Obama LIES Again....Say It Ain't So!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


Oh, I understand it - Obama doesn't, but I do. Obama said we don't consider religion when admitting refugees, but this has been proven false. OBAMA is the one who seems like he will never get it.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."

Bullshit! That's Faux Noise propaganda! Here is exactly what Obama said with the full context:

"And when I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims, when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who's fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that's shameful," he said, his voice rising. "That's not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion."[Emphasis Added] < Obama calls idea of screening Syrian refugees based on religion ‘shameful,’ defends White House strategy >

One can fairly discuss the pros & cons of that statement, but not the fucking distortions and lies from an utterly distorted and biased "news source" pitching propaganda!
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


Oh, I understand it - Obama doesn't, but I do. Obama said we don't consider religion when admitting refugees, but this has been proven false. OBAMA is the one who seems like he will never get it.

when gathering identifying information and noting facts such as age, race, religion...we are not necessarily using that information as a means to exclude people based on those factors.. get it yet?
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, there are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

If you knew your history and the facts you would know that Obama had a HUGE hand in it. He helped force Mubarak out. Egypt had an Interim President and said they would keep the election cycle, which would have resulted in election in 8 months, giving everyone time to prepare for the election. Obama, however, injected himself into their politics and DEMANDED the Egyptians hold immediate elections. Personally, I would have told him to F* OFF; however, they complied.

With the ouster of Mubarak, the nation was in disarray, no one was ready for campaigning and an election....except the Muslim Brotherhood. After this help of getting them in control of the country, he then brought Muslim Brotherhood members to the US - including those on NO-FLY Lists - and had them sit in on Cabinet Meetings. He now has some scattered throughout our government and in his own Cabinet as 'advisors'.

Like when he chose a famous historic Socialist symbol and slogan for his re-election campaign, Obama isn't trying to hide any of this. He just KNOWS his followers are too partisan and/or stupid to see it for what it is and confident that if any of them do they will simply ignore it and still defend him. So far, he has been right about that!
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."

Bullshit! That's Faux Noise propaganda! Here is exactly what Obama said with the full context:

"And when I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims, when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who's fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that's shameful," he said, his voice rising. "That's not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion."[Emphasis Added] < Obama calls idea of screening Syrian refugees based on religion ‘shameful,’ defends White House strategy >

One can fairly discuss the pros & cons of that statement, but not the fucking distortions and lies from an utterly distorted and biased "news source" pitching propaganda!

Pucker up to his ass but let me warn you there are a lot in line ahead of you.
Hillary and Obama were neck deep in Egypt's internal business, and Libya's. Hillary said they bombed shit out of Libya because Gaddafi was 'planning' to commit genocide, she lied, they bombed Libya for oil. Hillary admitted this, she said basically our allies supported us in Afghanistan so we owed them a favor on Libya.

Its interesting that while they were bombing Libya they ignored other actual genocides elsewhere in the world and they seemed okay with letting the ISIL genocide play out with minimal involvement.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.
When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

He made it possible.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.
Are you attempting to imply that groups like ISIS, AQ, and the Taliban aren't committing genocide against Muslims as well?
Bullshit! That's Faux Noise propaganda! Here is exactly what Obama said with the full context:

"And when I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims, when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who's fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that's shameful," he said, his voice rising. "That's not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion."[Emphasis Added] < Obama calls idea of screening Syrian refugees based on religion ‘shameful,’ defends White House strategy >

One can fairly discuss the pros & cons of that statement, but not the fucking distortions and lies from an utterly distorted and biased "news source" pitching propaganda!

The OP is spamming the board with lies and 1/2 Truths..about 8 threads this morning.
]Are you attempting to imply that groups like ISIS, AQ, and the Taliban aren't committing genocide against Muslims as well?

Oh no, they have slaughtered thousands of Muslim Christian converts...and those who stand against and refuse to fight for ISIS....but Christians in the ME are pretty much like turkeys at Thanksgiving - #1 on the endangered species list!
]Are you attempting to imply that groups like ISIS, AQ, and the Taliban aren't committing genocide against Muslims as well?

Oh no, they have slaughtered thousands of Muslim Christian converts...and those who stand against and refuse to fight for ISIS....but Christians in the ME are pretty much like turkeys at Thanksgiving - #1 on the endangered species list!
link? From what I see, the terrorist groups will kill anyone that doesn't join them and obey them. And you and others want to punish non-terrorist muslims which is pretty much the stupidest thing you can do. Why after this massive meltdown on the right would any moderate muslim trust any western country?
link? From what I see, the terrorist groups will kill anyone that doesn't join them and obey them. And you and others want to punish non-terrorist muslims which is pretty much the stupidest thing you can do. Why after this massive meltdown on the right would any moderate muslim trust any western country?

And - I know you nut jobs don't believe it, BUT... - there is a difference between 'punishing Muslims' and 'Providing for your national Defense and Protecting US Lives'!

To keep these Syrian Muslims safe, to feed them, shelter them, and clothe them WE DO NOT HAVE TO BRING THEM HERE TO DO THAT! We can actually do BOTH - do all of that for them while simultaneously ensuring the safety and security of this country and the American people.

Libtards are so short-sighted that they think the US is the only 'safe' place in the world, and that we MUST bring them HERE, even if / when it jeopardizes our national security. Take 'em down to GITMO for a while where they can safely get '3 hots and a cot' while we REALLY, THOROUGHLY screen them!
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