Obama lies after meeting with Gov. Perry

everything in the op is misleading or totally untrue.

prove it !!

How about the lie totally untrue part of the comment that none of Governor Perry's ideas will cost any extra money? Do you want proof that it cost money to put National Guard Troops on the border, Perry's seemingly main request. How about if you or the OP shows us how to do that without spending millions of dollars and perhaps 10 of millions or 100's of millions, depending on the number of troops and length of deployment.
Boehner threw another fit:

The emergency money sought by the President would hire more border patrol officers, judges and others to deal with the unprecedented influx from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador while providing more detention facilities and other resources -- all designed to speed up the processing of the child immigrants.
However, the deep partisan divide over the immigration issue set up a certain congressional battle over the funding.
Earlier Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner erupted in anger over what he called Obama's lack of leadership on the issue, telling reporters that "this is a problem of the President's own making."
"He's been President for five and a half years," the Ohio Republican thundered. "When is he going to take responsibility for something?"Criticized by Obama for preventing a House vote on a Senate-passed immigration reforms that would provide a path to legal status for millions of undocumented people living in America, Boehner said he wanted the House to take up legislation addressing the current influx before it goes on recessin August. However, he made clear Obama's emergency funding plan would get serious scrutiny, saying: "We are not giving the President a blank check."

Texas immigrant flood will worsen, officials warn - CNN.com

The emergency money sought by the President would hire more border patrol officers, judges and others to deal with the unprecedented influx from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador while providing more detention facilities and other resources -- all designed to speed up the processing of the child immigrants.
this is the biggest line of bullshit i have read in this topic so far, $4,000,000,000.00 for BPO's to ignore the crossing of illegals and judges to go play golf with.., and the "others" ?? they will receive a stipend to donate back to the demorat party. :up:
Everything in the OP is misleading or totally untrue.


For Obama to claim he doesnt do photo ops is nothing more than gross chutzpah. He is the most photo op president in history, never missing an opportunity to do that.

You want to compare the President of the USA showing up to give moral support and tour the ravaged landscape first hand with the Governor of a state after being hit by the second most destructive hurricane in American history to a photo op at a location where the last thing he wants to do is offer moral support that might be interpreted by the immigrants on the way to the border as a positive sign from the President.
Hurricane Sandy killed almost 300 Americans and caused 70 billion dollars worth of damage. It chased 200,000 Americans out of the homes. There is no comparison. Presidents are expected to show up after big natural disasters. They do not usually show up for law enforcement crisis's.

OK you've got nothing except deflection and rationalization. Typical.
Truth - Obama isn't going to bounce around like a puppet for the Republicans. He's done a pretty good job of addressing this "crisis" which conservatives are desperate to turn into a scandal.
Truth - Obama's beefed up the borders and deported more migrants than all the previous presidents.
Truth - Obama hasn't put any blame on Perry or the Texas Delegation.
Truth - Immigration falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.
Truth - America's policy of shitting on Hispanic countries is having a consequence.

all your "truths" are pure 100% LIES

you people will defend and believe every word out of this, the worlds biggest most prolific liar no matter what he said, e.g., "I went to the Moon and walked a couple miles playing golf"

your kind are just plain stupid or brainless, which is it ?

I am sorry bud that you are still unemployed.

I hear burger king is hiring.

And with your skillset? It might be tough. But try.

That's all I ask..

Everything in the OP is misleading or totally untrue.


For Obama to claim he doesnt do photo ops is nothing more than gross chutzpah. He is the most photo op president in history, never missing an opportunity to do that.

What he should have said was..

"I'm the fucking President you assholes."


He's done that numerous times since being elected in 2008. How has that approach worked out for him so far???
everything in the op is misleading or totally untrue.

prove it !!

