Obama Live Town Hall On "Guns In America": January 7, 2016 (8:00 PM ET)

I have a good friend who is visiting for a couple days. He is an avid NRA gun nut and hunter. Although he is well off financially, he lives totally off the grid in a cabin he built 20 plus years ago on top of the Allegheny Mountains - complete with outhouse, wood stove, and no running water or electricity. I asked him what he wanted to watch on TV tonight, and gave him 3 choices: Obama "Guns in America" town hall, Wild West Alaska, or Whispering Smith (a western starring Alan Ladd)? He said anything but Obama. So, we agreed on Whispering Smith.
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I have Stars hockey tonight and I seriously doubt I will hear anything at the town hall I have not heard before.
Hosted by CNN at 8:00 pm ET from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Reportedly, the NRA has refused to participate - although NRA members will participate.

CNN to host Obama town hall on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

He needs something to crow about for the State of the Union address:

Hosted by CNN at 8:00 pm ET from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Reportedly, the NRA has refused to participate - although NRA members will participate.

CNN to host Obama town hall on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

He needs something to crow about for the State of the Union address:

View attachment 59119

It's nice to have a president who can walk and chew gum at the same time - multitask.

And can't speak a word without a teleprompter.
Anyone planning to watch?
For what? A staged event with pre screened questions so Obama can cry about dead children? SOmeone should ask him which murders his new EOs would have prevented.

There were no EO's.

He didn't propose anything that wasn't already a law.

Please, if you people are going to talk about something at least educate yourselves on the subject.
I have a good friend who is visiting for a couple days. He is an avid NRA gun nut and hunter. Although he is well off financially, he lives totally off the grid in a cabin he built 20 plus years ago on top of the Allegheny Mountains - complete with outhouse, wood stove, and no running water or electricity. I asked him what he wanted to watch on TV tonight, and gave him 3 choices: Obama "Guns in America" town hall, Wild West Alaska, or Whispering Smith (a western starring Alan Ladd)? He said anything but Obama. So, we agreed on Whispering Smith.

I'm glad to see your mountain man made it back to your teepee. I hope he had a good season trapping and is horney as hell.
Hosted by CNN at 8:00 pm ET from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Reportedly, the NRA has refused to participate - although NRA members will participate.

CNN to host Obama town hall on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

He needs something to crow about for the State of the Union address:

View attachment 59119

It's nice to have a president who can walk and chew gum at the same time - multitask.

He can? Really? I have seen no evidence of that..
First question to Obama. You're walking down the street with Malia...some Syrian thug comes up...knocks you on your ass and puts his hand down Malia's pants. What is your preferred weapon of retaliation.

Your umbrella
Your hat
Your fist
Your Smith and Wesson 9mm semi automatic pistol
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Anyone planning to watch?
For what? A staged event with pre screened questions so Obama can cry about dead children? SOmeone should ask him which murders his new EOs would have prevented.

There were no EO's.

He didn't propose anything that wasn't already a law.

Please, if you people are going to talk about something at least educate yourselves on the subject.
Obama did not issue executive orders this week on guns? Really?
First question to Obama. You're walking down the street with Malia...some Syrian thug comes up...knocks you on your ass and puts his hand down Malia's pants. What is your preferred weapon of retaliation.

Your umbrella
Your hat
Your fist
Your Smith and Wesson 9mm revolver
Smith actually made a 9mm revolver (2, actually) but they're pretty rare.
Obamas preferred weapon would be a UN condemnation of the act and a speech condemning hatred and bigotry.

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