Obama LIES Again....Say It Ain't So!

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."

News would be if Obama were to tell the truth...
No, trying to change the subject after I caught you in a lie, or in your own ignorance,

is very funny.

Stalin killed more Russians than he did Americans in the 50's. That didn't mean that we should have welcomed Soviet Spies into our government (though you democrats did.)

ISIS seeks to be the ultimate Islamic authority, the Caliphate. They will murder their own in the brutal way that is Islam. To think that makes the Muslims brutalized by them our friends is the kind of insanity that only fucktard leftist - or a traitor, could come up with.
No, trying to change the subject after I caught you in a lie, or in your own ignorance,

is very funny.

Stalin killed more Russians than he did Americans in the 50's. That didn't mean that we should have welcomed Soviet Spies into our government (though you democrats did.)

ISIS seeks to be the ultimate Islamic authority, the Caliphate. They will murder their own in the brutal way that is Islam. To think that makes the Muslims brutalized by them our friends is the kind of insanity that only fucktard leftist - or a traitor, could come up with.

So why are we fighting alongside Iraqis and Jordanians, etc., i.e. MUSLIMS,

if it's impossible for a MUSLIM to be our 'friend'?
So why are we fighting alongside Iraqis and Jordanians, etc., i.e. MUSLIMS,

if it's impossible for a MUSLIM to be our 'friend'?

Islam is an evil creed. Those who follow Islam are evil - this is simple fact. You may embrace evil as kindred spirit, but the creed of Islam, like Nazism and Communism, is evil.

Islam is creed, not a person. It is the philosophy of a megalomaniacal warlord from the the 6th century, who used rape, murder, and terror as a means of gaining power and territory. Islam has been around a long time, to survive among other nations, Islam had to moderate. The more vile and disgusting parts of Islam faded under the Ottoman rulers, who controlled Islam up until WWI. Commandments became traditions which were not literal. After the Ottomans fell, certain segments of Islam went back to their roots, back to the ways of the Warlord Muhammad. The Wahabbi in particular. Without the moderating influence of the Ottoman, the gutter religion of Islam took the evil which is the Koran ever more seriously

Jordan is a nation where Islam is a traditional rather than literal religion - at the moment. ISIS is true to the Koran and Hadiths - Jordan is not. Thus Jordan can exist with civilized nations. Islam cannot coexist with decent people - it isn't possible. Either Muslims must be apostate, as they are in Jordan, or they must be murderous savages like ISIS. ISIS represents true Islam, which is the dirty little secret that the democrat traitors try to hide.

This is why a Muslim who has no contact with ISIS or Al Qaeda can suddenly become a "lone wolf" terrorist (as the feted fuckwad in chief says). They read the book, and the book tells them what it is to be Muslim. What the book says is what ISIS is - that is the fact under all of this. Anyone who actually believes the book will support what ISIS does - some will act like ISIS.

You want to bring in thousands who have only read one book in their lives, the book, the Koran, and they read it every single day. You lie that there is no danger in this, but it is the book that drives Muzzie Beasts to terrorism, not some Imam on the internet. The infernal book of evil, the Koran is the root of Islamic terrorism.
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No, trying to change the subject after I caught you in a lie, or in your own ignorance,

is very funny.

Stalin killed more Russians than he did Americans in the 50's. That didn't mean that we should have welcomed Soviet Spies into our government (though you democrats did.)

ISIS seeks to be the ultimate Islamic authority, the Caliphate. They will murder their own in the brutal way that is Islam. To think that makes the Muslims brutalized by them our friends is the kind of insanity that only fucktard leftist - or a traitor, could come up with.

So why are we fighting alongside Iraqis and Jordanians, etc., i.e. MUSLIMS,

if it's impossible for a MUSLIM to be our 'friend'?
Don't bother with Johnny Mengele.

He's in an alternate Universe.

When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

He made it possible.

He averted a bloodbath and let them go through the Democratic Process.

