Obama Met With Ferguson Protesters – What He Told Them is Truly Disturbing

yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.
I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off. -Geaux

Well, no chance of that. They released a list of targets, which I take means that these places can expect to be looted and/or burned. The "leaders" of the mob are claiming that looting and rioting are the tools of those with no voice. I guess they aren't smart enough to realize that people do have a voice and speaking in a calm and reasonable manner will go farther than destruction.

The MO governor has declared a state of emergency. Homeland Security has sent hundreds of agents. Looks like they are all preparing for a war to start. It's already been ugly, but might get worse with all the 'professional' thugs there. They don't want facts. They don't want peace. They want officer Wilson's head on a platter and innocence or guilt does not matter. They are nothing but a gang that wants revenge. They are against all whites at this point and the minorities who don't go along with them are likely in danger, too.

Ferguson Protest Group Releases List of Targets Including Anheuser Busch Boeing Emerson Electric Airport The Gateway Pundit
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off.

It should piss you off that the quote in the thread altered the paragraph from the NYT article it goes like this:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Kind of changes things doesn't it?

I don't know. Obama's statement is just plain strange. It's like it's supposed to be a "Code." Why didn't he just say, He was "concerned about Ferguson staying the course in doing all they can in keeping the peace?"

The quote, "was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating." just sounds mysterious. You want to go, huh?
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

Oh, Plasmaball, you made me laugh. Sorry about your time out. Been there. Done that!

Okay. This time I understand what Holt did. Very bad journalism to say the least.

It's lazy (what he did?) and lazy people eat that up? How would people know any better if they didn't have the original copy?
I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off. -Geaux

Well, no chance of that. They released a list of targets, which I take means that these places can expect to be looted and/or burned. The "leaders" of the mob are claiming that looting and rioting are the tools of those with no voice. I guess they aren't smart enough to realize that people do have a voice and speaking in a calm and reasonable manner will go farther than destruction.

The MO governor has declared a state of emergency. Homeland Security has sent hundreds of agents. Looks like they are all preparing for a war to start. It's already been ugly, but might get worse with all the 'professional' thugs there. They don't want facts. They don't want peace. They want officer Wilson's head on a platter and innocence or guilt does not matter. They are nothing but a gang that wants revenge. They are against all whites at this point and the minorities who don't go along with them are likely in danger, too.

Ferguson Protest Group Releases List of Targets Including Anheuser Busch Boeing Emerson Electric Airport The Gateway Pundit
shit site....The simple idea you believe this crap is pathetic....The Gateway lies....
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

Oh, Plasmaball, you made me laugh. Sorry about your time out. Been there. Done that!

Okay. This time I understand what Holt did. Very bad journalism to say the least.

It's lazy (what he did?) and lazy people eat that up? How would people know any better if they didn't have the original copy?
because if they did a little digging they would have found out. Sadly we have people out with agendas because it makes them money. Thats why we get these type of lazy threads.
Well Obama can probably tell them he is not listening to these RW assholes...

All we can do now is piss off the RW Assholes
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off.

It should piss you off that the quote in the thread altered the paragraph from the NYT article it goes like this:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Kind of changes things doesn't it?

Changes things just how?

Ask yourself why the fearmonger who wrote the shitpiece quoted by OP would leave out the last line.
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

Sounds as if you're endorsing that only blacks police blacks, teach blacks and rule blacks...you want segregation to return then. You're right though, whites shouldn't police blacks, or teach blacks or in any way whatsoever interact locally with blacks, then they can no longer blame whites.
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

He didn't cut off jack shit Plas.

Here's what he quoted from the NYT's article.

In full. In context. Nothing cut off.

The New York Times hid this in the 21st paragraph of their report:

But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama wants the protesters to stay on course?

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit
Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off.

It should piss you off that the quote in the thread altered the paragraph from the NYT article it goes like this:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Kind of changes things doesn't it?

I don't know. Obama's statement is just plain strange. It's like it's supposed to be a "Code." Why didn't he just say, He was "concerned about Ferguson staying the course in doing all they can in keeping the peace?"

The quote, "was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating." just sounds mysterious. You want to go, huh?
The paragraph at issue does not contain a quote from Obama, it is a quote from Al Sharpton summing up what Obama said to him.
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

He didn't cut off jack shit Plas.

Here's what he quoted from the NYT's article.

In full. In context. Nothing cut off.

The New York Times hid this in the 21st paragraph of their report:

But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama wants the protesters to stay on course?

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

He didn't cut off jack shit Plas.

Here's what he quoted from the NYT's article.

In full. In context. Nothing cut off.

The New York Times hid this in the 21st paragraph of their report:

But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama wants the protesters to stay on course?

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit
Anyone with any decency would want the protesters to stay on course, to present their grievances in a legal and non-violent manner in keeping with the 1st amendment right of free speech.
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

He didn't cut off jack shit Plas.

Here's what he quoted from the NYT's article.

In full. In context. Nothing cut off.

The New York Times hid this in the 21st paragraph of their report:

But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama wants the protesters to stay on course?

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit

Nothing is more scary to conservatives than pissed-off black people. Maybe they should quit doing things to piss them off.

I agree. They (Mo/thugs) should quit doing things to piss me off.

It should piss you off that the quote in the thread altered the paragraph from the NYT article it goes like this:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Kind of changes things doesn't it?

Changes things just how?

Ask yourself why the fearmonger who wrote the shitpiece quoted by OP would leave out the last line.

He quoted the NYT. He didn't leave out the last fucking line.

Get a grip.
yeah this didnt happen. this comes the gate way pundit from a guy named holt who most actual conservatives wont touch with a ten foot pole. Its 2nd hand off of Al sharptons 2nd hand.

Its just crap..and you dumbasses eat this shit up
I was going to ask you to explain this message because I didn't understand it. Who is Holt and what is this about Sharptons second hand? Can you explain without the name calling?
this story in the OP is from the website gatewaypundit by a guy named holt. Least i think thats his name. I'd go look at the thread but im on a 2 day timeout there.
Basically the context of what obama said was that he is concerned the people won't be peaceful. Holt cut off the last part in order to make it look like Obama wants riots. Its lazy and lazy people eat this shit up.

He didn't cut off jack shit Plas.

Here's what he quoted from the NYT's article.

In full. In context. Nothing cut off.

The New York Times hid this in the 21st paragraph of their report:

But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama wants the protesters to stay on course?

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit
The article in the OP cut off the line "He said he hopes that we're doing all we can to keep peace" and goes on to make it seem that the president approves of the violence and vandalism if not actively engineering it for his own purposes. That line negates that theory and was deliberately left out.
Let's get this right. I'm on Gateway Pundit. Hoft did not misquote or cut off Sharpton's last sentence.

Here's the NYT article.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”


Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit
Let's get this right. I'm on Gateway Pundit. Hoft did not misquote or cut off Sharpton's last sentence.

Here's the NYT article.

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”


Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit

Here's the OPs article:
Obama Secretly Met With Ferguson Protesters 8211 What He Told Them is Truly Disturbing Top Right News

Edited out last line, scary pictures of black people, Obama looking mean, exhortations to God to protect us, an excellent example of dishonest fearmongering.
Ask yourself why the fearmonger who wrote the shitpiece quoted by OP would leave out the last line.

Is anyone really scared of what will happen?

I mean it seems like everybody has had warning. If I was unfortunate to live near Ferguson ... I would be cruising the Bahamas for the next two weeks

He didn't cut off the end of the quote, he just pretended it wasn't there.

After all, the quote isn't shocking or outrageous unless you ignore the last part.

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