How about the lie totally untrue part of the comment that none of Governor Perry's ideas will cost any extra money? Do you want proof that it cost money to put National Guard Troops on the border, Perry's seemingly main request. How about if you or the OP shows us how to do that without spending millions of dollars and perhaps 10 of millions or 100's of millions, depending on the number of troops and length of deployment.

i asked, PROVE IT and you go :offtopic: then you become a troll :trolls:

on the other hand...,:gives: about what liarberals want. :lmao:
Truth - Obama isn't going to bounce around like a puppet for the Republicans. He's done a pretty good job of addressing this "crisis" which conservatives are desperate to turn into a scandal.
Truth - Obama's beefed up the borders and deported more migrants than all the previous presidents.
Truth - Obama hasn't put any blame on Perry or the Texas Delegation.
Truth - Immigration falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.
Truth - America's policy of shitting on Hispanic countries is having a consequence.

all your "truths" are pure 100% LIES

you people will defend and believe every word out of this, the worlds biggest most prolific liar no matter what he said, e.g., "I went to the Moon and walked a couple miles playing golf"

your kind are just plain stupid or brainless, which is it ?

I am sorry bud that you are still unemployed.

I hear burger king is hiring.

And with your skillset? It might be tough. But try.

That's all I ask..


why don't you explain to us why Obama keeps the border agents 45 miles inland from the border instead of putting them and the National Guard right on the border like Perry wants to prevent them from crossing into the U.S. in the first place....?

For Obama to claim he doesnt do photo ops is nothing more than gross chutzpah. He is the most photo op president in history, never missing an opportunity to do that.

You want to compare the President of the USA showing up to give moral support and tour the ravaged landscape first hand with the Governor of a state after being hit by the second most destructive hurricane in American history to a photo op at a location where the last thing he wants to do is offer moral support that might be interpreted by the immigrants on the way to the border as a positive sign from the President.
Hurricane Sandy killed almost 300 Americans and caused 70 billion dollars worth of damage. It chased 200,000 Americans out of the homes. There is no comparison. Presidents are expected to show up after big natural disasters. They do not usually show up for law enforcement crisis's.

OK you've got nothing except deflection and rationalization. Typical.

How is that a deflection? The OP specifically mentioned the meeting with the Governor of New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. The OP seemed to be suggesting that the President did something unusual by traveling to a state and meeting with a governor after a natural disaster. This was a huge disaster and close to the nations Capitol. So close that the nations capitol suffered some damage from the same storm. Seems kind of desperate to be slamming the President for visiting a state after a massive hurricane and labeling it as a photo op.
prove it !!

How about the lie totally untrue part of the comment that none of Governor Perry's ideas will cost any extra money? Do you want proof that it cost money to put National Guard Troops on the border, Perry's seemingly main request. How about if you or the OP shows us how to do that without spending millions of dollars and perhaps 10 of millions or 100's of millions, depending on the number of troops and length of deployment.

i asked, PROVE IT and you go :offtopic: then you become a troll :trolls:

on the other hand...,:gives: about what liarberals want. :lmao:

The OP claimed nothing the Gov. asked for would cost any extra money. Deploying the National Guard cost money. Only a retard would not understand that. Or what did you call me, a troll. Ya, only a troll would challenge the idea that it cost tons of cash to deploy the National Guard.
Truth - Obama isn't going to bounce around like a puppet for the Republicans. He's done a pretty good job of addressing this "crisis" which conservatives are desperate to turn into a scandal.
Truth - Obama's beefed up the borders and deported more migrants than all the previous presidents.
Truth - Obama hasn't put any blame on Perry or the Texas Delegation.
Truth - Immigration falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.
Truth - America's policy of shitting on Hispanic countries is having a consequence.

all your "truths" are pure 100% LIES

you people will defend and believe every word out of this, the worlds biggest most prolific liar no matter what he said, e.g., "I went to the Moon and walked a couple miles playing golf"

your kind are just plain stupid or brainless, which is it ?

I am sorry bud that you are still unemployed.

I hear burger king is hiring.

And with your skillset? It might be tough. But try.

That's all I ask..