I know that you consider Monarchy a superior solution, but..most American prefer Democracy.

As does a lot of the world.

Go fig.

He didn't avert a bloodbath. He created a bloodbath. He created ISIS. He allowed the MB to come to power in Egypt. He allowed Al Queda to take control in Libya. The guy is the biggest threat to security in the entire world.

Democracy is not preferable when you're applying it to muzzie savages. They are incapable of governing themselves.
When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

He made it possible.

He averted a bloodbath and let them go through the Democratic Process.

I know that you consider Monarchy a superior solution, but..most American prefer Democracy.

As does a lot of the world.

Go fig.

He didn't avert a bloodbath. He created a bloodbath. He created ISIS. He allowed the MB to come to power in Egypt. He allowed Al Queda to take control in Libya. The guy is the biggest threat to security in the entire world.

Democracy is not preferable when you're applying it to muzzie savages. They are incapable of governing themselves.
What happened in Libya and Egypt averted bloodbaths.

What's happening in Syria? That's a bloodbath.

That you can't see the difference is typical of folks of your ilk.

As is your abject bigotry and racism.
What happened in Libya and Egypt averted bloodbaths.

What's happening in Syria? That's a bloodbath.

That you can't see the difference is typical of folks of your ilk.

As is your abject bigotry and racism.

You can repeat the lies over and over if you want, but it still doesn't make them true.

He didn't avert a bloodbath. He helped put the MB into power, which resulted in the handcuffs being taken off the radicals which resulted in the targeting and slaughter of Christians.

He created a bloodbath. He gave Al Qaeida their own country - LIBYA! They had already been hiring Jihadists for decades to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops. He handed Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans to them on a silver F*ing platter!

He created, supplied, armed, and trained troops for ISIS. He refused to do anything while they flowed into Iraq, taking over much of the country our military had liberated at a high price, resulting in the slaughter of men, women, and children - of Christians. Human beings were slaughtered in massive numbers - beheaded, burned alive, lowered into cages under water for them to drown....

Instead of LEADING, instead of protecting what we had fought and sacrificed so long for, instead of fighting 'evil', instead of acknowledging terrorism and terrorists, instead of making the decision to DEFEAT and DESTROY terrorists he put one group into power, gave another its own country, and created the still-not-complete FAILED foreign policy (according to OBAMA) of 'Containment'. He then enforced a ridiculous 'ROE' that PROTECTED ISIS from critical strikes that would actually hurt ISIS. The day before Paris was hit with the worst attack upon it since WWII this DUMBMASS Islamic Sympathizer claimed his policy had ALWAYS been one of containment and that 'WE HAVE DONE THAT.'

Despite allowing several terrorist attacks and one abroad that resulted in the deaths of Americans and AFTER the Paris attacks partially carried out by Syrian 'refugees', Obama openly MOCKED Americans' LEGITIMATE concern for our national security and THEIR personal security by way of inappropriate 'widows and orphans' comment.

This jackass told the grieving families of the Americans he let be killed the lie that their loved ones had been murdered due to a protest over an inconsequential video! (NO, Stevens and 3 other Americans died because he and Hillary IGNORED the threats about attacks on Embassies across the ME on 9/11/12, IGNORED the call for Stevens assassination in retaliation for an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi having been killed months earlier in a drone strike, IGNORED the over 6 HUNDRED requests for additional security made by Stevens, IGNORED the 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound in weeks prior to the final attack on 9/11/12, STRIPPED him of 16 members of his security detail, HIRED an AL QAEIDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA to protect a NOW-DEAD US Ambassador, and LEFT Stevens in Benghazi to die despite every other nation having been in Benghazi pulled ALL of their people out!

Obama is an ignorant, walking, talking National-Security endangering, American citizen-abandoning, Islamic Extremist Sympathizing / Supporting FAILURE at the least and an ENEMY of this nation at the worst.

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