Obama LIES Again....Say It Ain't So!

When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

He made it possible.
By convincing every Muslim to vote in a way that he(Oblama) wanted...seems a mathematical stretch...has been divulged...
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

If you knew your history and the facts you would know that Obama had a HUGE hand in it. He helped force Mubarak out. Egypt had an Interim President and said they would keep the election cycle, which would have resulted in election in 8 months, giving everyone time to prepare for the election. Obama, however, injected himself into their politics and DEMANDED the Egyptians hold immediate elections. Personally, I would have told him to F* OFF; however, they complied.

With the ouster of Mubarak, the nation was in disarray, no one was ready for campaigning and an election....except the Muslim Brotherhood. After this help of getting them in control of the country, he then brought Muslim Brotherhood members to the US - including those on NO-FLY Lists - and had them sit in on Cabinet Meetings. He now has some scattered throughout our government and in his own Cabinet as 'advisors'.

Like when he chose a famous historic Socialist symbol and slogan for his re-election campaign, Obama isn't trying to hide any of this. He just KNOWS his followers are too partisan and/or stupid to see it for what it is and confident that if any of them do they will simply ignore it and still defend him. So far, he has been right about that!
Mubarak screwed himself by using security forces to attack and kill 10 Mexicans and Egyptians on a tour bus.......
Mubarak screwed himself by using security forces to attack and kill 10 Mexicans and Egyptians on a tour bus.......

How does that change the fact that Obama helped oust Mubarak? Oh yeah...it DOESN'T!
easy and bedowhine (banned) are two peas in a pod aren't they? it's almost like one of them never left.

imagine that.
Well, we do give the military dictatorship several billion a year...

Yu really need to educate yourself. There is no 'military dictatorship' in Egypt. After overthrowing the TERRORIST ORGANIZATION Obama helped to put in power there, they outlawed several terrorist groups, to include the Brotherhood, and held elections. The current President is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, elected in 2014...but don't let FACTS get in your way...
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."
Thank you for posting that.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."
Thank you for posting that.

It's called mythbusting.
link? From what I see, the terrorist groups will kill anyone that doesn't join them and obey them. And you and others want to punish non-terrorist muslims which is pretty much the stupidest thing you can do. Why after this massive meltdown on the right would any moderate muslim trust any western country?

And - I know you nut jobs don't believe it, BUT... - there is a difference between 'punishing Muslims' and 'Providing for your national Defense and Protecting US Lives'!

To keep these Syrian Muslims safe, to feed them, shelter them, and clothe them WE DO NOT HAVE TO BRING THEM HERE TO DO THAT! We can actually do BOTH - do all of that for them while simultaneously ensuring the safety and security of this country and the American people.

Libtards are so short-sighted that they think the US is the only 'safe' place in the world, and that we MUST bring them HERE, even if / when it jeopardizes our national security. Take 'em down to GITMO for a while where they can safely get '3 hots and a cot' while we REALLY, THOROUGHLY screen them!

You want all this meddling in the ME, and your GOP pals want even more. This the price you pay.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

If you knew your history and the facts you would know that Obama had a HUGE hand in it. He helped force Mubarak out. Egypt had an Interim President and said they would keep the election cycle, which would have resulted in election in 8 months, giving everyone time to prepare for the election. Obama, however, injected himself into their politics and DEMANDED the Egyptians hold immediate elections. Personally, I would have told him to F* OFF; however, they complied.

With the ouster of Mubarak, the nation was in disarray, no one was ready for campaigning and an election....except the Muslim Brotherhood. After this help of getting them in control of the country, he then brought Muslim Brotherhood members to the US - including those on NO-FLY Lists - and had them sit in on Cabinet Meetings. He now has some scattered throughout our government and in his own Cabinet as 'advisors'.

Like when he chose a famous historic Socialist symbol and slogan for his re-election campaign, Obama isn't trying to hide any of this. He just KNOWS his followers are too partisan and/or stupid to see it for what it is and confident that if any of them do they will simply ignore it and still defend him. So far, he has been right about that!

That's rich.

