Obama lies after meeting with Gov. Perry

Truth - Obama isn't going to bounce around like a puppet for the Republicans. He's done a pretty good job of addressing this "crisis" which conservatives are desperate to turn into a scandal.
Truth - Obama's beefed up the borders and deported more migrants than all the previous presidents.
Truth - Obama hasn't put any blame on Perry or the Texas Delegation.
Truth - Immigration falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.
Truth - America's policy of shitting on Hispanic countries is having a consequence.

Truth- The OP doesn't have one quote from Obama...just what he wishes his President said.
Remarks by the President at DCCC Dinner | The White House

So I enjoyed meeting with Governor Perry. And, by the way, he had some suggestions that I said I actually agree with -- which is why they’re in the supplemental bill that I just sent to Congress. (Laughter.) Why don’t you get the Texas Republican Delegation to pass it. Because the question is are we interested in political gamesmanship or are we actually trying to solve a problem. And the problem we have right now is, is that there’s just a lot of political positioning but there’s a big, fat zero when it comes to action on the part of these folks to try to solve the problems that are on the minds of the American people right now.
It seems that obama wants more and more illegals to come into this country. It must be part of his plan to break the country completely so that a marxist regime can take over.

Check your world history, folks. This has been done before.
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

So he didn't do what many criticized Bush for not doing (Katrina) because he didn't want the GOP to make fun of him?

Then I suggest the man go out and buy some balls.

It doesn't matter what he did, the Echo-Chamber is going to pump out whatever negative story it can generate. The echo-chambermaids are going to repeat it with all the fauxrage they can muster, until the next phony outrage story come alone for them to wet themselves over.

Testicular fortitude has nothing to do with.
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

Remember when President G. W. Bush went and flew over the ravaged areas hit by Katrina and the Left couldn't hit him fast enough or hard enough for not landing and meeting the people involved?

Maybe he thinks Black America has forgotten how he flew over New Orleans in a helicopter while people begged for their lives from rooftops.

Phony equivocation noted. The Central American Refugee Crisis of 2014 is hardly comparable to that hurricane. 1,833 people died. It was the most people killed in a hurricane since 1928.

But to my point, I'm sure there were some lefty publications that would have criticized President Bush if he had toured some of the affected areas. But the left doesn't have the Echo-Chamber and chambermaid like the right does. I'm sure that many wish they did, but they don't.
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

Remember when President G. W. Bush went and flew over the ravaged areas hit by Katrina and the Left couldn't hit him fast enough or hard enough for not landing and meeting the people involved?

Maybe he thinks Black America has forgotten how he flew over New Orleans in a helicopter while people begged for their lives from rooftops.

Phony equivocation noted. The Central American Refugee Crisis of 2014 is hardly comparable to that hurricane. 1,833 people died. It was the most people killed in a hurricane since 1928.

But to my point, I'm sure there were some lefty publications that would have criticized President Bush if he had toured some of the affected areas. But the left doesn't have the Echo-Chamber and chambermaid like the right does. I'm sure that many wish they did, but they don't.

You're not only blind but deaf also, right?
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

Remember when President G. W. Bush went and flew over the ravaged areas hit by Katrina and the Left couldn't hit him fast enough or hard enough for not landing and meeting the people involved?

Maybe he thinks Black America has forgotten how he flew over New Orleans in a helicopter while people begged for their lives from rooftops.

Phony equivocation noted. The Central American Refugee Crisis of 2014 is hardly comparable to that hurricane. 1,833 people died. It was the most people killed in a hurricane since 1928.

But to my point, I'm sure there were some lefty publications that would have criticized President Bush if he had toured some of the affected areas. But the left doesn't have the Echo-Chamber and chambermaid like the right does. I'm sure that many wish they did, but they don't.


The leftist echo-chamber (media) is still blaming Bush and Cheney on a daily basis and you damn well know it. If you don't, then you need to come out of your mom's basement more other.
It seems that obama wants more and more illegals to come into this country. It must be part of his plan to break the country completely so that a marxist regime can take over.

Check your world history, folks. This has been done before.

Do tell!
Remember when President G. W. Bush went and flew over the ravaged areas hit by Katrina and the Left couldn't hit him fast enough or hard enough for not landing and meeting the people involved?

Phony equivocation noted. The Central American Refugee Crisis of 2014 is hardly comparable to that hurricane. 1,833 people died. It was the most people killed in a hurricane since 1928.

But to my point, I'm sure there were some lefty publications that would have criticized President Bush if he had toured some of the affected areas. But the left doesn't have the Echo-Chamber and chambermaid like the right does. I'm sure that many wish they did, but they don't.

You're not only blind but deaf also, right?

Yes she was actually born deaf but was smart enough to learn signs, until she went blind.

So how does the Border Refugee Crisis compare with a hurricane that killed so many and damage so much on the Gulf Coast?
prove it !!

How about the lie totally untrue part of the comment that none of Governor Perry's ideas will cost any extra money? Do you want proof that it cost money to put National Guard Troops on the border, Perry's seemingly main request. How about if you or the OP shows us how to do that without spending millions of dollars and perhaps 10 of millions or 100's of millions, depending on the number of troops and length of deployment.

you just demonstrated WHY you have no credibility on this board.

When they say "it doesn't cost extra money".....it is referring to the fact that when the President deploys the national guard during a crisis, he does not need to have the money approved by congress.

You see, Sparky, the President is asking for 3 Billion to deal with the issue. he is ASKING for it because he has to by law...and congress has to approve it. That is the "extra money" the poster was referring to.

But in the meantime, to deal with the crisis immediately, he can deploy the NG without any approval of anyone.

You are quite naïve. If it is not perfectly laid out for you, you don't understand it.

You are the one lacking credibility Sparky. You are adding caveats and inventing a definition for "extra money" and implying that somehow, nobody is going to have to come up with the funds to replace the funds used to deploy the National Guard. You are suggesting that it is OK for the President to go ahead and spend money without regard for how it has to be replaced. Guess what Sparky, every time the National Guard gets deployed for any reason, funds have to be appropriated at some point by the United States Congress. Otherwise the funds used for the deployment must be taken from other programs and projects that have already been approved by Congress. That is illegal when done without declaring a national emergency Sparky. When it is done. it is done because there is an emergency. A declared emergency. Do you know what the meaning of declaring a federal emergency is Sparky and how it gives the feds authority to appropriate funds for emergency purposes. To just go ahead and spend already appropriated funds would be illegal since the funds were already appropriated for specific reasons, projects and programs by the previous Congressional action. Are you understanding the concept now Sparky. Unless of course there is some bucket of money somewhere that the National Guard is allowed to just dip into whenever they want. Seems to be what you are claiming Sparky.

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