Obama leads 253 - 170 When does Romney Panic?


No Party Affiliation
Dec 15, 2008
With Obama leading by 7 points or more in enough state to garner 253 eledctorial vote and Romney leading by 7 points or more in enough to get 170, when does Romney hit the panic button and what will Rpmney's panic button look like?

Obama's lead is widening - probably due in most part to the improving economy, so does Romney stick with the "the economy is not improving according to MY numbers" tact or does he try something different.

If the election were held today, then the numbers indicate that Romney wouldn't do much better than McCain did.

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The more the merrier.

We have to make this an out right stomping to make sure the right undeerstands the peoples mandate
The more the merrier.

We have to make this an out right stomping to make sure the right undeerstands the peoples mandate

If the economy keeps heading the way it is right now - then Romney might not do as well as McCain did. IMHO - that would be a real shocker.
Said it before, I'll say it again.....I discount any of them that have Wisconsin as anything but a toss-up.

Big turnout for Walker and Boiking loses WI.
Said it before, I'll say it again.....I discount any of them that have Wisconsin as anything but a toss-up.

Big turnout for Walker and Boiking loses WI.

Walker's recall election is in June, not November, dude.
Said it before, I'll say it again.....I discount any of them that have Wisconsin as anything but a toss-up.

Big turnout for Walker and Boiking loses WI.

Even Rassmussen and their 4 point GOP bias has Obama + 11.
Obviously a lot can change (and most likely WILL change) between now and November. But trying to act like Romney doesn't have a lot of ground to make up, is just moronic.
How many states have had elections with Obama's name on the ballot?????
Said it before, I'll say it again.....I discount any of them that have Wisconsin as anything but a toss-up.

Big turnout for Walker and Boiking loses WI.

Even Rassmussen and their 4 point GOP bias has Obama + 11.
The only bias Rassmussen has is for likely voters, where other pollsters lower the bar by counting registered voters or even just adults who may or may not even be registered.

But no matter...The vote for Walker is in June....I missed that little detail...Life goes on.
If the US is going to go under due to the nonstop Progressive liberalism then I'd rather Obama be leading that charge than Republicans under Mitt. At least under Democrats being in charge it gives us hope in the future that someone can get nominated that is not a progressive in the Republican party when the GOP sees switching to liberal policies did not yield them enough votes in the past 2 elections.

Progressivism is coming to an end, not by the will of the people but because the disease has spread so far it's killing nations *again*.
I highly doubt he is going to panic, but if he was it wont be before a single vote is cast.
Obviously a lot can change (and most likely WILL change) between now and November. But trying to act like Romney doesn't have a lot of ground to make up, is just moronic.

The key is that Obama has a massive lead in electoral votes with the public aware of Obamacare, the state of the economy and that Obama doesn't have a birth certificate

On what issue is Romney going to swing the election between now and November
Polls at this point are absolutely not a reflection of what's going to happen in November. People who think its going to be a landslide, in either direction, are going to be disappointed. This election will be very very close, and the truth is...it could go either way. We could end up with four more years but a Mittney regime is just as likely.
Obviously a lot can change (and most likely WILL change) between now and November. But trying to act like Romney doesn't have a lot of ground to make up, is just moronic.

The key is that Obama has a massive lead in electoral votes with the public aware of Obamacare, the state of the economy and that Obama doesn't have a birth certificate

On what issue is Romney going to swing the election between now and November

Romney won't swing a thing. It's the SuperPacs that will set the agenda. If Obama ends up playing defense the whole time, he loses. In order to win, he has to start swinging early, pound Romneys image and never let up for even a second. He has to keep the Romney campaign on defense the entire campaign.
Did I oversleep and wake up in October?

The OP is moronic.

Sorry everyone

California Girl has declared that we are not allowed to talk about the election until October

Please walk away from your keyboard

Yes and besides there is another Republican hack in a different thread who claims Romney is taking all of the Indes so Obama should probably just stay home.

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