worked a job
Had everything given to him
Doesn't earn his money
I work harder than he does

and blacks....

classic latent tendencies.....:doubt:

and anyone who watches fox, hears- "Shiftless, uppity ******", is that your claim?

answer the question rw.........

I stand by my original assertion

Ailes knows which buttons he is pushing with FoxNation

awww, poor dear, :cuckoo:
To his credit, Obama must shower after basketball because he is "Clean and articulate" which apparently in Joe Biden's world is saying a lot -- for a black guy, "That's Storybook, Man!"
would you please point out the racism alies practices, I must have missed it....

I stand corrected ......Ailes did not call him a no account ******

But he did hit all the talking points
Never worked a job
Had everything given to him
Doesn't earn his money
I work harder than he does

I'm not a racist........but

All code.

Given to him - Welfare

Lazy - like a slave

can you please send us the code book so we know what is and isn't racist?

Or do you want to keep it a secret so you can make specious claims of racism?

No lets chalk it up to your own ingrained racism, and, you don't even know you have it. OR you're such a slobbering sheep you repeat everything you're told with zero question. I pick both.

YOU make a connection between ;

Never worked a job
Had everything given to him
Doesn't earn his money
I work harder than he does

and blacks....

classic latent tendencies.....:doubt:

and anyone who watches fox, hears- "Shiftless, uppity ******", is that your claim?

answer the question rw.........

I stand by my original assertion

Ailes knows which buttons he is pushing with FoxNation

is " typical white person" code or outright racist?

tell us oh wise one why your great leader gets a free pass?
Just as the South was the heart of the confederacy, today it's the heart of the Republican party. Southern Democrats left the party over segregation in the mid 20th century. They carried with them their intense hatred for the federal government, welfare which went mostly to blacks, and their bible belt religion. They became a strong voice in the new conservative movement of the party which still exist to this day.

and what exactly, does that voice say flopper?
The millions of southerners that turned to the Republican party in the 20th century, sought relieve from the harsh enforcement of the civil rights act of 1964 and voters act of 1965. They brought to the party their racist view but more important they brought an undying hatred for the an oppressive federal government that was destroying the southern way of life. The justice dept. was craming integration down their throat. Democrats were reforming the welfare system which to Southerns meant sending millions of tax payer dollars to worthless blacks in the South. Racism in the South, both from blacks and whites has always been connected with religion, be it the KKK or black voter registration drives. This too, southern democrats brought to the party.

Conservative rhetoric today defending states rights, attacking the the welfare system, and moral decay in America is right out the mouths of southern republicans of the 1960's.
Conservatives never did support the welfare system. Republicans have always supported each family taking care of its own. Democrats are the ones who have fought the family with more laws to disable individual families from doing their part. All large governments who overtook family responsibilities away from the individual family eventually just fall apart. Recent history is full of examples of failed socialistic societies and failed redsitributive societies.

Turning us into socialistic Europe does not feed the world. No society wants to come up with enough money to bail out a fist-shaking mob in Greece, because it's money in a hole that grows bigger with each freebie it gets. Making the world into a place where rioting and hatred pays will not end well.

That's just my humble opinion speaking.

And while I'm on the subject, Democrat policies to help blacks have to be held accountable for why after all these years instead of having fewer children nurtured in families, why are so many of them being nurtured into lives of crime by gangs? All that money has brought is a 72% rate of children being born into single-parent homes in black communities. We should all step back and ask ourselves what is going on to make people turn their back on their own children to turn to lives of drugs, crime, and sex with everyone to the demise of the family?
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Just as the South was the heart of the confederacy, today it's the heart of the Republican party. Southern Democrats left the party over segregation in the mid 20th century. They carried with them their intense hatred for the federal government, welfare which went mostly to blacks, and their bible belt religion. They became a strong voice in the new conservative movement of the party which still exist to this day.

and what exactly, does that voice say flopper?
The millions of southerners that turned to the Republican party in the 20th century, sought relieve from the harsh enforcement of the civil rights act of 1964 and voters act of 1965. They brought to the party their racist view but more important they brought an undying hatred for the an oppressive federal government that was destroying the southern way of life. The justice dept. was craming integration down their throat. Democrats were reforming the welfare system which to Southerns meant sending millions of tax payer dollars to worthless blacks in the South. Racism in the South, both from blacks and whites has always been connected with religion, be it the KKK or black voter registration drives. This too, southern democrats brought to the party.

