Obama Loyalists / Leakers Undermine Relations With Allies

Then no truth will get out...

No, snowflake, then CLASSIFIED information will stop being leaked. You comment reflects the idea many snowflakes share - 'It's ok if classified information 'GETS OUT' because it is 'the truth'. There's one problem with that - there are laws governing the handling of classified information. Obama loyalists believed 'not enough of the truth is getting out there' so they leaked Protected Classified Personal Information...acts which both the Directors of the FBI and NSA called acts of 'FELONY ESPIONAGE', snowflake.
The biggest leaker is Tramp himself... boasting to the Ruskies in the Oval Office and this one yesterday:
Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT
This demented old fool cannot be trusted.
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.
I love your snowflake self portrait . Guess you haven't looked up the def?
Then no truth will get out...

No, snowflake, then CLASSIFIED information will stop being leaked. You comment reflects the idea many snowflakes share - 'It's ok if classified information 'GETS OUT' because it is 'the truth'. There's one problem with that - there are laws governing the handling of classified information. Obama loyalists believed 'not enough of the truth is getting out there' so they leaked Protected Classified Personal Information...acts which both the Directors of the FBI and NSA called acts of 'FELONY ESPIONAGE', snowflake.
So your panties are in a bunch with leaked info but not with him in violation of the Emoluments Clause?
Tramp is also breaking the law with robo calls supporting that thug from Montana.
Robo calls are illegal in special elections.
It's ok when Tramp breaks the law right?
Breaking news: Tramps Muslim ban shot down again by the courts.
Ha ha

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Keep throwing your poo, snowflake, to see if any of it will stick while the only crimes proven to have been perpetrated so far have been committed by Hillary, Obama / the Obama administration / Obama supporters, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Like clockwork... you can't debate.. can't defend the pussy grabber so you deflect to Obama and Hillary.
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.

paid shill nutbar. :rofl:

what is underming our relationships with our allies are the leaks from your ORANGE SOCIOPATH and the fact that the failure is owned by Russia.

but thanks for playing

It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.
I love your snowflake self portrait . Guess you haven't looked up the def?

I love when wacko call their betters "snowflakes".


and the orange sociopath needs to be impeached,
Then no truth will get out...

No, snowflake, then CLASSIFIED information will stop being leaked. You comment reflects the idea many snowflakes share - 'It's ok if classified information 'GETS OUT' because it is 'the truth'. There's one problem with that - there are laws governing the handling of classified information. Obama loyalists believed 'not enough of the truth is getting out there' so they leaked Protected Classified Personal Information...acts which both the Directors of the FBI and NSA called acts of 'FELONY ESPIONAGE', snowflake.
The biggest leaker is Tramp himself... boasting to the Ruskies in the Oval Office and this one yesterday:
Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT
This demented old fool cannot be trusted.
Please tell me Don didn't say to the phill "I've eaten their livers" Pres you can't see our great subs, they are underwater"
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.
I love your snowflake self portrait . Guess you haven't looked up the def?

I love when wacko call their betters "snowflakes".


and the orange sociopath needs to be impeached,
They are not big on Dems. Liberal is another.
Limited info gets to your double wide when you are sucking off your commie benefits
Off topic but here's another totally embarrassing moment for the USA.
They just took a group picture of NATO members and Tramp literally pushed people out of the way to get in the front.
The NATO Tramp wanted to dismantle.

How bout the Israelis LAUGHING at Tramp when he said, " I just came from the Middle East."
4th graders know Israel is in the Middle East.
But POTUS doesn't.
Knees news doesn't know either.
Does he really think they are going to change? I guess his sheep do.
At least Melanie is thrusting him aside. What would you rather have, a fat hair weave guy or a toYboy
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.

When I hear foxie newers crying "deep state" I see this...



We warned you he was a corrupt abomination of human being. He can't go a day without lying and breaking the law to serve himself.

Fuck off with your bitching...
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.

Trump is the Leaker in Chief, and make no mistake, its Trump they don't want getting their information.
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.
I love your snowflake self portrait . Guess you haven't looked up the def?

I love when wacko call their betters "snowflakes".


and the orange sociopath needs to be impeached,
They are not big on Dems. Liberal is another.
Limited info gets to your double wide when you are sucking off your commie benefits

so stop collecting benefits, dumass.
It is not any proposed leaks coming form Trump that have allies wanting to end information-sharing with the United states, according to British Prime Minister May. It is the unprecedented epidemic of leaks coming out of DC.

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "deeply troubling" leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing would be investigated, after irate British police stopped sharing information with U.S. agencies.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said earlier she would tell Trump that intelligence shared between their two countries had to remain secure, in a rare public show of dissatisfaction with Britain's closest security ally.

"The alleged leaks coming out of government agencies are deeply troubling," Trump said in a statement released after he arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit, also attended by May.

"I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The leaks by Snowflakes and those who seek to undermine Trump have reached a 'treasonous' level, undermining our critical partnership with out allies. Leaking information - a crime - and security / laws regarding handling classified information was not really taken seriously under Obama, so loosely enforced that we have the problem we are seeing now. Everyone thinks its ok to release anything they want.

Trump needs to shut it down with 'extreme prejudice'. The DOJ needs to find one or more of these leakers and publicly CRUCIFY them to stop it.

Trump is the Leaker in Chief, and make no mistake, its Trump they don't want getting their information.

trump loons don't understand that the leaks aren't the problems, the criminal administration is.

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