Obama Might Visit Poland and Ukraine in June


Aug 26, 2013
If you didn't know, Obama MIGHT visit Poland as well as Ukraine in June 2014.

WASHINGTON — A commercial radio station in Poland reported Monday that President Obama is expected to visit Warsaw in early June to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Poland’s first free elections in 1989.
The report from RMF Radio cites “unofficial” information, and quotes a Foreign Ministry official saying more details on the June event will be available after world leaders meet in The Hague this week.
A visit to Poland would come amid Russia’s occupation of the Crimea, and at a time that former Communist bloc countries feel more intensely threatened by Russia than at any time since the fall of the Soviet Union.
And the report also suggests that Obama might visit the capital of neighboring Ukraine, Kiev.
“It is said that the American president could also fly from Warsaw to Kiev and there to give a clear signal to Russia that the United States support the allies,” the RMF report continues.
A member of Poland’s majority Civic Platform party government confirmed the Obama visit in a radio interview Monday with RMF, though she said she did so “unofficially.”
Polish president Bronisław Komorowski first invited Obama to join the celebration of the June 4, 1989 elections while on a visit to the U.S. last year. Rumors that Obama had agreed to make the trip first surfaced in Polish media in February.
Should he make the trip, Obama would be the second top-ranking American to travel to the former Communist bloc since Russia invaded the Crimea. Vice President Biden visited Poland last week.
A White House spokesperson didn’t confirm or deny the Polish radio report.
“No travel to announce,” the spokesperson said..

Source: Buzzfeed.com

This article will cover it all. i am not able to link the full source due to this website's illogical restrictions. sorry.
America leadin' the way...
US forces take lead in NATO’s response to Ukraine crisis
April 24, 2014 — The U.S. is so far providing more resources to shoring up eastern European allies made nervous by a newly assertive Russia than other NATO members, again testing the alliance that has struggled throughout the war in Afghanistan.
On Wednesday, a company from the Vicenza-based 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team arrived at an air base in northwestern Poland, part of a commitment the U.S. announced Tuesday to send about 600 troops to Poland and the Baltics for training exercises. As a second company of some 150 U.S. paratroops left Italy Thursday it was clear that the U.S. has committed far more resources to bolstering NATO members in eastern Europe that border Russia than their closer allies in Western Europe. The paratroop company that flew out on Thursday headed to Latvia, the unit’s executive officer Maj. James Downing said, adding that by Monday two more companies will be on the ground in Lithuania and Estonia.

In addition to the troops, which are to train with Polish, Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian soldiers, the U.S. has also sent a dozen F-16 fighter jets and their crews, roughly 300 people, to Poland; six additional F-15 fighters with about 60 servicemembers and two KC-135 refueling tankers to Lithuania; and the frigate USS Taylor to the Black Sea. “The U.S. is the only country which is answering the problem,” said Witold Waszczykowski, a Polish diplomat and parliamentarian who previously served as the country’s foreign minister. He said the 600 U.S. paratroops sent from Vicenza to Poland and the Baltics was the result of bilateral decisions between the U.S. and those countries. “It was not a NATO decision,” he said. “I would expect NATO would soon explain its position. We hope they join with the U.S.”

NATO is currently deploying a flotilla in the Baltic Sea consisting of the Norwegian flagship, the HNoMS Valkyrien, and four minehunters from the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Estonia. Its AWACS reconnaissance planes have been flying regular surveillance flights along Ukraine’s borders to monitor the crisis in that country. Meanwhile, several member nations have offered additional aircraft to boost NATO’s Baltic air policing mission, in which warplanes from alliance nations take turns patrolling the skies over the three Baltic states that have no fighters of their own. Polish air force MiG-29s are due to take over from the Americans in June. Plans call for them to be joined by Danish F-16s. This rotation will be followed by Portuguese F-16s in September. Germany and Britain also have proposed sending Eurofighter Typhoon air superiority jets to reinforce the patrols, as has France with its Dassault Rafales.

That the U.S. sent assets into the region ahead of other NATO countries wasn’t surprising, said Nick Witney, a former head of the European Defense Agency. “America always takes the lead in NATO, that’s the nature of the beast. The whole psychology of the alliance is to look to the Americans in any crisis like this, and then to fall in behind Washington.” NATO’s European members still depend on the U.S. security guarantees, even though Russia is militarily weaker than the Europeans, he said. “The conventional threat that Russia poses to Europe nowadays isn’t particularly alarming,”said Witney, now a senior fellow at the European Council of Foreign Relations. But Russia remains a nuclear threat. “That’s America’s final guarantee, the nuclear guarantee,” he said.

So....Russia will take it in May.

Obama told the terrorists we were leaving Iraq on a specific date then they took over once we left....
So....Russia will take it in May.

Obama told the terrorists we were leaving Iraq on a specific date then they took over once we left....

could be...

Obama doesn't give a damn about Poland....he's insulted them time and again...so this has to be for his own self-interested purposes....

maybe Obama is trying to ramp up the conflict to affect this year's elections.....arriving to celebrate Poland's 25th anniversary of freedom and make a big speech.....then retreat later...
obama pays very little attention to world events. Unless it concerns him directly he could not care less.

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