Conservative rhetoric today defending states rights, attacking the the welfare system, and moral decay in America is right out the mouths of southern republicans of the 1960's.

with posts such as yours, RW's and deanie's I don't know why any white person would want to vote dem.

What a pack of white hating racists
Conservatives never did support the welfare system. Republicans have always supported each family taking care of its own.
Yep, you nailed. The Republican policy has always been survival of fittest.
No, I wrote quite a long post about people not being left behind. You excluded it from your my-way-or-the-highway omission of what I said.

Here's a refresher:

Conservatives never did support the welfare system. Republicans have always supported each family taking care of its own. Democrats are the ones who have fought the family with more laws to disable individual families from doing their part. All large governments who overtook family responsibilities away from the individual family eventually just fall apart. Recent history is full of examples of failed socialistic societies and failed redsitributive societies.

Turning us into socialistic Europe does not feed the world. No society wants to come up with enough money to bail out a fist-shaking mob in Greece, because it's money in a hole that grows bigger with each freebie it gets. Making the world into a place where rioting and hatred pays will not end well.

That's just my humble opinion speaking.

And while I'm on the subject, Democrat policies to help blacks have to be held accountable for why after all these years instead of having fewer children nurtured in families, why are so many of them being nurtured into lives of crime by gangs? All that money has brought is a 72% rate of children being born into single-parent homes in black communities. We should all step back and ask ourselves what is going on to make people turn their back on their own children to turn to lives of drugs, crime, and sex with everyone to the demise of the family?

I neither expect that to be free, but getting able-bodied people off the conveient government tit will come only when working Americans unite against big government screwups that have put our blacks in grave jeopardy of lifelong incarceration or sterner 3-strikes-you're-out laws that include the death penalty for lives so dedicated to crime they incorporate it into gang rule.
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Steph, showing off her incredible knowledge and understanding of the issues showing us, in her mind, exactly how big the problem really is:


poor deanie, had to resort to picture cartoons..
yawn yawn:eusa_hand:

Yep, that is all these goons can do, they have no real thinking process and they resort to name calling and cartoons. Sad they have no real thinking ability.

For those of your ilk, "my dear next to you I look like a genius," which is what I was responding to, has so much depth and insight.

No lets chalk it up to your own ingrained racism, and, you don't even know you have it. OR you're such a slobbering sheep you repeat everything you're told with zero question. I pick both.

YOU make a connection between ;

Never worked a job
Had everything given to him
Doesn't earn his money
I work harder than he does

and blacks....

classic latent tendencies.....:doubt:

and anyone who watches fox, hears- "Shiftless, uppity ******", is that your claim?

answer the question rw.........

I stand by my original assertion

Ailes knows which buttons he is pushing with FoxNation

what is the "Fox Nation".....:eusa_eh:
The Southern Strategy was a racist policy of the Republican Party to gain political support in the Southern section of the country. Politically, the concept generally uses themes traditionally supported by residents of the Southern states to win election in those locations. Since segregation continued well into the late 20th century in the region, the Republican Party officially attempted to utilize this wedge issue as a way of garnering support for their political faction in these states. State rights was a favorite campaign issue of Republican candidates in the South claiming the federal government usurped the rights of the states by unconstitutionally forcing integration and overriding the Jim Crow voting laws. In addition to the issue of segregation between white residents and blacks, the party also utilized Southern values of religion, gun control and a distrust of counterculture to win votes.

To gauge the success of the strategy, you need only look at the shift from Democrat to Republican in the 60's and 70's.

I provided easy and what should be familiar sources as to examples of states rights conservative advocates(advocacy) before the 60's even started.

You have basically said the same thing 3 times. I don’t need a dissertation on what your opinion of the southern strategy is. I want to know what the southern strategy did exactly, on the ground, in concrete examples, to make the republican party racist.

This should be easy for you to quantify as its apparently so egregious. Show me the 'gauges' that speaks to this whatever you define as- "success".

I will ask you again-

do you have some concrete examples of this rhetoric turned to conclusion via states rights issues culminating in racist policy?
Conservatives never did support the welfare system. Republicans have always supported each family taking care of its own.
Yep, you nailed. The Republican policy has always been survival of fittest.

that's how our country used to be until you liberals sissified it by claiming people are too stupid to make it on their own..the sad part is they bought into and now look we have..

A President making videos of how your life can be Julia..

[ame=http://youtu.be/96QTR9Q4VrY]The Life of Julia! - YouTube[/ame]

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