Egyptians chose the Muslim Brotherhood and you are blaming Obama.

When you look at the articles reporting how Christians are being denied entry, how the deck is stacked against them, yet how he is bending over backwards for Muslims, it is hard to definitively say 'there is no religious test'.

When you see how Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how Christians immediately began being targeted and murdered afterwards without Obama doing anything to help them, it's hard to definitively say that Obama doesn't have some kind of 'test' / preference.

After seeing how Obama did nothing to prevent ISIS from flowing into Iraq and begin slaughtering Christians, it is hard to definitively declare Obama has no personal 'test' or preferance.
So Oblama had the Egyptians elect the Muslim brotherhood?

He made it possible.

He averted a bloodbath and let them go through the Democratic Process.

I know that you consider Monarchy a superior solution, but..most American prefer Democracy.

As does a lot of the world.

Go fig.
That's rich.

Egyptians chose the Muslim Brotherhood and you are blaming Obama.


You're an idiot.
After the Fall of Mubarak Obama helped usher in the MB, a terrorist organization that imposed itself on the people, condemned and threatened Israel, allowed it's own people to be murdered in 'religious cleansings'. The moderate military stepped in, just as I hope our military would, to OUST a group officially recognized as a TERROTIST GROUP! After that the people were given the time they should have had to begin with to organize and hold REAL elections.
He averted a bloodbath and let them go through the Democratic Process.

I know that you consider Monarchy a superior solution, but..most American prefer Democracy.

As does a lot of the world.

Go fig.

He AVERTED a bloodbath? Mubarak was the only one who was holding all the factions in check and providing protection to the Christians. When the MB took over the Christians were targeted and slaughtered! Good God, man! Educate yourself! Obama, as he has made it his M.O., aided TERRORISTS...and you're pissed that
it didn't work out.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."

None of you leftwing turds gave a damn when Castro did the same thing only 80 miles from our coast.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."

None of you leftwing turds gave a damn when Castro did the same thing only 80 miles from our coast.

RWnuts react in the funniest ways when you make fools out of them. It's mildly entertaining.
That's rich.

Egyptians chose the Muslim Brotherhood and you are blaming Obama.


You're an idiot.
After the Fall of Mubarak Obama helped usher in the MB, a terrorist organization that imposed itself on the people, condemned and threatened Israel, allowed it's own people to be murdered in 'religious cleansings'. The moderate military stepped in, just as I hope our military would, to OUST a group officially recognized as a TERROTIST GROUP! After that the people were given the time they should have had to begin with to organize and hold REAL elections.

Mubarak was placed into power after the assassination of Sadat as an emergency measure. He's been in power ever since and has been a ruthless dictator.

With the threat of an Iraqi invasion taken away, his claim to fame was over. Which basically left Egypt with two options, a bloody crack down, which by the way you morons love, or allowing elections.

President Obama supported option 2, but didn't think they would go with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The result? The Muslim Brotherhood is now out of power.

So what's your beef? Moron.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though....So Libs, was/is he lying or is he just stupid?!

"Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith"

LINK: Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith

"Immigration experts give President Obama Pinocchios for his claim that the U.S. has never used “religious tests” to determine which refugees get passage to America."
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."

None of you leftwing turds gave a damn when Castro did the same thing only 80 miles from our coast.

RWnuts react in the funniest ways when you make fools out of them. It's mildly entertaining.

Pointing out your profound hypocrisy is "reacting in the funniest way?"
When they are being persecuted for their faith, they are allowed to apply for refugee status. In the case of Syria, their are both Christians and Muslims that are being persecuted by ISIS. I know this is a subtle topic for you and that there is no hope you will be able to understand it.


The Christians are the target of genocide. The Muslims simply have to put up with the fucked up rules of Sharia.

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

"The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.
Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.

What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS."

None of you leftwing turds gave a damn when Castro did the same thing only 80 miles from our coast.

RWnuts react in the funniest ways when you make fools out of them. It's mildly entertaining.

Pointing out your profound hypocrisy is "reacting in the funniest way?"

No, trying to change the subject after I caught you in a lie, or in your own ignorance,

is very funny.

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