Obama Met With Ferguson Protesters – What He Told Them is Truly Disturbing


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Gotta keep fanning those flames to keep the race war going. Wouldn't want people to calm down. We already know that professional rioters, er protestors, arrived in Ferguson. They don't give a damn about facts. They want blood. Obama could be telling them to be reasonable and wait for the results of the investigation before judging. He should be asking them to have faith in our system and the people who have thoroughly investigated the case. Of course, he and the media should have delivered that message from the start but they chose to help push lies instead. Now the criminal rioters have so much time invested in committing acts of violence and spewing racial hatred that they won't back down now. It's no longer about facts or a valid reason to riot. It's about a race war. And our lame ass leader is patting them on the back and standing with them as the rioting, destruction and assaults have continued.

The New York Times did their best to hide this meeting in the 21st paragraph of their report:

But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. "This is not your momma’s civil rights movement," said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. "This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us."

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama "was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating."
This is frigging crazy. Far less would be called terrorist by Obama yet he kisses these thugs ass? Really? Obama makes Mayor Bradley's green light to riot look like pale in comparison.

These protesters deserve nothing but the dogs

Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.
Fergie riots can give Obabble cover for weeks. By then Gruber will be forgotten, ISIS will be contained by the unprecedented coalition, hillary will have a new hairdo and we'll be into the NFL playoffs.
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off.

It should piss you off that the quote in the thread altered the paragraph from the NYT article it goes like this:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Kind of changes things doesn't it?
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

You mean that cop should have let the guy keep attacking him?

And the rioters destroyed their own neighborhood. That is so fucking stupid and yet some act like they are so righteous for doing that.

Now, they are demanding Wilson's whereabouts, as well as his family. They are also calling for more attacks in white areas, especially cops and their children. Sick bastards. Yes, when people have no brains and are this violent and irrational, people should be scared of them.

Caught on Video Ferguson Activists Planning to Target White Areas Police and their 8216 Children 8217 Top Right News
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

You mean that cop should have let the guy keep attacking him?

And the rioters destroyed their own neighborhood. That is so fucking stupid and yet some act like they are so righteous for doing that.

Now, they are demanding Wilson's whereabouts, as well as his family. They are also calling for more attacks in white areas, especially cops and their children. Sick bastards. Yes, when people have no brains and are this violent and irrational, people should be scared of them.

Caught on Video Ferguson Activists Planning to Target White Areas Police and their 8216 Children 8217 Top Right News

A lot of people on both sides of this blow-up are acting retarded in some way. The original incident has been made practically meaningless at this point by heaping cold animosity on top of tragedy.
Once things get going and the thugs "stay the course, " the National Guard may be called in and the bullets won't be rubber.
The looters will be shot as they assault the police and black bodies will pile up in the streets. Is that what you wanted, Mr. Obama?
Once things get going and the thugs "stay the course, " the National Guard may be called in and the bullets won't be rubber.
The looters will be shot as they assault the police and black bodies will pile up in the streets. Is that what you wanted, Mr. Obama?
You would do good to read the original article in the link before commenting further.
"Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections.The meeting was left off his daily schedule. In that meeting, he said was concerned that the protesters“stay on course.”

What does that mean? And why is the President of the United States meeting with protesters — who have vandalized, robbed or destroyed over 100 businesses— before a verdict is reached in the court case?"

Obama Secretly Met With Ferguson Protesters 8211 What He Told Them is Truly Disturbing Top Right News

Interesting. Why is that meeting not on his official schedule? It isn't a meeting that he wants recorded for what reason?

Was he at the funeral of Michael Brown? What importance does that have in the course of priorities when there are US citizens being beheaded by ISIS at the same time frame and Wakes are being held for them and he does not attend those?

But Michael Brown who allegedly assaulted a police officer, resisted arrest and was shot and killed has the president visit!. And the protesters who vandalized, robbed and destroyed 100 businesses were told to STAY ON COURSE by the president! The only thing I can think of is the perpetrator, Michael Brown was black. And so is Mr. Obama, and his friend Mr. Sharpton. Of course, Eric Holder who was also around to make sure the Civil rights of Brown and the looters were upheld. Something is very wrong on that Oval Office. It used to stand for the people. ALL the people. Not just black ones.
Are the blacks in Ferguson representative of the blacks in middle America? I don't think so. Matter of fact, I believe that outsiders are coming in and causing problems in Ferguson. Would the blacks on the aboard address this? Just who support JJ and Al Sharpton?

When I was working I knew many poor blacks and would be surprised if they became involved in looting, destroying businesses and such. I think they are members of the Black Panthers, unions and radical black theological churches.
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Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

Yeah because white people like Reginald Denny deserve to be beaten by black thugs right?

Just for having the nerve to be doing his job one day driving his truck. How did Denny do something to piss off this crew of animals?


Cause white people need to be beaten by black assholes right occupied? Just because their skin is white. Guno, Hazlnut, Asceplias and other USMB bigotted bastards would probably love to see this happen in Ferguson.

Whitey needs to get hurt.

Are the blacks in Ferguson representative of the blacks in middle America? I don't think so. Matter of fact, I believe that outsiders are coming in and causing problems in Ferguson. Would the blacks on the aboard address this? Just who support JJ and Al Sharpton?

When I was working I knew many poor blacks and would be surprised if they became involved in looting, destroying businesses and such. I think they are members of the Black Panthers, unions and radical black theological churches.
OK you are somewhat in the correct ballpark, in spite of the alarmists trying to turn this whole thing into a reason to recoil in fear the protesters have legitimate gripes. If you had read the original article instead of the selectively edited one in the OP you would find that organizers are as worried about violence and anarchism as the police are. This was never just about the Brown shooting, it was but the last straw in a long history of racial profiling by an increasingly hostile and unaccountable police force. People are angry because no one paid any attention to this issue until they formed mass protests. Nothing like this just comes out of nowhere, tensions have been simmering for years.
Are the blacks in Ferguson representative of the blacks in middle America? I don't think so. Matter of fact, I believe that outsiders are coming in and causing problems in Ferguson. Would the blacks on the aboard address this? Just who support JJ and Al Sharpton?

When I was working I knew many poor blacks and would be surprised if they became involved in looting, destroying businesses and such. I think they are members of the Black Panthers, unions and radical black theological churches.
OK you are somewhat in the correct ballpark, in spite of the alarmists trying to turn this whole thing into a reason to recoil in fear the protesters have legitimate gripes. If you had read the original article instead of the selectively edited one in the OP you would find that organizers are as worried about violence and anarchism as the police are. This was never just about the Brown shooting, it was but the last straw in a long history of racial profiling by an increasingly hostile and unaccountable police force. People are angry because no one paid any attention to this issue until they formed mass protests. Nothing like this just comes out of nowhere, tensions have been simmering for years.

Thank you for the background information. If this is valid, and I have no reason to believe it is not, the present Police Commander has that issue to address and now is the time! He certainly has not done himself any favors in this entire mess. It may be time for him to step down and a new man at the helm to organize the department with fairness as the policy for the force.
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off.

It should piss you off that the quote in the thread altered the paragraph from the NYT article it goes like this:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Kind of changes things doesn't it?

Changes things just how?

yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?

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