Obama: Let's Repeat Auto Bailout With Every Industry


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama: Let's Repeat Auto Bailout With Every Industry

“I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back,” President Obama said at a campaign event in Colorado. “Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry."

Obama: Let's Repeat Auto Bailout With Every Industry | RealClearPolitics

End the freaking bail outs you George Bush clone.:mad: Put money into building this country and giving it back to the successful to hire workers instead. There's winners and losers in businesses. It would be a grave mistake to destroy our economic model that has proven so successful.

Rewarding someone for making grave mistakes in business can only be bad.
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im all for that ....if he gives the people a bail out on our debts......i only owe 2-3 hundred thousand.....thats not much.....then i can come roaring back....
Yeah, I don't think he meant "bailouts for everyone." Instead I think he'd like to see manufacturing in the U.S. make a comeback as the auto industry did after their bailout.

I know that seems odd, especially when you might argue that, without the bailouts we might be down an automobile manufaturer or two, but that's the way I read it.
Here is what he is calling roaring back. I hope people are smart enough to not let this three card monte dealer be rewarded:



Retrieved from this site: Auto Sales - Markets Data Center - WSJ.com

What is amazing is that Obama will utter such nonsense then people will argue as if it were true. Both sides seem to forget that what Obama says and the actual facts seldom meet.
Here is what he is calling roaring back. I hope people are smart enough to not let this three card monte dealer be rewarded:



Retrieved from this site: Auto Sales - Markets Data Center - WSJ.com

What is amazing is that Obama will utter such nonsense then people will argue as if it were true. Both sides seem to forget that what Obama says and the actual facts seldom meet.

GM is not doing well at all, and this is despite the Governmen'ts own purchase of GM vehicles including the heavily subsidized Chevy Volt. The following article explains the secret of Obama's “success” with GM:

Seton Motely
July 10, 2012

We now learn that government purchases of GM vehicles rose a whopping 79% in June.
Meaning Barack Obama is now campaigning on the “success” of - the government buying cars from...the government’s car company. With our money.

That’s like you setting up a lemonade stand for your kids. You buy them the lemons, sugar, cups and pitchers - and then buy most of the lemonade yourself.

Except you are President Obama. Your kids are the United Autoworkers Union. And the lemonade cost $50 billion.

At least you get to tax your neighbors for the $50 billion.

Again - in what Bizarro-world is this auto bailout the “success” the Jurassic Press [liberal media] incessantly reports it is?

Media Fail: Government Motors Inflates Sales by Selling to...the Government | NewsBusters.org

Note: Explanatory insertion ([liberal media]) is my own.
In 1988 the banks got in trouble and the feds said they had to call the notes on any company who could pay. I paid the not and was broke. 23 good people out of work and it was't their fault. Way to go big government, where were you when I needed you.

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