WOW !!!! more lies from the liarberal faction.

i am retired from three different occupations and drawing a very comfortable income plus the SS benefits.., which i do not believe is sufficient, plus there have been no COLA for three or four years, "it's my money and i want it now !!!"

Mr. Shallow.., or is it Swallow, Saccadic, Sacciform, Sacralgia, Sadogue, Saki, Sanguisugent. Saprogenous, Scatophagous, Schmegeggy, Synorthographic..., that should be enough for now, it should take you a few weeks to look those name up. :lmao:

:fu: ............ :D
everything in the op is misleading or totally untrue.

prove it !!

How about the lie totally untrue part of the comment that none of Governor Perry's ideas will cost any extra money? Do you want proof that it cost money to put National Guard Troops on the border, Perry's seemingly main request. How about if you or the OP shows us how to do that without spending millions of dollars and perhaps 10 of millions or 100's of millions, depending on the number of troops and length of deployment.

you just demonstrated WHY you have no credibility on this board.

When they say "it doesn't cost extra money".....it is referring to the fact that when the President deploys the national guard during a crisis, he does not need to have the money approved by congress.

You see, Sparky, the President is asking for 3 Billion to deal with the issue. he is ASKING for it because he has to by law...and congress has to approve it. That is the "extra money" the poster was referring to.

But in the meantime, to deal with the crisis immediately, he can deploy the NG without any approval of anyone.

You are quite naïve. If it is not perfectly laid out for you, you don't understand it.
How about the lie totally untrue part of the comment that none of Governor Perry's ideas will cost any extra money? Do you want proof that it cost money to put National Guard Troops on the border, Perry's seemingly main request. How about if you or the OP shows us how to do that without spending millions of dollars and perhaps 10 of millions or 100's of millions, depending on the number of troops and length of deployment.

i asked, PROVE IT and you go :offtopic: then you become a troll :trolls:

on the other hand...,:gives: about what liarberals want. :lmao:

The OP claimed nothing the Gov. asked for would cost any extra money. Deploying the National Guard cost money. Only a retard would not understand that. Or what did you call me, a troll. Ya, only a troll would challenge the idea that it cost tons of cash to deploy the National Guard.

Be3 careful when you use that word...especially when you are in the wrong.

In "government"...costing no extra money means not needing approval of congress to INCREASE operating costs
all your "truths" are pure 100% LIES

you people will defend and believe every word out of this, the worlds biggest most prolific liar no matter what he said, e.g., "I went to the Moon and walked a couple miles playing golf"

your kind are just plain stupid or brainless, which is it ?

I am sorry bud that you are still unemployed.

I hear burger king is hiring.

And with your skillset? It might be tough. But try.

That's all I ask..


WOW !!!! more lies from the liarberal faction.

i am retired from three different occupations and drawing a very comfortable income plus the SS benefits.., which i do not believe is sufficient, plus there have been no COLA for three or four years, "it's my money and i want it now !!!"

Mr. Shallow.., or is it Swallow, Saccadic, Sacciform, Sacralgia, Sadogue, Saki, Sanguisugent. Saprogenous, Scatophagous, Schmegeggy, Synorthographic..., that should be enough for now, it should take you a few weeks to look those name up. :lmao:

:fu: ............ :D

The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

So he didn't do what many criticized Bush for not doing (Katrina) because he didn't want the GOP to make fun of him?

Then I suggest the man go out and buy some balls.
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

Obama does just fine making himself look bad on a consistent basis. Other people pointing it out isn't unfounded. See Bush and Dems for a comparison.
The GOP Echo-Chambers' job to make the President Obama look bad. They would only have complained loudly that he went to the border only for a photo opp had he gone.

Remember when President G. W. Bush went and flew over the ravaged areas hit by Katrina and the Left couldn't hit him fast enough or hard enough for not landing and meeting the people involved?

Maybe he thinks Black America has forgotten how he flew over New Orleans in a helicopter while people begged for their lives from rooftops.

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