Obama Meddling To Intensify / Narcissist Sucking Air Out of the DNC room


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
News from The Associated Press

"Obama's swift return to the spotlight has been cheered by some Democrats, who are still sifting through the wreckage of the party's crushing defeats in the November election. But the attention surrounding Obama has also magnified the vacuum for new Democratic leadership, a reality that aides say is not lost on the former president.

"He's acutely aware that when the former president speaks, he consumes a lot of the oxygen," said Eric Schultz, Obama's senior adviser. "He wants to make sure we make room for the next generation of leaders."

No, actually the Ex-Narcissist And Chief' could care less about future generations of Democrats or those currently serving in government. Obama refused to go away and created his 'shadow govt' consisting of Obama loyalists still in the govt, now in the Trump administration, for one reason and one reason only:

To prevent his entire 'Legacy' from totally being wiped away and his Presidency being reduced to a footnote in the pages of history by Donald Trump.

He wanted to ensure this so badly that his administration and his holdovers within the US Intel agencies, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE by illegally leaking Trump / Trump team Protected Classified Personal information that showed no criminal activity and contained no Intel value.


"Warren and Sanders represent one flank of the Democratic Party that's trying to take control as the party tries to rebuild ahead of the 2018 midterm elections."

Great! The future of the Democratic Party rests with a fake Indian and a 102yo Socialist Party member. Have no fear, snowflakes, your '2 Time loser', the worst candidate in US history, is busy trying to make / keep herself relevant for a potential 3rd WH run in 2020. :p


GREAT news for the GOP:

"Obama is expected to campaign and fundraise for candidates as those contests draw near, ..."

Obama's record is 1,000+ elections / seats lost and 2 back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses for the Democrats during his 8 years.

''Barak Hussein Obama... Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm!" :banana:
They got Obama and the Clintons, Uncle Joe, and Maxine Waters. We got Trump. I think this country is fucked.
easy did you intentionally mislead what that article was about or just not follow it? LOL

But the dems are in bad shape. Hillary lost an unloseable election, and Kaine is like the weird uncle every family has. LOL

Kamilla Harris has been a senator for 100days, and she may have more fundraising appeal than anyone else.

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